No problem.
Keeping things simple here, give the letters in the English alphabet a number so A is 1, B is 2…Z is 26. So on.
You take your Sentence of Desire and you interpret it into another language. You could attribute a different language for each of the twelve months according to what month you’re in.
Ok so you take your foreign Sentence of Desire but find a way to jumble those letters up. Lets say you attribute the number 2 to January and 4 to February and 6 to March, 8 to April and back to 2 for May, 4 for June so on.
Lets say its January, the number 2 means you move all the letters up to the 2 letters in front of it so eg D will now become an F in your sentence. So on.
Am I autistic yet?
You with me?