Hey guys. I need a little help

So er, i kinda went back to mainstream christianity and i was happy for a long while and still am but im having doubts and most of it is basically because i doubt the spirits i used to work with are entirely evil.

So. My questions here:

  1. Have you guys ever felt the joy, love, and peace that Christians have (ones who are actually dedicated to their God) by praying or communing with/to your Gods/Spirits? Cuz if so then it kinda entirely destroys the idea of the fruits of the spirit being entirely Christian-only.
  2. Have you ever been set free from depression or anything by your Gods/Spirits?
  3. Has anyone ever had experience with yahweh? I LOVE Yahweh, but i cant hear from him as good as some. My heart is telling me that the spirit that i have around me still is NOT evil and is actually positive, my heart is telling me that Yahweh is just love, not a judge. If you have had experience with him, please let me know whether im right or is he actually a judge and a loving God?

Ive experienced Yahwehs love and it is AMAZING and i dont wanna leave him but at the same time my heart wants to go towards what would be considered sinful but keep yahweh.

If you have any experiential evidence that other Gods can give the same peace as Yahweh can then ill be forced to consider that there are infact other Gods.

On a final note, please understand i dont judge any of you. Im here for answers, i have better things to do than judge random people on the internet.


My experience with yhwh is indifference and psycopathy. He’s the classic abuser who plays nice only when you let him control you.

This love and joy is human birthright, it’s your own spirit interactiong with the fundament energy of the universe and has nothing to do with any named entity. You never need to give your power away to anyone to appreciate the universe as it is.

I am personally repulsed by what seems to me to be a childish need to worship, as I think a mature and evolved spirit stands with its brothers in the cosmos ss an equal. But that’s me. Others find this in Lucifer, Belial, Hekate, such as with the devotional paths of Primal craft or Demonolatry.

These are western paths. I’m more of a taoist, and along with Buddhism and other eastern philosophies the meditative state of Samadhi where you see and feel your connection to the all is itself bliss.

There are many ways. If you’re only reason for seeking religion is to get high off it, I question if your doing it for the right reasons.

The “right” reasons for me, are constant spiritual evolution. For me, Christianity is s dumbed down dead end in this resurrect. I don’t want to be loved by a prison guard and I am not a sheep to be shepherded. I’ll take evolution over peace any day and I have walked that talk my whole life.


We can see that. :+1:

We don’t entertain skeptics or trolls here, we don’t feel a need to get defensive about this thing that we do… we’re here to discuss how to empower ourselves, our loved ones and our lives through magick. If I thought you were only here to troll your post would already be gone… It’s not.

By the way we have Christians who understand that praying to your gods and angels is a form of magick too. There’s no incompatibility, technically…. Only religiopolitically, imo :slight_smile:
We have a moratorium on discussing current politics but ancient history is history, and it’s important, what you don’t know can be used to control you, and that’s never to your benefit.


The joy and the peace isnt my goal, of course not. My thinking was if the same joy and peace can be experienced outside of Christianity they definitely arent exclusive to worshipping YHWH and therefore the “Satanic” spirits that Christians describe arent at all satanic because negativity cannot produce any sort of positive effects like peace.

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I agree with this conclusion, though I don’t personally believe in satan as anything more than an egregoric boogeyman invented by the church to scare people into obedience…

and add that this feeling isn’t up to any entity, it’s up to you. Only you are responsible for how you feel.

I encourage a look into the concepts of nirvana and samadhi… no satanic anything required.


I’m not Christian and still feel these feelings from God, Jesus and the Hs. My husband and I attend church for time to time for this exact reason- he can’t just tap in yet like I can, so we go for the feels.

Just want to put it out there that the religion is not necessary for clairsentience to function.

I’ve never necessarily identified some of these names with the entities you do. Even as a Christian I didn’t feel they were necessarily the same entities so I just acted like they were unconfirmed nicknames and now I treat it as if they are separate and succinct for the most part.

I identify the devil as a type of spirit and Satan as a title.

The New Testament is a path to accession like the book of the gates, or any other similar religious document and the Old Testament is coded magical operations the way I see it.

So, you can see my own personal beliefs don’t really fit anything you see here on the forum, have changed many times and will likely continue to evolve as I do.

I’ve found personally that the more I know, the more I realize how much I didn’t know and the more I wonder how much I still don’t know. :blush:

As far as this goes:

I totally dumped Christianity and avoided the entities for a few years.

