I have been suffering with PTSD for about two years now. I was unable to find an entity who deals with this specific illness, so I decided to improvise. I recalled an angel named Derdekea from Evoking Eternity who helped to relieve guilt. I consecrated her seal and kept it in my wallet for about a week.
I didn’t have any weird sensations, just a great deal of emotional relief which began almost immediately. On the first day I was almost in a car crash. I had the intuition that Derdekea was using this incident as a sort of homeopathic stimulus. Although the healing was over with on the third day, I was very hesitant to burn the sigil. I was afraid my suffering would return. Finally, I found the courage to dispose of the sigil.
Althought this working went a long way, I am still suffering a great deal from those symptoms which were out of Derdekea’s realm. I would reccomend that anyone suffering from PTSD perform this ritual for themselves.
Does anyone know of any other entities who can finish the job? (Please include their sigil.)
There’s a really simple method for calling on Raphael, I posted about it here - that doesn’t even require a sigil, and I’ve been told offlist it helped someone with panic attacks, so it seems to work on mental as well as physical problems.
Good luck, and hope you get some more substantial suggestions.
Well, I know of a treatment and potential cure for post traumatic stress disorder, but I’d like to know what brought it on first…if you don’t mind my asking?
Glas’yos from Book of Azazel is a kind of spiritual psychiatrist. Raphael also works well but Glas’yos seems specifically to work on disorders of the mind.
If you want, I’ll do the evocation for you. No charge. Just PM or email me any specifics that you think might help
Also, I personally suffer from OCD. When stress (not natural but th pathological kind) builds, I try to feel where that energy is in my psycho-spiritual body. I imagine it as a shimmering black mist. Then I exhale the mist in a kind of energetic meditation similar to Tummo
Would you be willing to share some tips on the evocation of Glas’yos? I have some pretty heavy mental health stuff to work through and Azazel has sent me in the direction of Glas’yos to start.
I have PTSD and I don’t remember either. Even when I remember the shit from before what caused it, it still feels like it was there over my shoulder. Along with all the little things that come with it. This place has been a huge help though.
I kind know what you mean, my stuff happened back when I was about 4 or 5 years old…so there isnt really a time that I can remember before…just a TON of time I cant remember at all and a lot of mental and emotional scars.
Sending you so many hugs! Like tons and tons and tons. You’ll find what you’re looking for. I know it.
It comes in strange ways I think. The first time I came onto BALG was on accident. But I came to a post about Bune. Funny enough, she is not typically known for helping with PTSD related anything, nevermind panic attacks. But once she was in my head, she stayed there…and then around me. It was pretty amazing. Didn’t think she worked like that. Why I’m telling you this, is sometimes, the entities we need come across differently than they do for everyone else.
I have been suffering with PTSD for years…& It was diagnosed almost 2 years ago now but I’ve had it for far longer apparently…
I’m very thankful to have such an amazing therapist But I think I’ll be able to take a few things from this post to also help me if I should so decide too…But seriously
This method should work with all beings, adjust the structured form (in the example given, I used a demonic form) according to the being, for example angel, or other type of spirit:
You could also try this method, using cartoonish images of yourself experiencing negative symptoms (nightmares, re-experiencing, hyper-vigilence, etc):