It takes time.
You start with energy work
This begins in the physical and filters back into your astral body
Take care of your health/ exercise, so exercise, especially a thing that helps your mind-body connection : yoga, tai chi, qi gong that sort of movement based breathing connection is going to go a long way in building up your energy field
Mindfulness & breathing
Breathing and the energy field & visualisation, as you build this up, you will begin to get stronger. When you do this, you start to build a sphere of influence around you. Do this every night and ask for a sphere of light to protect you from prime creator or the source of the “most high”. “St Michael the archangel”. Flaming blue sword” ensures no entity can mess with you.
Take your magick seriously, don’t mess around if you are not ready.
Just start small.
Don’t jump into stupid stuff like demonic evocation or grimoire work if you haven’t done anything ever. If you want to start, slow down. Go slow. What is your actual reason for being here? If you haven’t opened the door yet… think about the reason you are even interested… what part of the “occult” is driving you?
Before jumping in make a list, read some books, but don’t do anything insane, the more brutal the practices the more likely it is that thing will only further be able to latch into your already “fragment” into your fragmented soul and latch on, to further hold into your fears, shadows, broken parts & pieces. There is a lot of shadow people, astral larvae, imposter / impure spirits, trickster spirits & things that are parasitical that will break a traumatic soul into further fragments. They seek your pain, feed off your pain, exploit that pain to amplify it further, then get kicks out of it being heightened & drive it to new highs. You won’t even KNOW It’s happening. Your life falls to pieces and you just blame it on mental health or trauma. But it’s astral nasties.
This is all fixable but it requires a continual daily commitment to banishing, energy work, physical mind-body connection, spiritual-metaphysical and ritual work likely for the rest of your life. It also requires you to do your deepest shadow work, confront your darkest trauma, probably work through the entire tree of life at some point, then if you go as far as I have the; the qlippoth. All the parts between. Daily devotion to all your spirits and their misterios. Eventual initiation. Tests , trials and tribulations from your spirits to ensure you are cut for the role of handling the role of priest or priestess.
Depending on the role of what path you walk, or what traditions you incorporate, it isn’t something that is easy, or something that is “the quick way to solve trauma”. As it means facing everything you went through, from childhood, even if you have no explicit memory, you remember it in sensations or somatic memory, and it’s often haunting because you are alone and nobody understands and there is no “magical informed therapy” .
So you become a “novel path paving modality” in your own way… because nobody has walked the path you walk, but h you have no choice but to keep going so maybe one day, you might be able to use all the bell you go through to put into practice to HELP those who have too suffered not just spiritual attack, psychic attack but the entire hell and horror that comes with surviving ritualistic child sexual abuse, evading it,but then overcoming it… not with Christian deliverance like 98% of other survivors do
But going down the path of the non OTO/.A.A ritual abuse survivor (that path just retraumatises you) and reintegrating while doing magick and using it as a tool for healing, and not backing out along the way.
So yeah, it’s possible. But it’s not easy.
There is a lot of ways to go. But they require dedication, they require constant coming back and trying again, because often if you are under this type of attack, then you need to be experimental and keep changing your methods and being creative as you have to change it up.
Every single day
Soul retrieval, qabbalah, going through every sphere, angels, demons, the lwa, the saints, the 21 commissions, your ancestors
A prayer might not work as well as goddess work if that is your thing
But then ancestor work is also more powerful for some things as ancestors are our frontline
Your natal chart helps
The energy centers and your energy work
Even therapy will be useful for self awareness at some stages
Dream recall and writing them down for a year minimal
And keeping a journal for your emotions, physical sensations, thoughts and rituals
But I can go on all day and give you tops but it all really depends on where you are at in your practice for it to be effective, or applicable
Like I said
It starts with you taking care of your mind body connection and then you build up your energy day by day as you build up a new habit
Then you go from there into an actual esoteric practice