Hi new here i need help

I have brain injury whit Aphantasia but i can dream. That is in delta state now magick is visualise this imagine that imagine visulise visualise. I want to fix my brain injury whit energy work but i need to know i have dreams that are in delta state i have binerual bears could i possibly start to imagine things if i drop down in that state doing meditation. Whit binerual beats. By i awake and jeffery thompsonand sone other authors I have theta delta deep delta and epsilon. For meditation but i didnt tryed it yet could you. If you know answer me. Ibwant to pratice magick this is omly thi g that bothers me so far in reaching my full potenional


There’s more than one avenue of imagination.

If you can’t SEE, then try to FEEL.

FEEL the energy moving around you and doing what it’s supposed to.

If the visualization would involve walking, instead imagine feeling yourself walking, etc.

Hopefully with time as your brain injury heals, your ability to visualize will return.

Until then just try things from another angle.

I’d be very careful with direct energy work on this.

Just do the energy building practices and when you finish hold the intention for healing. The energy will go where it needs to.

If you overdo it, you might cause harm. Be careful, be patient, don’t put the cart before the horse and remain diligent.


How to evoke beings whut no mind eye maybe i can change the past like anon whit that angel of black. Sun he saod he rearenged the past whit enochian mantra thank you fir answer and helping ne so. Far muchas gracias

Hi, to be honest I am having trouble discerning the meaning of much of your post (I suspect that there is a language barrier issue), but if I understand the thrust of it, the issue is that you have aphantasia and thus are unable to visualise?

If so, don’t worry. It does not have to be a big obstacle. You have other senses and can utilise them in imagination.
In fact, one of the forum leaders here has aphantasia and gets great results in her work. She just brings in her other senses instead, as well as semantic knowledge.

To use an anecdote from my own experience - I’m qualified as a clinical hypnotherapist (although its not my day job) and I did several sessions with a person with aphantasia. I actually didn’t know this at the time, and she didn’t tell me until afterwards.
The approach I was taking with her was not an established technique, but one that I had devised and was testing with various volunteers. It leant heavily on visual imagination.

Fantastic results with her. She later told me that she had aphantasia. I expressed surprise at the results given the visual imagination heavy nature of the technique. She told me that for all of the visual suggestions, she just internally switched them to other sensory modalities that she could readily experience.

Sooooo, I guess what I am trying to say is that aphantasia is not an obstacle - it is simply a roadmap to sensory re directions. If something requires you to see, instead allow yourself to hear, or feel, or taste or small or know or any combination of the above and more.
Say if you’re doing a pathworking that requires you to see a tree and you can’t. That’s fine. Just know that the tree is there. Feel its bark under your fingers. Hear it shift in the wind.
Im sure you get the picture.
The concept is more important than the image in my experience, and that concept can be bracketed by any sensory experiences that suit you best

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Can you help how to evoke beings whit no mind eye so i glance information on how to change the past please i found holotrphoic breathing dmt breathing and. Mega. Guide to visualisation can help. I need help whit these beings sitchiroon alkatesh charachitch ichdson samskalin. And angel ofblack sun i dont know how its called. They can make alteration to. Past i. Found books and stuff how to time travel but i need mind eye cuz its says you must have vivid mind eye akex mystikal. Loneman. Pai. Melechizedek method. Arlinski. I have info on it. And many other

Thank. You

Thank. You mister but how to evoke beings. Whit no mind eye. You helped a lot

Im not a native speaker thank you a lot but you have a sigil in order to pen it you need mind eye inagination how else do i do it im not very creative. Since i aquured brain injury can you help

You do not. You don’t need to be able to see anything.

I have aphabtasia. The spirits will give you the images you need, everything else is unnecessary.

I use words and my senses to evoke, so visual pathworkings and all sorts of things. I think in words not pictures so I don’t think pictures would work even if I could generate them, instead of only being a receiver.

You do not need to use visual images to do anything, especially not open sigils. Maybe look at learning how to soften your gaze- you really only need to stare at a sigil usually, nothing special unless you are creating or following a ritual.

