How can I make demons manifest to physical appearance?

That’s what I would call a VISUAL MANIFESTATION, because you SEE the spirit with your EYES, using the Clairvoyance ability. Any physical manifestation is within the Clairsentience ability, which is the ability to feel spirits and energies on a physical level. You don’t have to necessarily see the spirits in their physical manifestation, either. That’s how I see it, anyway.

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Brother I want to do thst

Um…no. She did absolutely no such thing when I evoked her.


There are methods in some of E.A.'s works that cover this. Generally, it’s about focusing energy and being aware. Incense smoke (a lot of it) and black mirrors are effective.


Did you see her with your physical eyes when you ‘evoked’ her?

I’m not an evoker. There are other Venus Spirits too when summoned, they come naked.

That’s my experience.

Not at all.

None is needed.

No tool is required… They just appear.

Why would that matter? If she always manifests naked like you claim, then it shouldn’t matter if I saw her with my physical eyes or not, she should still manifest that way. Of course, she doesn’t, but that doesn’t seem to matter to you.

You have a really bad habit of making blanket statements about things you admit you know nothing about, and that just don’t match up with the experiences of anyone else. In the case of Lilith, that amounts to contradicting the experiences of the thousands of people who have called upon her.

If you want to believe that you have knowledge that contradicts the basic principles of magick that have been codified over thousands of years, all the power to you. However, I’d be willing to bet you are using those same principles, whether you realize it or not.


I find it funny how u take things like this.

Well, it does. U are into evocation only.

I never use the word always, And I said that’s my experience.

Lol you are wrong. Yes, most things I say doesn’t match up with experience of others 'cuz we work differently. I always say I’m not an evoker and our path is different.

I have said it’s my experience, and I’m not the only one who has experienced this about Lilith for those who call her ‘physically’.

Lol I hear ya, but I have no such ‘believe’.

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And I find it absolutely hilarious that you feel the need to talk down to people and pretend to be an expert on the matter.


I never talk down to anyone, ah!

Here we go again.

I won’t check here anymore.

Case and point.

I’m all for people talking about how they go about doing things, but the way @luxfero was presenting his information felt as though he was being condescending to those who do not do or see things the way he does.


This is just the major reason I didn’t pay much attention to this forum. I have always been following @luxfero’s post and saw the replies he get. Well, what I get here is that because he doesn’t do what or do things everyone here does so he always appears different and y’all start talking, he is this he is that.

In truth I myself have called Lilith and she appeared so. Not totally naked, but half naked. I could see part of her body, bare breasted…So like he said, I don’t do evocation myself, we don’t. And it’s when he invited me here I read about senses, we were taught how to call spirits forth physically not sighting them via any sense but seeing them with the physical eye.

He invited me here saying he found a cool active forum, it’s this it’s that, ehh I was happy to join too but after checking around and seeing that what I know, what I’ve learnt, my experience is way differ from what I’m seeing here, I knew here is not for me. I just log in once in a while.

Talking about this Lilith, I want you to know that Lilith isn’t the one who come when you summon her but her servants. And the servant that will come to an evoker is different than the one that comes to my/our (that dude always say don’t speak for me) style of working. (Not what I can talk about on a forum like this).

You may feel like hating him or believe he talks down to everyone, or he is arrogant and proud, or whatever, but the Fero I know isn’t that. He may not be inline with your experience but he has his, and when he share his you, you give it some unnecessary attachment.



That’s just how you felt, it doesn’t mean that’s his impression.

Um, I hate to burst your lovely bubble, but I am not the only person who did not appreciate the way he spoke. That’s great you know what he is like outside of this forum, but we do not. So what we see is what we get and not everyone appreciates being spoken to in such a manner. One thing people seem to forget is that tone and inflection do not translate through text. It’s not difficult for misinterpretations to happen.

Now if he had not intended to upset anyone, I’ll apologize if he felt offended by my words. But in all honesty it was’t exactly like he was being very open to other peoples practices. Straight out telling people they do not need incense or to focus energy simply because he does not. Or telling people they were wrong because they believed one entity to have more than one name.


I usually just read and look away…but this one ahhh nooo. I have seen Lilith that way myself. I offered her solid food which she said it’s not her choice but because I made attempt to she would accept it. And she ate.

I’m yet to see such experience here, where it’s said that the spirit accepted and ate the offering given to him/her. So, as I shared this and people hasn’t been talking about it yet, it means it’s false?

Israel will never give offering or any sacrifice to any Spirit before so he doesn’t talk about it. But he has experienced it with me, he does stay with me at times when I operate. Some spirits will invite him to the table but he won’t move.

Knowledge is way too deep, and occult is deeper. He has said that’s his own experience, so let him be.

I saw that post. That user was saying to physically see the spirit incense is needed… But the method he is talking about doesn’t need incense, so, what’s wrong in saying so?

He never said anyone is wrong cuz they believe an entity has more than one name. But telling that guy not to go all ‘people say’, but find his own answer. That’s Luxfero.

I was surprised to see it too, Satan is Enki? What? Well, this is what they do here so I looked away.


Not at all, he meant to offend none. And your words doesn’t offend him. He laugh to almost everything.
(Ah he gon’ scold me, always saying, Gurl, don’t speak for me)

Hon, he straight up said

Now, I get what you’re saying about the way he talks, but a lot of people would take this the wrong way. Myself included obviously.

What method? I didn’t see him talking about his method, just simply saying

That doesn’t give people much to go off of.

And then to top it off he assumes to know the works others has done as exclusively being Evocation only. How could he possibly know?

Now please don’t take this in a hostile manner, I’m just pointing some things out. Maybe if he were to elucidate a bit more on what he’s talking about, it would lead to fewer misunderstandings. Just a suggestion.

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Yeah, he said it cuz, I, myself included, when Satan was asked if he is Lucifer, he said no but there is an entity with that name. If he is Enki, no was the answer again. Also asked if it was him who turned snake and went to Eve, and much more of what I have heard people talk about. But if I am Fero I won’t even say that here knowing full well that I will be criticised.

Yes, the conversation started with him and the OP. If he will talk about it, not on a thread, he will msg the OP.

Me too, isn’t that what’s all over here?

That’s true. But it’s not something he can just jumped into talking about.

I saw in a post where he talks about Occult law, that many just jumped into occultism by reading books then practice… Which is true. So just saying that ‘they just appeared’, and he didn’t go further, I understand that can be upsetting but he really can’t, though people here might not understand, but whoever msg him privately, I’m certain he will explain in full.

I understand, that’s the thing. He kind of talked about it in a Topic he created Method Of Evocation.

And when I asked why he won’t go further with it…he hasn’t given me a reply till now.

Hey! @luxfero yo’ better come here, I know you are online.

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Again we have a case of missing information. If anything people are more critical if there is no experience remarked on to reference the reason why you say something as opposed to simply blurting out your belief and not explaining, even briefly, the reason you came to this conclusion.

It’s great that he would explain further to the OP through message. Maybe if we can move past this he might be willing to explain this to me as well as it has gotten me curious about tool-less magick working.

No. If you took some time to look through the other forums you’ll find many different methods. Remember, to Assume is to make an ASS of U and ME. ^_~

As for his topic, maybe he could have at least brought it up and linked the rest of us to it so that we might better understand what he’s talking about.

The point of this forum is so that we can learn from one another. Sometimes that gets lost I’ve noticed.


ugh, this one again right?
I’ve learned to ignore his comments because he will force the convo towards how “awesome” he is and how we just don’t know crap no matter what the OP was originally about. But hey, you can then flag him for off topic.