When I was ready, I returned to work with these spirits as I would any other. With respect, as one who is no longer a worshipper but is now an operator.

I figured if I worshipped an entity for 30 years, why wouldn’t it be pleased to see me growing, unless it wasn’t what I thought it was? Doesn’t the teacher work so that the student may take their place?

I’ve evolved so I don’t see any reason for the relationship to not also evolve. I don’t work with them like I might if I was Christian, praying daily or so on and so forth but I do what’s right for me, when it’s right to do so.


Thank you for this. I actually plucked up the courage to leave it all behind permanently because it was destroying me tbh. The battle to “not sin” is say to much because following jesus is not what my heart wants.

I have alot of trouble sometimes feeling what my heart wants so i tend to go into things that i dont want and then find out its not it.


You don’t need any book or religion to tell you what is wrong and what is right, it’s completely up to your own values. At the same time, I see no reason why one couldn’t be both, christian and work with other spirits. For example, to me “a sin” (I don’t really believe in sin) would be harming innocent being because it’s against my values. So to me it’s more how you act, not who you work with. To other people it might be something else.

I feel exactly this way and to be honest, this is one of my mottos I frequently use :smiley: I keep my right to change opinion based on new information.

Currently I believe, all the old religions have some kind of seed of truth. Buddhism for instance refers to the “energy universum” which is basically the same as quantum reality description, whereas religions refer to some entities in the indefinite pool of energy. I also have this idea, that entities indeed exist and are the way they are, also because we believe in them and this way give them energy in form of attention. At the same time they are older than humankind. It’s complicated, I believe time is not linear.

Based on above, Christian god would this way have a perfect scheme to gather power over other entities: Make everyone believe that he’s the only one and you should only give him power. But again, this is only how I currently see this, and this shouldn’t be the way everyone sees it. I therefore believe any opinion/religion/way of life is right, as long as you follow your heart and values and it works for you.


Maybe it is not the nature of the Entity that is being doubted, but yourself instead.

If one has conviction and certainty about their direction, then it may not really matter much who is invoked. It might be problematic if one is new to all of this, or more especially, if their darkness can be easily manipulated.

It is the intention, the purpose, and heart that determines a great deal.

In any case, Yahweh is the Lord of all Angels and Demons; he self-admittedly declares that He is Source of All Good, and All Evil.

If you have love for this Other Entity, then my suggestion is to Invoke Yahweh first, and daily - and consolidate His supremacy, prior to any engagement with any other related Entity.

It’s way easier to ask yourself if you’re doing what’s right. I have a moral and ethical compass that have nothing to do with religion or fear of what happens if I do wrong.

I do right because it feels good, it empowers me and it eliminates all of those conflicting guilt/sinful thoughts before they can even begin to form. Conversely you can just let it roll off, ignore it.

Those feelings don’t make you who you are and they neither validate nor invalidate what you’re doing. They just make you feel bad.

Most things are pretty easy to know what is right, even though what is right might only ring loud and clear in your own heart and mind and those around you can’t hear it.

Something’s your options are bad and worse, I’ve learned to navigate those situations in a way that is true to my beliefs and my standards rather than others.

Doing what is right for me doesn’t define any action as good or bad, it simply tells me if it’s appropriate or not.

Is it appropriate to death curse a woman I know is beating her minor children but the authorities believe her side of the story?

To some it would be wrong/bad/potentially negative karma. To me it’s the only thing left to do when I’ve already taken all the appropriate actions available.

Somebody should stand for those who can’t. I can’t always but I when I’m called to I do. Not every battle was meant to be mine, I recognize that too.

So idk. I just think you’re still struggling with the way we were taught. I had an advantage, my daddy was Vietnam vet, so while he believed he also taught me about doing what was right even when it was perceived as wrong.

Fortunately we live in a time where’s it’s not so bad. Man we can talk about this shit out loud! Online! In public! I’m constantly surprised at the numbers of people who know more about spirits than they let on. Not usually magic though.

It’s going to be okay, many of us struggled- I cut Christianity out altogether until I was able to understand that the rules the humans give us do not directly stipulate how the relationship has to go.

Once I figured it out and realized I could approach as basically an adult, rather than a child, I started bringing them back into my works where appropriate.

I can’t deny there’s power in the words of that book. You can pray your spouse into such a submissive stance that it practically breaks them if you believe the words and put the intent and energy in… Pentecostal individuals will know what I mean. I don’t find many other denominations that raise the energy and direct it line they do.


