Help me save my Soulmate!

He really has been a protective father figure with me ao far. He’s stern, but compassionate.

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I just smoked my last cigarette. Giving them up is part of my bargain with and my biggest sacrifice to King Belial for his help with this situation.


Today at the exact hour of our handfasting 9 years ago, in the place where we had our ceremony I burned two pages with prayers of reunification and teconciliation on them and buried them with 2 hematite stones stuck together magnetically and a rose quartz. The energy of our handfasting was so strong there today, 9 years later… and King Belial and Duke Dantalion were with me, giving me strength and courage and reassuring me that this act, in thst spot, at that time was something important to getting what I so deeply desire. My soulmate returned to me. And I believe with all my heart it will happen, that the energy today will find her and remind her of our bond and draw her back to me. Had other interesting encounters with them earlier in the day, but those are not to be shared just yet. Thank you King Belial. Thank you, Duke Dantalion.

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Yes he is stern that’s y I am not ready yet or shall I say it’s not the time yet but I know I will call soon

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There is a saying I like: “When time for war is at hand, the victors seldom save their best for last.”

The big guns should have been brought to bear in the beginning.

The Samurai unsheathed their blades only when they were prepared to draw blood and possibly cut short a life; so, too, must a magician be prepared, when bringing his will to bear in a baneful manner, to bring ruin upon or even end the life of their opposition.

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The big guns would have been brought to bear in the beginning if all the facts were known in the beginning and the big guns had been available. Now, If you’re just going to come here and pontificate and be completely un-helpful and negative, then I’ll thank you to kindly NOT comment on this thread again. Good day, Sir.

As you wish

Have you considered the possibility that the reason nothing you do is working is because, for whatever reason you tell yourself consciously, subconsciously you have washed your hands of this situation and your ego has not adjusted to the new paradigm within your psyche?

Food for thought on that, and if things are now working for you, ignore my question.

@Lockhart. I most certainly have NOT washed my hands of the situation and how presumptuous and rude of you to imply such! This is a very real, very personal and very painful situation. As are the obstacles involved in resolving it. And in fact there are signs that things are moving in the direction intended, albeit far more slowly than any who are working on it would like.

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If it is presumption to ask a question, then, yes, I am presumptuous as can be. However, one needs to consider the possibility that you conscious and subconscious are not aligned and that could be why you are having difficulties with what you are doing.

I will not apologize for what you consider to be rude. I proffered a plausible solution which you did not like. My offending you does not make the act rude, nor does my asking make me presumtuous.

As to the reality and painfulness of the situation, I do not doubt or discount this. I simply call things as I see them, and leave you to decide. I would suggest that you meditate on what I bring to light, as your reaction to my questions seems out of character for my past interactions with you on other topics.

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Actually, thus far my response to you is entirely in line with our past interactions, as I do believe I already asked you to take your pontificating, prententious, rude commentary and stay off this thread. You are not offering anything of value. You are disrespectful as f**k. Please stop trolling me and leave me alone. You offer absolutely nothing helpful to my situation and are derailing any attempts at genuinely helpful discourse about the situation. Don’t even reply to this. You were asked to leave this topic alone and you came back to troll some more. Just stop.

Personally, I find this to be a very fair question to ask, with a nugget of wisdom for those having bouts of unsuccessful magic (maybe not all cases, but certainly some cases). There is quite a link between the magician’s mind and their magic that what you are describing is bound to leak into results. This is why it is so important to learn as much of yourself as possible and ask the tough questions to yourself. As for external affairs, I tend to approach things much like a war. In war, it is not always the strongest force that wins, but those who have the most information on all possible threats and utilizes it correctly, including oneself. While it is certainly not the most comfortable question for one to ask, it is an important one and something to be learned from.

As OP, I wish you luck in your endeavors and have been following out of my own curiosity.