All you have to do to use your other imagination senses is be able to remember what something taste like, or what it smells like or what it feels like, sounds like or simply describe what you remember seeing in words, for example: it was red skinned, had black eyes, smells like sulphur… but the sound oh how that little bird schreeched and scratch…

When I say I use words, like this-I will think in my mind or speak out loud:

I can feel my the skin on my finger, roughly catching on a hair, as I run my fingers through. I can smell the dust, that has settled over the year burning off the radiator heater in the corner, I can hear the whirling sound of its motor, the normally cold metal is warm, sharp and threatens to burn if you bump it by mistake. I can taste a hint of mouthwash from last night and recall its cool, cold burning sensation and it is the green menthol flavor of listerine.

Basically, just use a different sense and words. I prefer to engage all of my senses, simply because it works better/quicker etc for me- but I can’t picture a damned thing, I can’t recall ever being able to make pictures in my mind and I don’t expect to ever make pictures with my mind.

In fact, I’m glad. I’m happy I have this brain malfunction because when I see a ghost or a demon or an angel or a god or whatever it is- I know I saw it, because I know I can’t make a picture in my head visually, not even a single dot.

My minds eye looks like a brown-black screen. If I’m projecting I can’t see anything until I am out body, I just look at the back of my eyelids and feel what is all around me.

The only one who can help you evoke without a minds eye is you.

Why you stand here telling us how you can’t over and over and begging for help- you’ll not manage it. You’ll need to figure out the best way for you. Most people I’ve spoken with that truly have what I do, have no trouble dreaming, projecting, mourning, invoking or evoking once they replace visualize with word imagine and engage in what they can do.


I am under the impression that if you say “There is a bright white light surrounding me.” that this would be effective to a degree too.


In a similar vein, I can’t recreate smell or taste mentally (this is quite common). Many of the evocation keys in the book Demons of Magick (that being one example, this applies to some other texts too), involve mentally creating certain tastes or smells.
So I substitute and create a visual image and think the words. For example, in one I did recently the required imagining was “the taste of sour wine”.
So I imagined drinking in some sour looking wine, gagging and spitting it out whilst thinking “the taste of sour wine”. Works well for me.

If you are missing a faculty, substitute another one that allows you to experience what you need to imagine in a way that you are able to

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I have met a lot of people that have trouble with sound too, or least voices.

Like they can recognize them, but they can’t recall it to the point that they can hear it as it was coming out of the persons mouth- instead it’s in their internal voice.

That surprised me almost as much as realizing most people could see some sort of an image or impression with effort in their minds.

You make a good point about substituting for any sense you struggle with, I hadn’t really needed to think it out that far for myself, but it’s also similar to not being able to use emotions and replacing them with intent/words.

It’s all basically the same problem just a different sense that is affected. I don’t think I see as many people convinced they can’t do a pathworking over a scent, sound, taste, or texture nearly as much as those who struggle to visualize lol.

:joy: statistically, based on the number of estimated people with aphantasia… there’s got to be more people struggling to use their other senses with recall. :crazy_face:

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All good points :slight_smile:

I can recall in someones voice, but I find it very hard to create in their voice. I mean like if I am trying to create say a new sentence in someones voice in my mind, really really hard to do. This is a nuisance in telepathy experiments.

This is my greatest issue in this field. The inability to generate or revivify positive emotional states at will. This is why the more dependent a process is on emotional transmutation, the worse I am at it :slight_smile:

Then throw in people with synaesthesia and things get really confusing :slight_smile:

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Thank. You keterija you help alot i mean alot conguratulation of your sucess whit no mind eye im still in disbelif cuz of this. Happened to me amd you can do it whitout mind eye whit good sucess. I miss my mind eye and powers i had when i was a magus but how do you go about visualising sigil to mirror on your crown chakra. Which is morphic resonace and death chakra. To restore organ its from frater ud book on high magick i want to try but i dont know how to go about it how to do it also can you help whit it i want to try and then try dolores canon qantum healing to restore organ completly . If you answer me can i dm you message you i feel powerless cuz of lacking of mind. Eye there is so much stuff out there and i was.attacked psychicly by black magican. I was so dizzy powerlese and many times died of black magick and. Other sources which i cant name only in dm. Not here

Thank you so much for this

I don’t have aphantasia, but have had some struggles with some pathworking because of synesthesia. Quite a few have gotten messed up when one sense triggers another, and especially when colour/taste is firing off.

Going to adapt some of your approaches to see if that helps, thank you again!

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I don’t. I don’t work with constructs/chakras on my own body.

