How do you (and I mean you) use kamea squares to create sigils?

I’ve been trying to figure this out forever. From what I’ve been told, you write a desire, attach a number to each letter in a word, add all the word numbers together, and then connect the numbers on the square. I even made kamea squares on Google draw for this purchase. And the method makes since until you’re dealing with the small squares like mars or Saturn, where you don’t have big numbers.

For example, what if my request has the word Aggressive in it? Aggressive has a value of 49 in this method, which doesn’t exist on the square of Mars. So, how do you use these?

I personally use the kamea to create sigils for the spirits i’m calling. To do this, i have to use numerology to find the corresponding numbers for the spirit’s name, and sometimes that takes time. I also add Denning & Phillips’ hoc presigilla to the sigil to customize it to the energies of that kamea’s planet.

If this is too complicated to understand, just use the just use the Rosicrucian Lamen to create your sigils…

Then add the hoc presigilla to the start and end of the sigil lines to align the sigils with element, zodiac, or planetary energies. It makes sigilization a lot easier than making them with kamea.

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Add a large number into one 11=1+1=2 , 22= 4 , 49 = 4

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What numerological tradition do you use, Magi, Jews?

I don’t know!

It was a question , not to you , but to him

you can still use these methods in links :

That part.

Also, for numbers larger than 100, remove the 0s until it fits. 100 = 1 (alpha/aleph) or 10 (iota/yod). Etc.

Another thing. For example, in a Hebrew kamea, if i see a number such as 34, i use that as a double letter. In Hebrew, 31 is El, so instead of drawing to 30 and then 1, i just connect it there at 31. I generally take note when i see for example a letter valued at 20 and the next one valued at 6, that lets me know i can use 26 as one point that covers both letters. Makes for a more efficiently drawn sigil.

Whatever number system works with the alphabet behind the spirit’s name. So a Hebrew spirit uses Hebrew numerology, Greek one the Greek, Enochian one the Enochian, etc. That can get complicated sometimes, but i do what i can.

Paracelsus wrote the book on planetary kamea. I mentioned it in another thread; it’s a good read on the subject.

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