How do I make astral travel happen?

I’m so frustrated that it hasn’t… 1000s of meditations, I use Wim hof, I’ve tried smoking weed - wim hof - and meditating, subliminals, spells

And it’s like probably a few years of attempting frequently

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achieve lucid dreaming, then will yourself to wake up in sleep paralysis and attempt an exiting method ( i used the rope method) and in less then a min you will be out, that is how i did it the first few times. and to strech before attempting and relax, also get into a trance

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and i mean deep relaxation to get into the trance

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Thanks I do trance quite well and a few lucid dreams but not completely in control… as in I’ve woken up in my dream and realised that I’m dreaming but not been able to affect it before waking up

To do astral trips when awake you should have a good visualization. Do exercises and practice, try to open your third eye if you haven’t yet.


I have opened it… however it was closed by a stupid pastor many years ago and never quite reached back to how open I felt prior to that

The third eye is never closed, astral projection can be achieved multiple ways, due to it being the plane of thought/collective unconscious you can go there from lucid dreaming, sometimes we slip there from time to time while asleep, which is not bad, not good either, you’re still in a way dreaming.

The other is through the use of physical oobe, you have an out of body experience starting with your feet or hands, trying to move them without actually moving your physical limbs, this causes you to move your energy body’s limbs, doing such until you’re fully out, then you can use that moment to shift your focus to the astral plane, simply that.

Once you’re there you can start to work on your clairs, because working on them outside of projection tunes them to here, working on them in the astral tunes them to the astral, same with the etheric/spiritual plane.


Maybe closed is the wrong word… I had an excorcism basically (when in religion) and felt like I was blinded from one of my senses after… it never felt good

At the time I didn’t even know what a third eye was… but his words were “close shut her third eye” and remember him having his hand on my forehead

And yeah I just felt like I’d lost something

Bit like going deaf and then regaining some hearing or something

Like most things having to do with consciousness it’s more to do with “finding it” than it is anything else. It’s a “place” you can go mentally.

Just like singing. You have to “find” your whistle register in order to do it.

You can’t really force it to be discovered either, like most results you have to turn a corner and there it is.

Once you’ve been there it’s finding your way back and knowing the path to it again. You’ll get it. It’s close to a lucid dream. Think about that space compared to “where” you’ve tried it from


Thanks - I sometimes wonder if I’m expecting something so earth shattering it’s not what it is… I mean I can easily feel like I’m floating but not like I’ve truly left my body and I’m in another dimension, I can even visualise looking at my body but I still know I’m just visualising it not truly experiencing it and people tend to say once you’re in the astral - you’ll know as it’s more real than this world

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I think that means your energy body is leaving your physical body, but your consciousness is not leaving with it.

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One thing that is mentioned on the forum that could help with this is work on binding and solidifying your consciousness to your energy body so that you live both in your energy body and physical body at the same time. Thus using your energy body will be much easier.

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Hmm that’s an intriguing thought and yes I’ll definitely try that! Thank you!

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Kinda like reincarnation… obviously I have no idea, I’ve never died… but I always assume when we die we retain our memories and go somewhere for a while until our higher selves decide we should come back somewhere to learn something and at that point we are thrown into another dimension be it this planet or another and wiped of memory to force us to experience whatever it is we’ve agreed we need to learn or do


Who knows?
But this can still help you with astral projection.


Oh just saw the title was suicide and reincarnate - yeah I’ll try the staying alive and binding option :joy:

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Yeah I’ve always struggled too. Like I achieve it but I can never blink my Eyes, because I get sent back to my body if I try that


You could summon a deity to help you with this. Many demons are said to help with Astral stuff

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