Help identify these stones?

Hi everyone! I’m sorta new to using gemstones for magick. I bought some years ago & there are 4 I’m not sure about. Help a sister out?

I’m pretty sure this one is selenite.


And I think this one might be chrysocolla?


I’m thinking this one is some kind of agate…


And this one I’m most unsure of. Maybe dyed onyx? A type of agate? Or just a man-made glass? It has some translucent spots.


Dont know what it is but its so beatuiful.


The first one COULD be Ulexite if it does funny stuff when you put it on a surface (preferably something written) and it works like a magnifying glass


Hi IrisAthena, hope you don’t mind my wanting to comment. Love stones and would like to offer some insight if thats ok :smile:

**There are some charts of raw stones with similar formations and stone meanings, if you think they would be useful to you that I can send. I’ll double check to make sure thats allowed.

Second pic, looks a lot like a type of Jade.

Third pic, looks like you found some nice pieces of emerald :+1:

Fourth pic, thats a tricky one. The translucent spots may help narrow down what it could be. Maybe malachite or a type of tigers/ cat eye.

Great pieces btw!

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Thank you! I think so, too! Even if I don’t find out what it is, I still really like it. :grinning:

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Huh! I never heard of that one, but I’m looking up info on it. It does do odd things when placed on text, but it doesn’t magnify or shift the image a huge amount. It like multiplies & shatters the text. Strange. I’m thinking it’s not Ulexite, but I’m not 100% on that. Thanks for the info, Oddnan!

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1.selenite 70% or quartz ( not sure about that quartz tho) 25% :joy:
2.chrysocolla :ok_hand:t2: 100%
3.looks like Malachite to me :ok_hand:t2: 90% tiger eye :ok_hand:t2: 100%


Tigers eye and eye love it!

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Hi, @ofdreams! No, I don’t mind at all; I appreciate it! I’m still kinda new, so I’m not sure about the charts. I wouldn’t post them, just in case, but thanks for the offer!

I don’t think the 2nd one is jade because of the way the colors are broken up. It looks sorta “agate-y” to me, lol.

I don’t think the 3rd one is emerald, but I’m looking at some bluer stones of it & can’t rule it out for sure. Hmmmm.

Yeah, the 4th one I’m almost stumped on, but cat’s eye did cross my mind. I’ll have to look into different tiger’s eyes & cat’s eye gems.


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Those were my first 2 thoughts. I’m leaning mostly towards selenite, but I have to check out info on that tv stone thing @A_Pariah told me about. It might be a shitty quality Ulexite, lol.

I’m leaning towards this a lot. If it’s a type of agate (I’m still learning how many kinds there are), then I think this one is solved. (But I also was pretty sure it was like 3 other things before this, lol, so, lol.)

Hmmmm… maybe! I gotta check on that.

Really?! Cause it’s dark blue & clearish, the photo made it look a lot darker, but @Raspbreeze & @ofdreams are also saying Tiger’s Eye. Huh! I never heard of a black one. I have a blue one that’s totally different, but I gotta go lookin around now!

Thank you! (And sorry for all the second-guessing! I analyze shit to death, lol.)


Thats okay !!! I have same stone as you do (black one) so i think it is 99% Black Tigers Eye :ok_hand:t2::two_hearts: They are really precious :ok_hand:t2: i will create tomorrow post in my journal about stones so you can get more ideas :wink:


I’m so tempted to put a picture of my balls and ask for help identifying these stones.

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Oh wow, that’s super cool! Thanks, @Dremora! :two_hearts:

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I agree, it was bad and I shouldn’t have posted it. I’m in a really shitposty mood today…


No stones sweetheart only 2 little bird eggs :joy::fire:


I have a few different Tigers eye color varients
It really looks like one of them :slight_smile:

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