How King Paimon Can Help You- An Evocation Guide

Wearing his sigil does give you results as far as I know. But you can also carry his sigil in your soul as far as I know. It’s an act that you’re loyal.

Remember that King Paimon can be cruel to our enemies if he needs to. That being said, he’s the most gentle spirit I know and I’m really proud to know him.


Always good to read about King Paimon.


Hi, I bought a chocolate liqueur for King Paimon, but it’s not Godiva because I did not find this one where I live, do you think he cares, is he going to like the other one?


It doesn’t matter. He sees offerings as an act of respect, not as something you must do to summon him. I believe he’ll be thankful that you did it for him.


Cool, I have a good feeling for him.

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Today I received a beautiful sigil pendant of beloved King Paimon. The artist had the option of getting the reverse side engraved, so I had him put King Paimon’s Enn. This pendant really has a nice energy to it. It’s charging on some black Kyanite I have for now.


It’s your intention and the fact that you tried to get the best of the best.


I should also buy one. I’ve been thinking about it for sometime now.


you really should Manos… King Paimon helps me immensely in my career, which is very challenging…His influence and diplomacy is invaluable. Today wearing His sigil, with His enn inscribed on the back, wow, I felt so connected with Him all day. And it’s wild—things will just fall into place for you too Manos.
I went to a Chinese take out for lunch today and my fortune cookie said lol “You will have an unexpected visitor who will bring you good blessings” and my first thought was, I hope the visitor is King Paimon!


I work with king Paimon for many lifetimes, so we know each other very well. And we also have a certain connection too.

King Paimon offered me much, while asked me to do no offering to him. Until two months ago, I didn’t know why, though the truth is that I just couldn’t remember.

Well anyway, that’s another story I guess. I just thought that using one would be nice! I made a post yesterday for that matter. Would you mind checking it out?


sure, where is it?

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that’s good…I had sunstone put in one of the King Paimon pendants that I have. You can also cleanse it by placing it on Selenite or black Kyanite, two stones that never need to be cleansed and they cleanse other stones.


I’m afraid that I don’t have any stones or crystals for cleansing. Though I’ll see what I can do. I need to buy it first XD.

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I’ve been working with king paimon (and Duke sallos) for a while now… And this happened yesterday… My alter burned down in a small house fire. Both sigils and other items.
I’d hate to think my relationship with the King has been destroyed. Or why this happened. Does anyone in this thread have advice? I’m at my. Wits end.

In my experience, the King seems to be very understanding. Just let him know what happened, and that it wasn’t done on purpose. Be honest!
Best of luck to you, losing something of that level of importance must be devastating.


First of all, I’m sorry for what happened. Also, I don’t think he would be angry about that. Just tell him what happened (even though I belive he already knows) and everything will work out.

You shouldn’t worry, because he wouldn’t get angry about something that you couldn’t really control.


Can you direct to this artist that did this for you

The artist is on Etsy just search under King Paimon and her jewelry will come up.


What’s etsy