While I respect your point of view, in the context of this situation it was an impertinent and irrelevant question to ask. He also asked in the rudest fashion possible. I’ve witnessed his interactions elsewhere in the forum and he is just plain arrogant and rude to everyone. I asked him before not to comment on this situation again and he came back with more pretentious and rude commentary. It took a lot for me to make this post when I was brand new tothe forum. It took a lot to ask for help because the circumstances were more than I could comfortably handle alone. I’ve been on my path for almost 30 years. I’m not some lost little neophyte with no clue how magic works. Until now I had not worked with demons or needed to exorcise parasitic spirits or deal with incubi/succubi or break curses. And dealing with all 3 at once was more than a little overwhelming. So yes I asked for help and advice. But there has not been 1 second that I “washed my hands of the situation” this is my soulmate. And I’m trying to save her life! So for him to so much as imply it, much less out right say it was rude as fuck and showed a marked lack of empathy, sympathy, compassion or good sense.

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Well, if the advice does not fit the situation, there is no need to get upset by it. Especially when the door was open for help. Just ignore it. I understand that you are not a neophyte, but you have to admit that even though some may be well seasoned sometimes it does take a second pair of eyes outside of the situation to help find a solution (not suggesting you need it, but I am sure you have came across those who have in the past). Things also tend to mistranslate on text than they would be understood in person (the lack of body language can cause a world of issues), which important to keep in mind. It’s just something to keep in mind and avoid trouble on the forum, as I do want to see things end well for you.

Stepping aside from that, as for my own observations in your situation, you got a pretty good base going. I would just suggest addressing all of the possible angles you can. Belial is great at showing things you may have missed, so asking him about things you may have missed could be very beneficial. The rituals he gave me came very handy when I was in a tough spot, even if they seemed a little out there. Just go with it if he instructs a few for you


King Belial and Duke Dantalion have bot been very helpful and guided me greatly. Thank you for your insight and especially for your respectful and courteous delivery.

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I would say that you have accepted my input elsewhere without issue.
I know what I know and insight comes to me without what society calls the filter of appropriateness. If you have a problem with this, then you should have said so before your knee jerk response which may Indicate the relevance of my questions. I am not, nor have I ever “trolled” you any way with intent. You perception, however indicates a need for closer inspection.

Incorrect. I accepted 1 post on an entirely different thread because it had a few interesting insights. After that you followed me to this very personal thread and have trolled me ever since. You are so wildly off base here and grossly incorrect in your estimations. I’m asking you one final time. Get off this thread. Stop derailing constructive discussion about the topic. And LEAVE ME ALONE any further contact from you to me will henceforth be taken as harassment and reported as such.

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Evoked Lucifer this morning and had a very intense but good experience. Getting ready to sleep now and feeling very safe and protected by Lucifer and Belial both. Busy night of evocation coming up tonight. Lord Lucifer has commanded me to submit multiple petitions under the full moon. High hopes!

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Petitions have been offered up in flame and aloud… with sigils presented and enns called.
A new command has been given. (I can’t share it right now).
Hopes are high.

Praise and thanks to Lucifer the Morningstar, the Lightbringer!
Praise and thanks to King Belial my patron, mentor, and protector.
Praise and thanks to Duke Dantalion my inspiration and comfort.
Praise and thanks to the 4 Queens Lilith the Dark Mother, Eisheth Zenunim, Agrat bat Mahlat, and Na’amah.
Praise and thanks to Lord Samael the Angel of Death. Praise and thanks to Prince Sitri.
Praise and thanks to Furfur.
Praise and thanks to Lord Raum.
Praise and thanks to Marchosias.
Praise and thanks to Vine, Earl of Night.
Praise and thanks to Astaroth/Astarte, Demon of Love. Praise and thanks to Gremory.
Praise and thanks to Guison.
Praise and thanks to Lord Rosier.

With great respect, praise and gratitude. By your powers and in your names.

Praise and gratitude to Karama, Lord of Light and breaker of Illusions.
By your power and in your name.

(Nope, didn’t forget anyone. That was a lot of sigils drawn, enns called and petitions read and burned.)

I feel energized.

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The new command has been obeyed. The last barrier to our efforts should be shutting down now.

Praise Lucifer and his wisdom.