Help- cat is very sick and possibly dying

Sorry to hear about your cat and glad this thread could help
Ariel has been amazing with Baby, and I also taped her sigil to her tank and think it helped her regain her appetite. I remembered feeling Ariel’s sadness too when I first summoned her and explained what was happening and nobody at the hospital expected her to start eating, so there’s always hope she will start to eat again too.
Baby was also given an appetite stimulant that’s applied topically, and I remember she got that last time I took her to the hospital in 2016 when something happened with a partially passed kidney stone stuck in her ureter that was impacting her appetite, so maybe that’s something a vet can provide (I’m not a medical professional so I don’t know really, just remembered that it helped her before). I would still consult a trusted veterinarian for maybe an ultrasound or something beyond bloodwork (again I’m not a medical professional, but maybe they could recommend a more detailed diagnostic test to be sure about the cause for the loss of appetite). In 2016, when she was about 7, my cat lost her appetite and stopped drinking and I thought she was dying, but it turned out to be a fixable situation and she regained her health after a surgery, and if something is off about what you hear second opinion always helps, at least in my cat’s case (the ultrasound in '16 showed a tiny stone, then the ultrasound this week showed tumors). I guess appetite loss can be caused by many things as they age😿
Sadly, cats hide their pain and sickness so well, and it’s often hard to tell, and they’re so unconditionally loving to their owners, they can even take any suffering they perceive from their owners into themselves (at least that probably played a role in my cat’s sickness, our pets are powerful selfless protectors/healers towards loved ones), so trying to convey to them that you’re okay, holding onto hope, staying mentally/ emotionally strong however hard that is (I know I’m struggling with all of the above and writing this is reminding me to too) I think helps too. Personally, it’s like it provides her some relief/one less thing to worry about, and my strength becomes her strength, my hope keeps her hopeful, but when she sees me worry she also gets stressed out, so I’m really leaning on my partner and constantly reminding myself to remember to show her that I’m okay and strong and she doesn’t have to worry about me. The love between us is huge too, and I think the proximity will be helpful for Baby’s recovery, so I think you’re doing well being with your cat and I’m going to research Masaru Emoto too.
Your cat is lucky to be so loved and sending positive energy into her water sounds like a great idea! I was trying something similar like sending positive energy but directly to her when I was petting her through the opening of the tank with my right hand and using my left hand to visualize the nasty sticky grey disease energy draining out of her, into my left hand and through me into the earth, so I will also try charging her water with positive healing energy tomorrow.
I was thinking of trying to invoke Ariel or Raphael before visiting her to add effectiveness to that, but will study Reiki healing in more depth first of course. I picked up a couple Reiki healing for beginners types books, so will update again if/when I can try that with Baby (while practicing on my partner and if the books are helpful, will link them here)
My Baby was like “it’s my job to protect you!” And I was like “nooooo other way” and showed her my strong side when I visited her so she knows not to worry about me, and to focus on herself.
Good thing you’re with your cat too- your presence alone is huge as she loves you unconditionally and it’s soothing to have loved ones around (I believe the strange hospital environment, unfamiliar staff, and other critical ward animals are stressing my cat out and part of why her condition is now worsening, so my top priority is just bringing her home safely where she can be surrounded by loved ones).
I’m learning a lot still from this ongoing experience and hope this helps a little at least.:heart:best wishes for your cat’s health and hope things improve for you both soon
I’ll keep updating with more information as I learn more


Thank you for your reply… I’m just taking it a day at a time with mine. There is alot of uncertainty with how this will all work out. I’m doing my best to stay focused and grounded so that I can take care of my sick kitty. I think that is something that needs to be taken into account when going through these experiences whether it is with a person or a pet. The most important thing that you can do is to look after yourself. Because if you can’t love yourself… who can you love?

I’m wishing everyone here that is going thru this that things will get better but I know that sometimes it doesn’t go that way. Just take care of yourselves. I know that whatever happens it’s for the best and if my cat cashes in her chips I know she will end up in a better place. I will grieve but I will have to go on living.


I’m going to share with you a story that happened to me last year. I was in similiar situation like you (also had a cat with a cancer), but I decided to deal with it by myself. Unfortunetely I wasn’t aware how many misconceptions and just falses are on the internet (in this forum too). I was trying to contact with few entities that were described as a healers. One of those was goetic spirit Marbas. I was under strong influence of many LHP sources (which ones? I can send on pm, to not make a bad recommendation). I was also using E.A.Koettings few methods like with sigil gazing. None of these methods have worked for me properly, despite the fact I was following them in every step.
And my cat died. I was furious for myself, I started to doubt in occult. Some time has passed. Then I found Morino’s blog and channel. I started to follow his instructions and enrolled in his course. I trained myself proper abilities, I started to be aware, what time and day I should perform for example money spell etc. What correspondences I should use for some goals.
And guess what? I started to see results! In two months I made much more bigger progress than for 8 months of googling those things.

