How Sargatanas made women be obsessed with me

Question and I apologize if it’s stupid but when watching the video what exactly should I chant?

odd: I have been smoking mugwort all day, but lying in bed, I am contemplating evoking sargatanas, and told him, I am blocked on myside, but willing to work on myself, asked if he would like to be friends, and my mentor, when I am presented with the image of a headless woman, as in her body is mine because I don’t have to worry about her brain? She is small, thin, her hands are at her sides, with a red outfit, and black belt around her waist.

Seriously meditate

Gonna try him today. Any tips?

I’m trying to summon Sargatanas, but the YouTube video with enn sounds like: “in-a-boo-coo hairs extensa seth-get-the-nouse”


Just say the enn yourself

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Have you tried this?

Thank you.

I did candle petition to ask if I could Summon him.

Nope. Can’t even remeber what I posted here tbh.

Hey @zirenaiad , I am new member to this forum and haven’t received pm permissions yet, it would be very nice of u if u would send me a pm for my help.

Can you pls dm me so I can ask you more questions? Thank you very much for this post

So I read through this whole topic and several others and I seem to see the same things over and over. Some member posts what spell/work they did, they answer a ton of questions, then they get others asking to pm them about something that was answered several times already. I don’t read people’s minds (yet :rofl: ) but I wholeheartedly believe the following: If you buy a spell book, a book about Magick in general etc. I am certain you wouldn’t contact the author and ask him/her to clarify things to you in a personal email/message etc.

Just my 2 cents

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We are here to help and assist each other with guidance.

Some of us may need help in cognitive comprehension. Some of us may need feed back.

We all have different needs and we all have different abilities that may be stronger that others.

That’s what this forum is all about, to help elevate each other in reaching there full potential.

I hope to see you rise as a star amongst the rest of the brothers and sisters .


Excuse me , but which ‘spell’ exactly did you use?

Hi, has anyone had more experienced with Sargatanas since the original post was written…I’m looking to start to work with him by just opening up his sigil…I have plenty of time of my hands at the moment and could do with finding a nice lady to have done fun with.

Sounds to me like I have another infernal ally to look into and broaden my horizons. It could prove to be some interesting results if he can come through on the level that is mentioned in this post.

I know this isn’t a reply to me, but I’d love to know about both. The sex and other things, if you don’t mind sharing.

Hey, regarding remore seduction, could you PM me and tell me more about it? Thanks :slight_smile:

Thank you. I have invoked this demon and I have felt his presence and his instruction. A powerful one indeed.
Dark Love

Just putting this here for @Lady_Eva

Quite the feat to evoke a spirit before one has even begun studying.