This method should work with all beings, adjust the structured form (in the example given, I used a demonic form) according to the being, for example angel, or other type of spirit:
This guide is intended to be both simple and easy to translate.
Read it through at least twice to understand all the stages.
If you are using a book, follow the instructions in the book about any prayers or magick words of power, this guide is very basic, and you can add things to it from the book or method you are using.
If you are not sure whether magick is safe, or whether you should take the risk, do not perform an evocation, or you might just become more worried and unhappy.
You will ne…
You could also try this method, using cartoonish images of yourself experiencing negative symptoms (nightmares, re-experiencing, hyper-vigilence, etc):
This a method which I have used a lot, and which other members on here have used, with great success to erase negative thoughts.
It’s not a substitute for clinical advice if you have, or suspect you may have, mental health problems, but it is a valuable part of your magickal toolkit when your pattern of thinking may be undermining you.
And as you advance in power, the potential uses for this will also increase:
This exercise is explained in both “The Key” by Dr Joe Vitale (hig…
A member gave another method here as well:
Hola, how is everyone this dreary day? So in response to a suggestion on the Whiteboarding topic, thought I would pop in to share a technique I use and share with a group I run. I know that in certain parts of PTSD recovery, any mention of it at all can be difficult. If this where you are at, I suggest moving on.
So I am not religiously active here. For those of you who don’t know me, I am Kirsten. Most people call me “K.” That is for no other reason than I get annoyed watching people get their…