There are many misconceptions and false ideas that I saw on many occult websites and forums which make the magick harder for beginners.

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Look. I’ll be totally blunt with you. Vet clinics, are just another business. You have to know the clinic really well and the vets in it, to determine if what they propose and doing is all about the animal or their pocket or if they really don’t know what the hell they’re doing and find euthanasia as an easy solution. As sad it might sound, many good vets have turned into cold hearted bastards that care only for their pocket despite the situation of the animal.
Understand that each day they keep an animal in their clinic, means more money in their pocket. They don’t do it for free. And if its anything like here, nights and weekends are almost double the price.

Each time they run a test, its money in their pocket as well. And each time they sell you something or propose “that person/other clinic/name it” its also more money in their pocket. And no, that doesn’t mean they do it because its better for the animal. So just because one is feeding you hope and the other is being an ass, doesn’t mean that the first is better than the second or that the second is an ass while the first isn’t. So take everything with a huge grain of salt.


Thanks for sharing and I’m glad you had better experiences. I just can’t afford what is being recommended with the medical expenses as well (that’s something I’m beating myself over, not earning more money than I should be)
I’m taking it day by day, reminding myself to also include self care so I can be strong and clear headed for her whenever I see her again.
Unfortunately I don’t know this hospital well (staying with family in NJ for the past half year) and can just hope for another vet’s input so I can evaluate the different responses about whether or not to let her go, but hopeful that I can make home comfort possible for her one more time. So heartbreaking remembering the first time I visited she thought I was taking her home and got excited and I just tried to keep it together and keep comforting her.

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Hey hun I did some workings for you two last night how are you and her doing? I don’t know the out come but I did a workings for what is best for you and her. What is easiest for all. And to help you if the on thinkable happens. Good luck and @Anassa said what I wasn’t saying sadly there are gets only our for money. This is why I am becoming a zoologist over being a tech.


Thank you so much! Really appreciate your time and help and personally I feel stronger and ready for the day. just prepared and generally calmer and more level headed feeling, so really thank you for your help​:heart::heart_eyes_cat: I’m sure Baby benefited somehow too, but haven’t heard from the hospital today. Now still waiting for the first update and my partner and I will see her after.
Thanks @Anassa for your advice and honesty. Going to do some research on the specific vets working with her there since I don’t know this area well honestly but will do my best to research, maybe use some divination to get a better idea who to trust❤️
Updating when we know more


Ok thank you I will rely more on my intuition and what I can find out with some basic divination, in a grounded state.

I am responsible for the purchase and all, just shared the experience as a reason of caution, what I learned from that, and acknowledge I was not thinking straight at the time. Weirdly, this harsh reminder of the fact that this is a crazy world with all kinds of people and it’s unpredictable sometimes, so though not a positive experience personally, helps me to be more careful in this time. My only hope in sharing this experience is that anyone else who potentially goes through this whole thread in a state, reads or even briefly skims over that recommendation, and considers running to all the magical services website out there for paid services from apparently widely reputed practitioners, admittedly a poor decision on my part, can take a step back to really think through what they want to do for their loved one. Should have kept myself away from the screen, stayed grounded throughout and I’ll live with my mistake and hope this is a lesson on desperation for a loved one and considering paid help from well known magicians. I hope nobody else has to go through this whole thing in a similar state, but being life, could happen and hope I can, through illustrating about my mistakes with the internet and paid services, inspire some kind of caution in whoever else finds themselves in this kind of situation and seriously considers that recommendation.


It will be ok. I will do a Ritual with the Archangels later on as it seems urgent. FOR FREE of course and everyone should offer that for free in a situation like this one because this is what humanity and compassion was meant to be.
If you only speak a short prayer (if you mean it) for her cat too and send a blessing,
that works as well.

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I want to ask you if the cat was left unfed for about 3 days alone in the apartment in 2017? I just channeled the Archangels and spoke to Metatron for a Miracle. I asked about the biological conflict and he said the cat was left alone and had no water and food for a few days. It was left alone several times and felt abandoned. He also said it was taken away from the mother shortly after birth so this abandonment issue is being triggered.