Just because I can’t see something, doesn’t mean I can’t remember what it looked it.

LadyEva was the one who helped me understand this. I can remember what a Sigil looks like, so if for some reason I decided I wanted to develop chakras or work this way, I’d just gaze at the sigils in question, while walking myself in words through how I am projecting this sigil into my chakra and I remember it looks like…

Just because you can’t imagine overcoming something, doesn’t mean everyone else hasn’t.

Some people never recover from being raped or abused, but that doesn’t mean all of who were can’t move past it.

I also didn’t loose my minds eye, if you didn’t you don’t have aphantasia.

Check yourself for curses and laziness. Most people find if they fail to use the skill it deteriorates just like every other muscle.

No thank you. My profile is private because of the number of people like you, whom ask me for help.

I offer help, ideas, real life examples and then people like you have the gall to tell me you don’t believe me or it doesn’t work that because YOU simply can’t do it or your mind is to simple to comprehend being able to do it.

Not my problem, you can take my advices and words and try it or you can squander it and flounder on your own until you figure it out.

I don’t care which and I no longer care who I have Mis read when they have intentionally used passive aggressiveness in one or more rude ass attempts to get my to change my answer or give them the answer they want, or do the work for them cuz they just can’t. Or one more ritual cuz it couldn’t have been enough.

THIS is why I don’t do rituals or anything special for anyone not important to me anymore and it’s why I’ll be keeping certain things to myself probably forever. You don’t deserve to know what I learned and go figure out how to go get the knowledge yourself.

Some of y’all haven’t earned it and I’m tired of wasting my time and magic. I’ll share my magics with people who are friends, family and otherwise prove they are worth my effort.

People like this. :woman_facepalming::woman_shrugging:

I recognize I know a lot, I’ve spent alot of time learning and studying and growing and getting to the knitty gritty of how something works.

But even more, I know I don’t know everything, I know I never will. I know I’m most special for anything other than being myself, like all the rest of you.

I also know I’m still learning and growing and always will be.

I know that I’m not always right. I know how to research and apply science and technique to get right down to how something works.

I also know how the block and ignore user button works.

I try to be kind, humble, patient and caring.

Don’t spout your disbelief at my skills or in my direction again- I do not need to defend myself nor do I need to prove myself, to anyone but especially not to someone like you.

I don’t have to prove myself to people who matter, so I’m not going to do it for you or anyone else.

I will not move to pms because if you can’t share it publicly, I don’t want to know and it’s not my business.

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Good luck!:four_leaf_clover: I think I understand because at first I swear my asthma and lungs would sometimes give my issues- distracting, hard to over look that wheeze sometimes…

So when I couldn’t ignore it and was trying to project or something I would focus on something else, but also internal. I liked using the beat of my heart because I can combing that with energy brushing and the like.

One thing I do, is ask myself questions. can I hear the beat by of my heart?

Usually within a few seconds, I definitely not only hear it, I can feel it. So then I’ll ask… Can I feel it in my neck?

Basically working my way around the body. Occupying my mind with words helps slots, calms down my subconscious and accomplishes things.

I also practice no mind meditation though- I have a tendency to think non stop from the time I wake till sleep going about a thousand thoughts a minute…

It’s impossible to hear the spirit over my internal voice some days- so this helps me slow down when a servitor calls my name and I need to hear what they alerting to me. (Or whatever)

I’ve been practicing the no mind thing… I swear over a year. It’s real hard to do unless I focus on my senses.

So I ask myself, what do I see? What do I hear? What do I feel energy wise? What can I still taste in my mouth? What does this room smell like? can I feel my clothes in my skin?

I do it kinda slow trying to actually notice what the answer is, but not say it in my head.

Of course you could focus on your breathing or anything, but I soon find I’m thinking again… a hundred miles a minute, so while better still too much or off tangent etc, so focused on all the senses all at once has worked better.

What’s the most awful smell you ever smelled? Sure you can recall that…

As noted:

Vision is only one sense, you have many other senses than visual, use those instead. Imagine your emotions when you don’t have your brain injury, imagine what you will use your brain for without it, find yourself FEELING the same as if you don’t have an issue.

It’s the same with magick. Imagine getting a phone call with the news that a working was successful and how you would feel about it, and imagine that just happened and the thing is made manifest already.

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