How powerful are demons?

Do you got any intel on the word Vovin?

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No :pensive:


As in Vovin’s Freeze Spell? Vovin was an Internet user at the forum, which seems to not exist any more.

This post included an archived link though:


I recently was considering becoming one.


Thanks for trying to provide input, but no Mulberry, I’m talking about Vovin enocian language. You know… from the book Draconian Ritual Book, what you wrote has been a bit of a fad years ago. I believe you also wrote “Draconian magick” is just working with spirits, like you literally used quotations, I guess you are not impressed :rofl:

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Don’t sleep on the cloth 105x105cm the bigger the surface the greater amount of energy while come through the symbol. Entity told me to make it and send it to ya, and ask you how to properly work with this symbol.

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Ah I see. :smiley: My guess would be that’s where the user Vovin was inspired to take his username from.

The Freeze spell? It works great and I added it to my go-to toolbox. I didn’t know some places considered it a “fad”, I keep what works and don’t worry about the rest.

I don’t remember that, to be honest. I have done some Draconian current workings and they were successful, or at least interesting, I have nothing against it. It all works with the same entities and this “draconian” overlay feels very cosmetic and artistic - very pretty, but not practically that useful.

They’re not dragons anyway, imo, and the while the concept of the dragon as a symbol of energy connectivity works in Chinese magick, for me - and for these entities - it was extra steps for no benefit, so I cut it out for efficiency.

I do not practice Enochian magick so I can’t speak to that.

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:upside_down_face: I’m referring to Asenath’s book

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I hear ya and feel the same about it, I’m only interested in the current because of the connection it has with kundalini and by working with this current accessing it. Granted there are also other ways of accessing this powerufl energy.

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Draconian magick was a fad? Maybe. I’ve noticed that it’s the way of new occult books that they’re popular on release, but then many get swept aside by the next new shiny thing. You’ll see a bunch of posts about the new book and then it goes quiet with only occasional mentions.

I wouldn’t say that was any fault of the books themselves, of course, it seems to be an artifact of the huge choice selection and constantly changing book market we get these days.