My mother taught me that way
She always takes it to the point where you have to denounce your Gods, you can’t just become a Christian and leave it at that, because you have to denounce them by name “or else you go to Hell”
Kind of like this…? Just as an example.
Although in this one Lilith isn’t mentioned.
Did I? It’s a good example of what you said above, no?
You expressly said it wasn’t you when you asked for it to be deleted. Of course since its not your account you can’t randomly ask for other people’s stuff to be deleted. The fact that you both talk exactly the same way with the same posting style about the exact same topics and come from the same place has nothing to do with it
Back on topic, did you do a denouncing of Lilith as well?
I think I did
I must never again surrender to the Christian god
Well, let’s go with this interpretation and just move on.
Assume lilith is smart enough to get it, run a nice ritual to honor her and call it even.
I’ll take your advice
I asked if King Abaddon would help me curse people again guess what card I got, guess!
That’s so weird that I got the salme card
Um! Why am I getting this notification again as if you just replied with this message
@IncendiumMaledictus I have no idea my dear lol.
She’s still mad at me by the way
I wish I had my Fucking Astral Senses open This would be so much easier
Then how do you know she’s mad at you?
The Tarot cards indicate it,
They’re kinda negative
When I ask positive question like “does she forgive me?” I end up pulling negative cards
Are the readings with other questions not related to Lilith also negative? If so, it’s possible your cards are contaminated and need to be cleansed.
Like any tool, dirty energy can build up on tarot cards and effect the readings so the deck should be cleansed periodically to prevent any interference.
No They’re positive when I ask about other spirits
Regardless they’re probably due for anothrr cleansing
I generally smudge with Palo Santo to cleanse Items
@IncendiumMaledictus Also Lilith Is More Of A Show Me Your Sorry Rather Than Say You’re Sorry Deity. So I’d Start With That. Do Your Research & Show Her Your Serious About Putting The Work In To Regain Her Favour.
Just A Thought.
If you ask tarot an emotionally charged question or a question that you have fears relating to, chances are your unconscious emotions will influence the reading, especially if you do repeated draws on the same question.
The best way to get past this is not to press the issue and repeatedly do reads on it but instead find a way to make it up to her in some way, offering to meditate daily to her enn for 10 days should work as it shows your dedication and sincerity, just an idea.
Thank you