Hey guys. I need a little help

My experience of this, since my family (not I) am Christian is it’s more of the community and coming together for the people who are a part of the congregation is what causes the positive emotions you mention. I am sure the church service is part of it, but I think it’s more the sense of community more so. From my personal experience.

No. I don’t think expecting the spirits you work with to set you free is realistic. We set ourselves free, spirits just support us if we ask for it. You have the power to do that for yourself.

No worries :slight_smile: your experiences are your own, and if working with Yahweh is what brings you happiness and aids in your path, then go for it! I know Yehwah tends to receive some hate from this forum (not everyone) but don’t let that stop you from working with him if that is what you feel is best for you.


This may be so, but as someone who’s highly clairsentient I’ve noted a difference in types of service and how they feel since childhood.

I’ve always leaned towards Pentecostal denominations simply for the worship service, the energy raised and the passion that is often clearly felt throughout the congregation. Not every single one is going to be like this, but many are.

If a persons clairsentientce skills aren’t developed they may not even notice, or if they are highly sensitive they may notice it on the lesser end even in the churches where it’s not as apparent.

My husband prefers the subtly of a more traditional church as the energy of those I like, he claims is overwhelming. :woman_shrugging: I’m like man if I’m going to church I want to feel it, I don’t want to be the loudest singer and the only one who know how to read the voice changes…:rofl::rofl:

So this could be a combination of things that vary with the individual in question, I’d assume. :blush:

I’ve noticed a feeling in churches, not sure if it’s from all the people, the building, or more…but I’ve always assumed and been told by my own family that the coming together of people is what causes a sense of community which I feel would naturally lead to positive feelings since humans are social animals and thrive on that.

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So if you’re at home praising god you raise x amount of energy through your praise right? Every action/thought/prayer expends energy in my view.

If you go to church and you’re praying with 20 people or praising with the same song you’re raising that same energy but by 20.

20x=greater feels no? Bigger effect, faster manifestation, more energy towards the goal… more likely to summon the spirit in question through praise and worship…

:woman_shrugging: maybe I just don’t see clearly or I’m confused idk lol it makes sense to me, yes you are right but to me it’s because of the actions taken not the people taking them exclusively.

Personally I don’t go unless the husband wants to, to anything. I don’t like being around others anymore and can’t hardly stand it for long periods of time.

Anymore than a few hours and I’m liable to tell someone off for lack of self discipline, self responsibility or some other ridiculous thing I feel they should have been taught.

And that’s not even getting into fake people and the shit people say just to put one on over you. I don’t care how stupid it is, own it goddamit and don’t lie to me! Lol

It’s too easy to see why shit isn’t right when you get yourself out there.

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I think the feeling from within a church is probably a mixture of everything, prayer and people coming together included. There’s a lot happening at once in a church.

I used to go until my family gave up trying to get me to go lol, I am not a real fan of church plus it always made my asthma act up so that worked out to my benefit. I do still participate in the family dinner prayer but that’s more so to be polite, I don’t actively believe in it so I dont worry about the prayer having any impact on me.


This! The “sins” are personal. Something that would be a sin by the book in Christianity, might not actually be a sin in a personal level.

Clairsentience is taught to be “something evil”. At least, based on googling I did when I was younger and trying to figure out why I had those supernatural experiences and why I could foresee some things. However, in my country the christian mainstream church does not believe in possessions/has neutral perception regarding spirits. Here the religion is more like a mind-setting.

I don’t know, here the church is really trying to renew it’s reputation and making a clear separation from the “old-fashioned” Christianity. Heck, during covid there was even this famous popstar having live streamed concert in Church, singing about anal sex and how it feels so heavenly haha :smile: He was also discussing about his bisexuality with a pastor in the concert. I really like the non-judgemental approach that has been adopted here.

At the same time, although I think the christian church does a lot of good here, I just recently officially resigned from the church so that I wouldn’t need to pay extra taxes. I figured, I can donate to charity and for church voluntarily. Plus I don’t even go to Church, it’s not something we do here. I haven’t been in church for over 10 years, but I still considered myself as a Christian still a while ago.

Now, I still like the “do good” teachings of Jesus and have a lot of respect for him, but my views don’t anymore fit into the frames of any specific religion. I just wish people could realize they do have a choice and they can follow/not follow any religion they wish, and they don’t need to be part of religion just because they fear going to hell or some shit.

I believe this too :smiley: At the same time I see humankind as a passing trend as any other materialized species. I just wonder how evolved we would be if we were in tune with the nature and universe the same way everything else is :woman_shrugging: Maybe I was some kind of a plant with a spirit in my previous life :joy: Would explain my current views haha :smile: Except, I manage to kill all my house plants even I have a biologist background, so maybe I’m a serial killer after all :rofl: