How powerful are demons?

If a very very evil demon woke day up and choose chaos how much damage could it do
I know a lot possession things but is that the work of demons or the church claiming it’s caused by demons and is a demon with enough power able to show it self physically?

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It’s not something people can quantify.


Eh, yes and no. “Demons” is a really vague term for everything for ghosts to fae/djinn to lesser astral entities to other peoples gods and egregores.

In my opinion higher beings such as many in the Goetia don’t posses or override free will unless given permission by a human mage that asked them to - the human overrides free will but they’re not allowed to do that unilaterally.
All possessions are ghosts and astral entities, either the non-verbal kinds (that can only growl and mess about) or the verbal parasites that make promises and lie.

No. The ones that want to can’t and that’s why the parasitize and possess humans, and the ones that could don’t, but sort of do we don’t get to see that often, but you’ll see it in folklore, ET abductions, and other cryptid stories.

I think think this is a thing to be honest. The most evil thing in existence at the moment, is humans. #notallhumans
And I don’t buy it that they were driven by demons, that’s fake and a failure to take personal responsibility, possible a hook to scare people into letting religions control them.

So there’s your baseline - what can the worst of humanity do? - look up the Red T*rror, Pol Pat, The Japanese Unit 731, what Fauci did to the beagles, what’s happening right now to the Boers in South Africa - there’s your evil in giant gobbits for you. No demons is ever going to have a patch on us. The absolute, nastiest thing in the universe, is a naive, sacred and angry human.


So I was talking to this occult author, right? He was working on a grimoire when suddenly one of the Djinn showed up at his place. apparently he was pissed off and went wild, leaving these huge scratches on the wall, The author told me it was like a bear came along and made scratches. The landlord freaked out over it and wanted him to leave the property. I know this author he is not somebody that makes shit up, or try to come up with juicy story to sell his content.

And for you question about physical manifestation, the same author detailed how to make a pact with Djinn in a Arabic magickal context. So you isolate yourself from human society, you go into nature away from the city. You need to go to a cave, there you recite quran surrahs and use conjurations to call the Djinn. While fasting ect… you will do that for days, eventually the Djinn will show up and will give you something, maybe a number that you need to write down on a paper and he will come to you, maybe he gives a stone or other object. So if a spirits gives you a physical object, and yeah that pretty darn physical to me. Also, it is known that spirits can manipulate the physical world, this also called poltergeist phenomena. I have experienced it myself when a spirit moved a object, while I was currently thinking and wondering how long I needed to continue to calling the entity.

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We are actually friends, he writes books and got other material on this site, one of which was a magickal cloth ($150) I asked him, if it would be possible for me to take the digital image of the cloth and send it to a printing company, and let them print it instead of paying him the full amount. Because that would make it a lot cheaper for me.

He said that was ok, I then asked him how much he charged for the pdf that came along with the original item. He gave it to me for free. Mind you, I do not know this person in real life, as we became friends after I purchased his content. So no, he has no skin in the game, when he told me about the angry Djinn.

Honestly not much against the Archangels, or the Indian deities. These qliphothic infernal spirits are just that, spirits. They have legions, but they are finite. There are bigger forces out there than them.

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Kindly expound

i don’t think there is truly such a thing as who is more or less powerful when it comes to spirits , i think it’s different for everyone


Guy on utube said, he evoked Lucifer and later Hekate entered the room and completely banished Lucifer. He said that Hekate is much stronger.

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again , it could also work the other way around for someone else . i … i think that the spirit that the magician needs the most takes over


Dk said angels are more powerful then goetic demons, arch angels can swipe the floor with demons, is what he said. I will try to search it for you

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Such questions are arbitrary, and only your own experience can tell. What one demon may be able to cause doesn’t necessarily mean others will too. Also, one demon could move mountains and crack the earth, but the same demon, when called by others, might insist that he can’t do it. This is why you will never have a straightforward answer to such questions


this is actually so sad

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I think that swept the floor is a really strong sentence. More like they can tell them to wash the floor lol. I think Universe works in a “hierarchy” system so Higher Beings have command of those of less hierarchy, but not necessarily means that they’re stronger. There’s for example in Kingdoms of Flame where there are Devils (Demons) that have higher hierarchy than the Angels, because they control the currents of that realm.

In the minds of most orthodox, linear-thinking people, it is far easier to accept that an angel had somehow been given authority by a Godform or by the Divine Itself to compel Demons to do its bidding than to believe that a Demon had enslaved a holy Angel and had been forcing it to comply all along! Unfortunately, such a belief is shattered when it is seen that of the ten Squares given, only two are ruled by Grand Angels, one by a Grand Spirit and the remaining seven dominated by Grand Demons.
The confusion is only compounded when one actually begins to evoke these Angels and realizes how willingly and graciously they go about the tasks given them.


^This man knows stuff, good call. I take my words back. thanks :snake: :dragon:


Demons wouldn’t choose chaos because they don’t exist in our realm and frame of existence. It’s beyond their capabilities. Many beings are chaotic in nature but that doesn’t mean they needlessly want to cause chaos elsewhere. Also the earth and our existence is protected by beings magnitudes higher who would put a stop to that quick.

If they wanted to cause chaos on our realm for some reason they’d need to incarnate here and on incarnation they would likely not even remember the goal. And without incarnation, most of the time they would not have a physical form, a single being or even a group of beings without form can’t beat humans who are both physical and spiritual (although it may work on a smaller individual scale).

The most powerful way they could achieve this has already been done, which is by controlling humans. Without humans able to back their goal, it wouldn’t work on a wider scale. Just look at the history of the abrahamic god and how his spread was for a successful example.


Archangels are of a higher order and are among the most powerful beings around. There are other classes of angels, though, that are not as powerful.


Would you say that they are stronger, equal, or weaker than gods (Greek, Hindu pantheons, etc…)

Or would that be a dick contest?

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In many respects, they’re more powerful. However, there is some historical evidence to suggest that angels as we know them might actually have been the lesser gods, or even deified humans, from an older pantheon that were absorbed into the emerging Judaic religion by the Semitic peoples. Their primary function as “messengers of God” seems to point to this as it is a common motif among many cultures for the main deity to use human rulers and/or other beings to deliver its dictums.


Exactly. Even in Afro diasporic religions the Orishas and Lwa are also called “angels” by some people, because their task is to take our requests and send it to the Source/Olorum. Even some Greek gods like Hecate have the epithet of “Mother of Angels”. Very interesting that in the Enochian system also open the interpretation that the Angels are really forces of nature and can bring healing but also sickness and destruction.