How can I make demons manifest to physical appearance?

Not me but people meet Satan in his real form, he is the sumerian god enki, he’s tall, white and blonde. Spirits once lived in the physical plane, when we die we still keep our form, if we want at least. You can deny how much you want it,though.

Satan in sankrit has a meaning similar to ‘to be’.

Why do you say that? Haha was it a bad experience

People, uh? Go find out yourself, not ‘people’. None of them has met Satan. He is no Sumerian God, Enki, or whatever. Talk to the Spirit that appears to you physically when you summon Satan: ‘Are you Satan, whom people say is the Sumerian God, Enki?’ We await your answer.

I ain’t talking 'bout evocation here, go conjure him into physical appearance.

Not all of them, and those who do didn’t die. Except you’re talking about Spirits born into earth in human flesh, but for those who lived on earth then, physically, none die, they returned back to their plane and places, and kings like Satan isn’t among them.

Don’t believe all that your earlobe captures, find the answer yourself.

That is just a word. How a word could mean something different in different languages. That isn’t occult.



Are you for real?

This post is meaningless and what isn’t meaningless is just statements based on nothing.

you should be open the fuck out of open and that can take looots of energy to do it,some magician say that its not even worth to do it

People who want a demon to take physical form when they summon it. Because it works.

Doesn’t know if he should unwrap an offering or what blood magic entails… but knows Satan’s true form. Riiiiiiiiiight


I know Satans true form. My math teacher from fifth grade. There you go.


This statement couldn’t get much further from the truth. The words you use in any practice of magick can have SIGNIFICANT differences in their impact depending on your perspective and definition of them. Words in and of themselves are magickal, be they nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, if you speak it or write it there will always be some measure of power to them. Even something as simple as pronunciation can influence the power words hold.


youre just too dumb to understand me ROSE who calls themselves a flower anyway you must be a GIRL i dont listen to DUMB GIRLS especially not my MOM


oh dang, ripping into kids like him gives me life :ok_hand:


Yeah, I understand.

Yeah, there was a strong misogynistic vibe there…

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Lol you are totally off the point I made.

Try summoning while mirror gazing.

How would you know that he or she has invited you

No, I got your point. But have you stopped to consider that Entities go by many monikers throughout the ages? Who are you to say that Satan isn’t Enki or doesn’t have origins in ancient Sumeria? Words change over time, as do names.


He will talk when he sits to eat.

The freaking part about physical manifestation is when one call feminine spirits, Lilith for example, she either come naked or come clothed then take off her clothes in the middle of the ritual, seductively.

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