How do I figure out what attachment I have?

I thought I had a parasitic attachment but I’m not too sure it is a parasite. It growled at me when I started falling asleep to Psalm recordings and it leaves when I banish and protect myself. I even enforced my wards more than once in the past week. It just keeps coming.

I called the archangel Raziel to assist me in getting rid of such attachment, but I ended up heading to take a shower and heard screaming. I live alone and it was midnight, so I don’t know what exactly happened for that split second. But after that, my place felt clear until I went to bed and I felt about two other things come forward.

They don’t have a face, they are purely dark figures. Like shadows that are separate from me. I know how I got them astrally. I remember the moment they creeped in. I was calling on Seere and I accidentally forgot about protections. But Seere didn’t come forward that day, something gross did. It comes to my dreams in different forms, but acts rather s3xual. I’ve rejected their advances and told them off. But to no avail. What to do here? I thought it was Belial being a jackass, but it’s not, it’s something that has fooled me into thinking it was another deity.

How do I get rid of something that I don’t quite understand what it is?

One more thing, it likes fooling around with my hair and back. And it’s more active when I am sleeping.

It doesn’t really matter what it is, the same banishing and killing techniques work for any kind of astral wildlife that thing they want a free ride at your expense.

Personally I give things a chance these days and tell them to fuck off first, but they probably already got that message by now. The Raziel thing seemed to be working so might was well finish what you started that way. After that I don’t play nice, I attack with fire and attempt to kill them - they can save themselves if they run and don’t come back. The advantage of this is you get to be seen on the astral as a being that doesn’t brook interference so things stay away and you don’t have to cleanse or banish as much.

Can you explain a bit more about the fire thing? I remember you gave me an example about a year ago, but that must’ve not worked out or something.

It’s very hands-on so you would probably remember if you tried it. You basically visualise the parasite burning up from within.

I mention it here, and in there there’s a link to the Core Shamanism Tutorial that goes into detail about this method of working with astral travel / shamaic journeying. Scroll down two posts for the rest and a link to a video that gives inspiration for what to visualise.

Yeah, unfortunately that didn’t work the many times I’ve tried it. Would you consider working with me in getting rid of such things? I’ve been calling Archangel Raziel for the past 72 hours and it seems like they are coming back madder and not budging.

Try this: first a kabbalistic cross, then LBRP, then LBRH, then rose cross ritual then close it off with kabbalistic cross.

If they still around try the star ruby ritual and try to banish around your whole house, you can also try to do the other chains of rituals I gave to banish around your house.

It’s hard to do rituals when you truly don’t believe that it’s logical or has any reasoning. I guess purpose and intent is important somehow.

So, do you find whatever is happening to you logical?

I also second doing the banishing

Good luck then…

Absolutely not, I’ve tried almost everything and I had to take three steps back because honestly this doesn’t seem logical. It just might be me stressed. Idk