Help identify these stones?

Thank you, too! I’m glad I could help you.

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Sorry off topic just got my ulexite in the mail and im obsessed with it. this is what it looks like if partially placed over a printed and traced sigil.

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Tracing sigils was the first thing that I did over and over again when I had my first Ulexite stones :smiley: They are probably one of my favourites

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A post was split to a new topic: Request for help healing physical ailment

IrisAthena I need talk with you

Alright, @David555 Before making any more posts, please properly introduce yourself as you have already been asked twice to do. It is required here, and we should not have to ask you again. Failure to do so will result in the removal of any subsequent posts you make until our rule is respected.


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Given that the OP hasn’t been seen in about a year and a half, and the discussion appears to have run it’s course, I’m closing this topic now.