Help with possible troll problem, please

So for almost as long as I can remember my family has had problems with every car they buy. It’s not happening on my mom as very much anymore, but it hasn’t stopped for my father.
So can anyone help me at 1.) Figuring out whether it actually is a troll or not and 2.) A way to stop it if there actually is.
Some of you might need some insight as to what kind of troll I’m talking about. I’m not talking about your average internet troll. I’m talking about the trolls that you would hear about in faerie tales. In reality, they are great mechanics and they like to mess with peoples cars because they don’t like us very much.

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What makes you think it’s a troll and not just really bad luck with cars?


It’s been happening over and over and over again for years now.


Bikers in the US gift bells that they fix to their bikes to ward off the road gremlins. The lore says the bell must be a gift, but you can get them on amazon… the gremlin (troll?) gets caught in the bell and can’t bother the vehicle any more.

Have you tried smudging and banishing the cars?


No I haven’t. That’s new to me. Thanks that’s probably going to help a lot.


it could be your parents. Some people affect electronics. They’re called Sliders. I’m one. I kill batteries, alternators and lights in my vehicles. I kill phone and watch batteries fast. I blow out light bulbs and fuses.


But what specifically is happening to the cars?

Are they just breaking down?

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Actually, that might be the case… my dad’s phones are always screwing over

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I don’t as I do not ask what happens. I do know it keeps happening over and over. As soon as he fixes something other things happens.

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Sound familiar. Literally thousands in repairs for decades. Pisses me off but I know it’s my fault for being so energetically awesome. Hail Samnu, Destroyer of Vehicles!


Is there a way to prevent it? Though, I suspect there isn’t judging by what you said

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lol…most staying very calm. Any emotional stuff amplifies it. I’ve been flaming mad and blowing out street lights on the interstate as I pass. My highest count was 12 in one night after a fight with an ex. Another time, a guy ran across the interstate and scared tf out of me, so street bulb blew. Had another bad incident that blew the alternator.
So, road rage is a no no.

Ok, what about stress? Does it have any effect?

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Stress, anger…it’s all major emotion, so yes.

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That is one thing that makes me reluctant to ask for stuff from demons, some of them, it seems like to mess up my car, or worse yet, mess up my car and not provide what I ask for, its as if they get blocked somehow and all that energy is taken out of the good working car so it has to go in for expensive repairs or worse.
I notice its not a problem when I am very careful what I ask for and make sure everything is entirely in alignment with my HGA and has nothing what so ever to do with what other people would like.

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I literally have to keep a stock of light bulbs at home and in the car. My mother used to bitch about visits because, “Everytime you’re here you blow out my bulbs!” (MAYBE it’s because it’s always tense there)


Dang, sounds rough


It’s cool, just expensive.
My aura also flashes/strobes. Kids who can still see it are drawn to me like fruit flies. It’s ridiculous.

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There are spirits that enjoy machines and even fixing them. I heard even some gremlins actual do both because of such fascination. Getting a helpful mechanic spirit is a definite ace in modern life. I’ve mused over it myself.