How do egregores become tulpas?

Does it work via some kind of forward possession of a willing person or reverse possession of an unwilling person or does it work more like golems?

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There’s two uses of the word tulpa. One is common in the fluffier discords and just means thoughtform.
I will assume you mean the original meaning of physical being create by a mage.

It’s more like golems, only you put in a truly massive amount of energy to build it an energy body solid enough to be perceived in the physical, rather than animate an existing structure. If you make them right they help with that and sustain themselves. If you can manifest small objects out of thin air (created from ether not apported), you can make tulpas. It is animated by the thoughtform you created.

It has nothing to do with possession.

I am skeptical that tulpas can be implemented in this universe, especially with our weak power grid. It is like spawning in a Susanoo from Naruto.

I am going to look into forward and reverse possession techniques.