How to enhance potency for sigils by tricking your censor even further...apparenty

I’m with you. I already do this with sigils using Kameas (Number Squares) and the Numerology Systems of the Pythagorean and Chaldean systems. Shifting to another language? I do that too!

Free Numerology Calculator

I use Latin, Spanish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew and yes, even Finnish. The Google Translate app is great for this!

I use mystical languages like Enochian. And, the “traditional” magick fonts like Theban, Passing of the River script, Alphabet of the Magi and others.

John Dee was the Queen’s mathematician and spy. He and Edward Kelley, a psychic medium, invented Enochian!

The idea of shifting the letters over frequently like some sort of mystical Engima machine?

I like that. I’ve played with simple substitution ciphers since I was a little kid. This really does take things to another level!

Some links:

Gematria Calculator

Kameoth of the Planets Ancient and Modern

Sigil Generator

Sigilscribe | Make your life magickal

Simple Substitution Cipher | Practical Cryptography

The Enigma Machine Simulator

Zodiac Killer Cipher Generator