Help getting rid of rats and mice from house

They serve the purpose of feeding larger animals.

But yes, theyre big pests. I had a dream of two giant rats last night…like as big as a Maine Coon cat.

Just thinking about them races my heart and dread takes over my body!

That must be a true horror! Yes, I wonder how some people can have them as pets! :cold_sweat:

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I dont have a fear of rodents at all. To me, its part of living very rural near woods and fields. They come in when its cold.

The dream didnt scare me. They were just sitting there, minding their own business, cleaning their fur of water.

Oh I can understand, our last home was just next to huge fields, a swamp and a burial ground. Fortunately I live in a different city and my mom is super chilled with a several rats just moving around all the house.

I don’t remember any incident from childhood that could be responsible for this phobia. Probably the house I’m living in is making me paranoid.


Its not a good idea to be chill with them once you see them. Theyre bad disease carriers along with spreading fleas.


That’s what I told her but I’m super glad we moved to a better place and sold that damn house.


Get a Cat if you don’t have one already.

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Call an exterminator and get those sticky mouse traps.

I just can’t stand them chewing and making stinky nests in places. Akin to any rodent or raccoon, an infestation is terrible. The field is full of voles, mice, rats etc. I will NOT EVER NEVER poison them.

I have cats who hunt and OWL has come back and the whoooing at night is great. I don’t mind squirrel. HAWK comes and so does COYOTE.

For damn hornets and nasty yellow jackets SKUNK is called (usually summer/early fall) and skunk tears up nests and digs them out.

WOODPECKER helps as well. Other mouse killers are HERON and EGRET.


In my area they come in out of the cold this time of year. Talk to the Deva of Mice aka King of Mice (same with Rats, separate being tho) - they’re sort of a collective consciousness of mice/rats and related to the fae. He may appear very large but he’s wise and very personable to talk to, and will be able to keep the mice out, especially if it’s clear he needs to do that to protect them.

Works every year for me. Give him a bit of time (couple of days and) to find them somewhere safe to go. He may move them on a warmer day so they don’t lose the babies.

Edit: Oh, works on hornets too. Tried that last summer. It’s amazing what asking nicely gets you.
Politeness costs nothing.

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A cat.
Rats and mice soon know a cat is around and they steer clear. Even the smell of a cat will keep them away.



mice soon know a cat is around and they steer clear. Even the smell of a cat will keep them away.

:smiley: Can you tell that to my mice? They’re dumb… or didn’t get the memo.

I’ve always lived with cats, usually multiple, always hunters. You’d think having their little friends guts left in obvious places (usually where I can step on them) would be a clue, but they don’t seem to care. Maybe it’s a wood mouse thing, or maybe it’s because the cold will kill, but the cat might get a different mouse - so they take their chances. But I live in the country, and the houses get mice in the winter, and they go back to the woods in the spring, as long as you don’t leave out food for them to make them stay.

Anyway, don’t get a cat thinking it’ll solve a mouse issue, it won’t, but you’ll have to take care of a cat for the rest of it’s life. Get a cat because you want a cat for it’s own sake, not for what you think it might do for you.


Mice can still get in if you have cats, but they don’t last long. Cats are pretty persistent and focused on getting that mouse.


@johntrevy @Uncle-Al Thanks but getting a cat is not a option for me because my place is so small and the cat would have no place to break things :smile:

@Keighn It is on the list, thanks

@Mulberry Thanks, I’m unable to find anything on King of Mice. Would you mind telling me how to contact him?

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Find someone with a cat. Ask them for a plastic bag with cat litter wet by cat piss. Place this wet cat litter in a container in your house - at least over night.


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Interesting, will do, thanks

Eh, not always true. I had a cat that slep in a chair above a food dish. There were mice that dared get the food night after night… well until he saw them and killed them. They can be bold and aggressive.

I was thinking maybe Bastet if you can’t get a physical kitty?

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Good idea, thanks

Just found this: Predator Pee Bobcat Urine for Mice.
