How effective (and dangerous) are servitors?

Hello everyone.

I am reading about servitors, and this subject seems to me of great interest. I am just learning something, so, I want to send some questions.

  • How effective are servitors for material issues, like money?

-I understand that you have to feed the servitor, and think about him frequently but if you forget to do it, servitor could be dangerous after certain time. Is this so?

  • Is that the only danger linked to servitors?


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They are as effective as you make them.

Unlikely. The horror stories of servitors running amok are mostly fairy tales. With that being said, however, construct servitors can develop survival instincts that may lead to them obtaining sustenance from sources other than what they are programmed to if they are allowed to evolve beyond their programming.


And how can safely be prevented the servitor evolves beyond their limits?

By the way, Could you all , readers, post your experiences with servitors?

Thank you

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Well, one way is putting in a kill switch when they are created.


So, you always have to kill them just when theis task is finished?

But then, what happens if you create one for wealth and money? it is supposed that such task would be for ever…?

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No. A kill switch is simply a fail safe in case the servitor gets out of hand.

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Servitors aren’t usually dangerous, construct servitors and thoughtform servitors are both made to do what you command them and both can be “installed” with a kill-switch if need be. Thoughtform servitors can devolve into parasites if given too much free reign and lack of attention, construct servitors don’t need attention and just a programmed power source that basically programs them to feed from a specific source of energy.

They dont literally ‘feed’ it’s more like you’re charging your phone.


is there any good reliable online guide for learning step by step to construct a servitor, ,perhaps here on this website, or if not, on youtube?

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Servitor are as powerful as their creator . How powerful can a servitor be created by someone like qayos ?

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There are plenty books . Starting with Damon brand . There are numerous videos that will tell you what servitor is , how u can create it and use it on YouTube too .


Compared to other magick techniques, in practice, do servitors generally provide good results?
have you had experiences?

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Powerful is a term I don’t really view the same was people use it on here, a servitor is as capable as the one that creates it, however, more in a present potential sense, everything else is what they can learn if ordered to.

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Would really like to know you definition of “power”.

do you have experience in servitors?

So, a sevitor can not be more capable or powerful than his creator? if this is so, I suppose a servitor only will effectively work if created by very capable and powerful people,while if common people creates one, this servitor won´t be a much help?

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I mean I wouldn’t be speaking about them if I didn’t.


yea sorry

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A servitor can grow beyond it’s creator’s potential (I don’t believe everyone has the same potential) but the creator will always have power over it. Also, the thing with that is a servitor will always take time to do it’s job assigned to it. Doesn’t matter who creates it. If it’s created by someone with 20 years and someone with 5 years they both would take time to do the job, but the creation process may differ.

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i dont think so, it would take the servitor to form its own will, and loads of time for it to become more powerful, though i dont even think its possible, as the Will of a human imo is always more powerful than a thoughtform, especially one created by said human imo

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Is there a way to cut the learning curve of the servitor so that it’s effective ASAP?