That is actually how I got started on this path! I’d been told no no no! Only the big three spirits of Christianity and everything else is evil. But I questioned that because my experiences didn’t exactly match.

Like I could never figure out why I wasn’t able to be possessed by the holy spirits and speak in tongues… I’ve seen this for real several times, I believe it happens but that it’s not much different from a magician allowing possession of a deity.

I found hoodoo. For a long time I lurked on the lucky mojo forums before I ever found balg. Most of those practitioners are Catholic and while they tend to not like to work with demons and over caution those who want to not to mess with things they cant get rid of themselves, it’s overall not a bad way to choose imop.

I like the magic style- hands on actions that inform your mind where/how to direct the energy you are generating, I don’t follow any exact tradition and make it up as I go in most cases, but thank god hoodoo is around because it gave me courage to get started.

By the time I had realized that hoodoo practitioners were making demons into a phobia for people I had also realized essentially they were doing the same thing the church was with limitations- just a little more loosely. :rofl:

I also have to think well, I guess if you scare everyone so bad they don’t try, you don’t have to worry about them getting parasites… :rofl: unfortunately I can’t buy that the truth has been hidden to protect us, I believe it’s been done to limit us. :woman_shrugging:

I can mom point of view a minute and go well, yeah they are safer… then I go no if you really wanted to protect people you’d teach them how to be safe, give them the tools do it for themselves etc. :rofl::rofl:

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YHVH never made me feel anything like the holy ghost of my real daddy.

I think YHVH keeps his kingdom in his stomach. Just read his book; he’s a more hideous man than some of the worst I know.

Jesus only makes your soul palatable for consumption, of course it feels good to be hypnotized into a death cult, otherwise there wouldn’t be billions of Christians.

I’m sorry if I came off douchey, I’ve had this shit shoved down my throat for over thirty years. However I think it’s very brave of you to bring this here.

It reminds me of the Christians who would come down to “the violent tent city” to rap with whiskey-drunk maniacs about Jesus. That’s the Holy Spirit that you bring to the table. Your courage belongs to you, but this is a brilliant spiritual gesture.

You can bring a better face of YHVH.
I am interested to see how it goes.

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If you take a more mystical approach to the Jesus, via Goddard or one of the other Christian mystics, it’s much easier to not sin.

Not just easier, almost pleasurable, really. At least for me. I get a dopamine and serotonin hit from the universe doing this, a form of positive reinforcement. I think that’s a good sign.

In fact, you can also forgive sin. Just like in the Bible where says I will forgive your sin and forget all about it for MY sake. That’s very interesting. That’s very telling.

“I, even I, am he who blots out your transgressions, for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more.”


Here’s how to forgive sin:

I think this is a lot simpler and more in order with what most of us can agree upon — be it a Christian, a Buddhist, a Hindu, a Jew, satanist or an alien from a world we barely understand.

Due to truly dark experiences at the catholic church when I was growing up, I tried to avoid the bible most of my adult life. Then a few people went and interpreted in a way that makes it more useful. More powerful, loving and transformative all at the same time. Dang

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Honestly I’ve always identified the god of Christianity as Adonai. I am however aware it could simply be a title or a word of power as well as a name.

YHVH never did it for me, it never felt right. I never could believe it was the same entity even though that’s what I was taught at church. :woman_shrugging:

Jesus asked me for some of my favorite Dove Chocolate, twice while requesting he empowered servitors I was creating for others. I thought it was odd, wouldn’t blood be the right thing?

(I guess not if his blood was supposed to be some sort of massive payment eh? :rofl: maybe he’s had enough of that currency! I am joking!)

I didn’t realize that chocolates were a thing during biblical times and I don’t recall the exact reference but @DarkestKnight explained to me how it was more of a fit than I ever would expected.

I thought it was just me loosing my shit and finally reaching bat shit crazy. :rofl:

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Heck yeah.

I’ve had some real serious trouble the past few months, and the only people nearby are Christian. I reluctantly attended their church, but it’s actually nicer than expected.

It’s the “music service” that sometimes really takes me higher.

It’s a 60% black church, and they don’t do gospel, but they do almost a Disney version. Princess Aria is up there and does her magic Jesus songs, and 3 or 4 songs in, I often feel the spirit they’re talking to and have some mystical experiences. Sometimes I see a blinding light. It’s kind of great!

