How do I Summon a Demon Without Sigil Gazing?

I want to try an alternative method. Thank you.

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While sigil gazing is a tried and true method, others have summoned demons purely with intention.

If you have an item associated with a demon you can use that to summon them. I vaguely remember someone on here that had a cat which was considered a gift from a demon and used the cat to summon them.

I have also worked with Belial in the astral.

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Yes 100% I have summoned Vepar and have him possess me just by wearing his sigil (was not even my goal). Sometimes just saying their name once is enough also.


By simply holding the thought of their name in your mind.

This process should be feel effortless yet aslo wdpandi d because this is a matter of concentration.

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do this How to Power Sense: For those who say they have no skill/How to Sense Another Persons Energy is a good way to go about just talking to any Spirit.

oh wow, thats sounds pretty cool, is there any way I can reach out to you?

You can send me a PM but in short you build a temple in the astral. I believe there are tutorials online here on how to do so. I keep my temple simple as it’s hard to hold complex ideas in the astral at least for me. Therefore I keep the things astral simple

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I unfortunately am not able to actually, can you please send me a PM?


You can get pretty far with clear intent and strong vibrational chants alone.

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You can use Enns, they are like mantras, chants you repeat to summon an entity or you can use a pathworking. I have some experience with Goetia Pathworking by Corwin Hargrove.

Summoning and evoking have been around long before the concept of sigils at all, what I recommend is still “scrying” allowing yourself to enter that trance state that ensues from it. Simultaneously fixate your scrying gaze to either a medium interface such as “scrying mirror” or “crystal ball” for example.

One can enter into total darkness and do this, or simply fixate your scrying gaze into the air, hold your vision in one spot as if there is some imaginary dot floating there before you. As you get deeper and deeper, start reciting incantations, chants or enns associated with the spirit you have chosen. A very nifty trick for this is to create a vocal/verbal rhythm to the recitation and maintain the rhythm as you constantly repeat this.

If you then focus on the spiritual energies around and within you, begin moving them to the exact same motion and rhythm of the chant. As you do this physical movement is something I highly recommend, rocking back and forth, around and round, side to side, you name it, as long as it matches the exact same rhythm.

In this moment you are throwing your energies movement, the recitation and the physical movement into the same rhythm, ride this rhythm as if it were an unseen wave carrying you deeper into the current and quintessence of the entity of your choosing. Doing this will establish an extremely deep connection to you and the spirit, as you hold your scrying gaze fixated on the singular point throughout the whole duration.

You may begin to see outlines, flashes, internal and even external manifestations of the spirit before you, this also depends on three particular factors.

  1. Your experience in seeing spirits
  2. How deep into the trance you are
  3. Are you using a manifestation base or not

A few other useful tricks too are what you do before the summoning, things of a prepatory nature. For the classic Gatekeeper pentagram opening, turning to each cardinal direction creating the astral pentagrams at each cardinal direction. Stabbing the centre vibrating the name of the corresponding Gatekeeper, returning to your original space and stating something along the lines of.

“Earth, air, fire, water,
To the east, south, north and west,
Arise dark brothers and come now,
Azazel the ebon satyr, Amaymon dark lord,
Belial the wicked one, Abaddon the destroyer.
Hold a space of protection around me and
This circle, hold a space of power over me
And this circle, empower this rite to ensure
The success of this sacred operation,
Stand guard and ensure only the entity of my
Choosing manifests before me, safeguarding me
Against trickery, deception and mischief,
I thank you, Hail onto thee”

Announcing such a thing not only brings protection and power to the whole summoning, it acts as a fail safe against potential imposters. Another recommendation is impregnating the sphere you’re working in, for example spatial impregnation is a magickal process of imbuing or charging a space with a consecrated energy resonating to the forces or intentions of your ritual.

If you summon Sorath one would charge the environment with solar energy, this would terraform the spiritual integrity of the space as well as align yourself to the resonating frequency of the spirit, creating a more productive and overall benefiting internal and external environment for the entities manifestation. This can be done with elements, planetary spheres or even specific Qlipha’s and Sephira’s. I’ve seen this one simple act take the evocation process to a whole other level.

Another vital aspect is internal work beforehand, this will ensure that before even calling the spirit, you are synchronised. As if they are lurking in the shadows of the temple awaiting your permission to step through, this also enhances one’s connection to said spirit, which has a whole plethora of benefits like quicker connection, less energy expenditure, quicker and smoother communication just to name a few. A simple invocation of the spirit beforehand goes a long way, this method below is a universal method which is great because you can then use it with any entity of your choosing.

Of course follow normal procedure’s too, for example banishing, cleansing’s, energy raising and so forth. Adapt this however you see fit.


Simple. Call your in-laws. :skull::skull::skull:

Kidding aside, you can make use of a manifestation base like incense smoke or a scrying mirror/bowl. Chant the enn, hymn, or even an evoking incantation you wrote yourself while gazing upon your manifestation base of choice.

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I have another question also. I summoned Paimon the other day and made a request. Then asked him what he wanted in return. The thoughts “Your heart, your love” popped up in my mind. This didn’t seem that concerning at first, however, is that a normal thing to ask for in return for granting a request/help with a desire? It sort of makes me uncomfortable now because loving someone and giving someone your heart seems so permanent and like such a committment and so consuming. I’m afraid that maybe he’ll turn on me. Thoughts?

I read in another thread that love energy is a very easy, quick, and clean offering to a lot of entities, at least according to @Mulberry.


He may have been asking for you to use the feeling of love to generate the energy, not to be in love with him. It’s for that moment only, to “flavour” the energy, if you will. But qi flows the smoothest and best when it’s using the energy of love.

Like, you look at a flower and go “oh I love that!”. Doesn’t mean you pine for the flower after it dies. There’s love and then there’s love.

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Hi, I wanted to ask is banishing neccesary for a demon you’ve summoned? I tell the entity to come to me through my mind and once they come i state my request. After I am done, I say thank you for your time and say that’s all I wanted to tell you. They usually leave but sometimes they come back to watch me or something.

Banishing should be apart of your standard routine anyway, the way I look at it and often explain it is like this. Banishing and cleansing is like the spiritual equivalent of essentially mundane cleanliness and tidiness.

No matter the ritual, exercise or operation I am conducting in my temple or space, I will finish up with a cleansing and banishing. It’s just a good rule of thumb, would you wait until you’ve done something such as physical exercise or sexual intercourse just to take a shower. No of course not, would you only brush your teeth if you drink or eat something that stained your teeth, of course not.

In terms of banishing specifically, I made this TikTok video below if you want to check it out, which goes into more detail.


Hello! I PMed you. I hope you got my message.

Yeah I also banish after summoning rituals. That indirectly also includes the entity I summoned if they are still lingering. Except for Qliphothic rituals. I intend to have that doorway to stay open as long as it will to get all the influence it can give.

I saw some post and also heard the standpoint on other platforms that it would be like inviting someone over, asking then to do a favor for you and kicking them out once the favor is done… But that is exactly what I do in social settings as well. Maybe not as soon as the help is received, but certainly if I’ve shown my gratitude and it’s time to get on with my own thing and especialy if they’ve kinda outstayed their welcome. My house, my domain, my boundaries ^^

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