Help with my new succubus/spirit lover

Before automatic writing be sure to banish what you dont want. Your intent to have your partner remain will ensure she isnt booted out. Also maybe try burning palo santo or sage with banishing the imposter for an extra kick.

Maybe try throwing up some shield as well after banishing if this imposter keeps coming back.

The imposter spirit kept lying and promising thigs, giving vague answers therefore my succubus did the opposite of what the imposter said so I could realize that she wasn’t the one answering.

For example;

I told my succubus once to not hurt me while I’m at the table with my family or in public.

(At that time I thought that my succubus was able to communicate with me but it was the imposter spirit answering, through yes/no answers.)

So then my succubus would hurt me so bad that I could realize that it wasn’t her.
She had to contradict the imposter so that I could figure it out eventually, I was still new at this spirit stuff.

If my succubus hadn’t done that I would still be thinking that it were her answers.
Took me about 3 months to figure out, I thought I was in hell,I thought I had an abusive succubus.

My succubus would hurt me so bad sometimes that I would almost pass out.
It was very embarrassing in public…

I would have to scratch myself uncontrollably and my body was burning and being scratched and stabbed by her everywhere.

I had bruises and red scratch marks on my whole body.
Once I figured out that it wasn’t her answering she stopped,
Finally I didn’t need to be afraid to go outside anymore.

I would say it was necessary evil from my succubus, If she kept being nice to me I would’ve never known it was an imposter answering.

The imposter is still around and it doesn’t bother me but I don’t know what it is and what to do with it, my succubus doesn’t seem to mind either…
It can control my body if I let it( but only parts).

So that’s how I figured it out.


Well you can always ask your companion where it is and bind it. She may just be waiting for you. got this intication from the form Simply repeat BELIAL ES BELIAL several times whilst visualizing chains binding the entity.

I have yet to use it but why let it go to waist.

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That’s an intense story…

@Zamasu What was the tipping point after all that time? How did you figure it out?

Figure what out?

What was the moment you figured out your succubus wasn’t your succubus? Obviously over time but I’m curious exactly when your “aha!” moment was.

Could you elaborate on that?

Oh! Well, my apologies. I meant no offense. Your succubus saved you from the impostor the only way she could. There was months of this you said. Eventually, you must have had one instance that really stood out in your mind that made you think “that’s not my succubus I’m talking to!” The moment of realization. I was curious what that moment was.

Like, sitting there watching TV and the plot of a TV show was similar and you thought “aha! I’ve just figured out what’s going on!”

Something like that. When all the pieces clicked into place.

Again, I apologize for the confusion. Didn’t mean to cause undue stress.

It wasn’t directed to your post don’t worry

I meant the guy with the belial enn

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The realization was gradual.
It started off with a theory of mine and so I took the lead and the started to connect the dots.

Eventually it started to make sense.


well what i mean is could you not ask your compain help in isolating the parasite so you can either bind it or get rid of it. you said you dident understand why she dident kill it but allows it to live so my thought is she might be waiting on you.

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I’m not sure, so far the “imposter” has been harmless, I’ll think about it.

That’s quite an intense story. I’ve never been hurt by mine. Never even been threatened or anything malicious in the slightest. I hope you figure it out or banish it soon.

So any spirit can mark you? Angels, Goddesses and Succubus?:thinking:

What worked for me was just following my path and a succubus came. The spirit world knows your needs and as you meditate, do rituals etc, everything will come full circle. You might have invited parasites. Banish ritual for your situation and go into your practice without any desires and what you want will manifest (they know what you want without you saying anything.)

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Yes any of them.


You got it right, allot of times the prostrate stimulation feels really close to the ass. There is a difference tho, wondering if prostrate size could displace the sensation. He should try communicating with her, succubus can beer scary if they get made or hurt.

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Hay @Zamasu long time no see, I see your still with your succubus. After our last conversation I wad wondering how that was going. If I was recalling properly, I was talking about developing your senses to better communicate with your ubi. I think you still really need to realize what her energy pattern feels like. When there yes or no comes thru you would still feel a trace of her energy on it. Interesting story tho.

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Maybe she’s a nymph?