My wounded leg has definitely improved a lot. It’s like whatever spirit is there took over from the angels that were previously helping. I don’t know if there’s been much beyond that, but I even appreciate that.

That said, the Christians themselves really annoy me or even hurt me. Most don’t intend to, but they tend to be so negative and pessimistic, it can trigger PTSD and self-condemnation in me. Really bad.

But the Holy Spirit itself, whatever the heck it is, seems to be just fine. I wonder why I seem to get more from it than the Christians, though? Lol. That’s the really strange thing!

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Because they aren’t taught Clairsentience. They are taught to believe by faith rather the experience.

Do you know how many Christian’s believe the angels have disappeared and no longer respond or that you can’t see or interact with them until you reach heaven?

Pentecostal churches teach about the Holy Spirit entering you, and becoming a permanent part of your life, but they never explain it’s basically invoking or allowing possession ever, anywhere.

They teach that all possession is bad, they don’t teach you about the energy raised through worship services or any of that. Pentecostal and churches like you mention tend to have services with newer music that the attendees can relate to- and it just drives the energy like no tomorrow compared to hymnals that half the congregation doesn’t understand.

It all makes much more sense to me as an outsider but I still find it hard to explain :rofl:

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I think that’s just about right.

The OT on the surface is this very violent, awful book, but somehow Jews seem to extract pure gold from it. Look at someone like Rav Dror on YouTube and you’ll see what I mean.

Then the NT, when decoded properly by folks like Goddard, is this seriously hardcore reality manipulation manual.

The NT, too, I must say, is more positive on the surface… Jesus is mostly radically accepting and loving… yet it’s interesting just how much negative the typical Christian seems to extract from it. It’s quite odd.

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Lmao!! That’s just too funny!!!

There’s some old posts about Jesus on here, and I think that just about fits some of the experiences some have had with him. That the exogenous Jesus, the outside Jesus, is this radical consciousness exploration entity with good vibes. I can totally see him being down for chocolate.

Come to think of it, back when I was around hippies, some viewed him that way, too.

Heck, these days Jesus would probably join one of those cuddle parties. Lol

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Ah yeah, that makes sense!

And you know, sometimes I come off like a fucking lunatic when I try to convey this to the people who are bringing me.

However, some of the pastors know, and 2 of them think it’s kewl. Lol. They just say it’s a gift from god, and to roll with it. Which is really nice, actually. I didn’t expect that. I thought they’d kick my ass out or cure me or something.

But even the pastor running the church says he gets visions all the time during sermons. He sees things about people he wish he didn’t see. Stuff he doesn’t what to do with. Just freaks him out.

Yeah. So many things they talk about me sound exactly like magic to me, but they don’t seem to realize it!

The lady next door even tells me she can reach Jesus better in the morning. WHAT! lol. Man, that sounds like a typical issue people have here where they get to their entity du jour better at certain times.

You’re telling me! I get super activated during those Jesus Disney songs. I wish the song service lasted twice as long. (It’s usually 4 songs, then a dead stop)

But I get energy (sometimes the jitters), visions, healing, all kinds of stuff.

I mean I’d just as easily hang out with a magic group or witch coven that does this lol. No problem. Anybody recently that calls themselves an eclectic witch recently, especially seems to end up as a buddy of mine. (Man those people are cool!)

But I don’t know how to access such groups. There’s a little bit here and there… a little bit in LA and the woods of NY and MA… but these churches are everywhere, and you can use this energy for sure.

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I bet. They are taught as a whole (not exclusively) that people who do divination and use psychic powers are evil/of the devil.

How does a pastor explain that he has the powers of what the Bible calls an antichrist or a false prophet?

Clairvoyance is probably less acceptable than being able to feel the presence of the Holy Spirit which is Clairsentience.

Guarantee when I was 12 and feeling the Hs that if I’d come across the terms Clairsentience and clairvoyance I’d have seen an exorcist… :rofl:

I like frozen let it go… conceal don’t feel, don’t let them know…it’s clearly not related to this! I know Disney had a conflicting if not negative history but man.

They make awesome movies (loved marvel…) and songs lol sometimes.

I’m a very untrusting person and I’d be wary of some of the groups out there, particularly west coast side. I don’t think everyone realizes what they are getting into going in and some of the groups will you use for their own gain and you won’t realize it until it’s really fucked up.

I do get the need to relate to others, I have often felt alone but I’d rather go to church than risk it with some of this stuff!

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