Update from the hospital we are just leaving now.
Good news is nothing got worse overnight she has moments where she struggles to breathe, but to quote today’s vet “somehow it just resolves by itself and she returns to relatively stable breathing and comfort for the most part”(something the vet yesterday didn’t expect, so today it was a different vet and they’re continuing her medical support and comfort) Thank you so much to everyone for all the spiritual work for her and to all this spirits in her aid. I know that played a significant role in her stabilization last night. Thank you @Angelb1083 for your time and help with the ritual last night for us as it really helped both of us today❤️ and thank you @ysy for your kind offer to help as well with a ritual with the archangels❤️ which I really appreciate too
In the meantime, I will continue doing my part of nightly ritualing to aid the process of her healing, restoring her strength, continuing to tune into her and her needs, and projecting my love to her, charging little trinkets I’m allowed to tape to her tank.
Still going day by day of course because really anything can happen.
Today’s vet thankfully answered some questions about moving forward (again told that the unpredictability so far is difficult to tell, but her breathing stabilized somewhat though no significant improvement in the oxygen support need.) She’s eating and we were told today about options of prescriptions for home care and discussed with today’s vet how to expedite the process and possibly bring her home from the hospital earlier. Felt she was genuinely more compassionate towards the animals just observing how she interacted with them with care and attention, while yesterday’s kinda stomped around and kept to herself (understandably, as I feel she’s struggling with something outside of the hospital/her work, seemed to be dealing with some difficulty in her own life so was just extra cynical and pessimistic about Baby’s “definite decline” which didn’t happen last night. Hopefully tonight gets better.
On Monday, her main doctor will be back and today’s vet talked about how with continued observation and support, hopeful improvement tonight, she could work with the Monday doctor on expediting her safe and comfortable transfer home.
If/when the time comes, we were also told we can take her in at that point for humane euthanasia, should that be what Baby wants.
Baby seems a little more hopeful after I talked to her for a bit, a little spark in her eyes that widened slightly when I projected the image of her breathing comfortably, experiencing the warmth of the sun and comfort of home, promised as many belly rubs as she wants should she make it home.
Tried more energy healing with her and reassuring her of her strength, reminding her of our good times, singing her favorite songs and the healing mantras to her.
Tried a quick general clearing/healing as well to the room to help the critical ward vets treating her (clearing whatever personal issues they may be struggling with that may affect how they approach her treatment) to hopefully make sure of continuing medical support and keeping her comfortable.


I’m 2017, I was in PA and remembered going to NYC for a bunch of weekends to visit my partner (beginning of our relationship, still together, a wonderful stepdad to Baby) and trusted this catsitter a couple times and some relatives, a friend, to just feed her, keep her water fountains going and litter box, just basic stuff I assumed would happen. Now regretting ever trusting someone else to care for her, not to blame them, just myself for not being there for her during those trips
I made two separate day trips to NYC, one in 2017, once in 2018, without hiring someone as I prepared her two water fountains, had food out, and got an extra litter box in case those two trips took longer than 24 hours.
I adopted her at estimated age 5 in 2014 and don’t know much about her early life unfortunately
Really regretting ever letting that happen now and not excusing myself from my mistakes, but this is all a huge learning experience for me. I never meant to abandon her without food or water, especially after 2016 when told to emphasize her water intake (hence the multiple fountains that are instructed to be refreshed every 5 days and some extra water bowls) and in time I’ll work on self forgiveness for my previous addiction also adding negative energies/parasites to the overall environment.

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Maybe the food was bad or the water. She was probably worried or something happened while she was alone. She must have been in trouble.
What I would do is to keep her close to your body as often as possible and not leave her alone too much. Cats usually show you when they have had enough but it is better if you express that you want to be near her. She needs to find her will to live back (as Hamer says) and maybe you can find ways to create that for her. Fun and play is important now


Thank you again
When we safely transport her home on Monday (as today’s vet planned with us to expedite her safe and comfortable transfer home and continued care. When/if she’s ready, we were also told we have the option to go back for humane euthanasia), again taking day by day and trying to communicate with her from my end until then.
Her custom oxygenator is also pretty much finished and actually saw/listened to her speak with the supplier.
When she’s home safely, I will remember to take all of your and everyone’s advice, spend as much time close with her, all the belly rubs and scratches she desires, any kind of play she’s up for, to remind her how loved she is.
Also I got a pretty affordable energy generator with plugs and proper voltage etc designed for camping, that I hope can make her oxygenator more mobile as it requires to be plugged into a power source.
Hopefully the Reiki healing books help and if they do and are effective as I work on Baby (partner is a consenting guinea pig for my practice of energy healing/laying of hands/whatever that could help) I will share them here.
Again thanks to everyone for your recommendations and advice. Wasn’t expecting such a huge response tbh and really grateful for the honesty, compassion, and kindness of the community. Baby and I thank you all and keeping updated with any more information and hopefully all this helps another in similar crisis.


I’ll do a boost tonight when I get home :two_hearts:


Perfectly said. I’m reminding myself that and going to sleep soon which I realize has been lacking with the adrenaline.
Hoping that you and your cat’s condition improve, feel free to keep us posted too❤️ and best of luck for both of you
When Baby’s time comes, I will do my best to respect that and make it as smooth as possible. I trust that her afterlife will be wonderful, and know that death is a transition, and that she will be in a happier better place.
I feel like we’ve been together in a past life and may be reunited in a future incarnation, who knows? The grieving process is natural and will come, but we all get through it as we’ve gotten through the shit in our lives.


I just did a few little edits to remove review aspects from this thread, sorry to wade in when you’re under such pressure but as I mentioned, there are problems if we have reviews about specific named magickal service providers, primarily:

  1. due to our rules on advertising, merchants may not join to reply if they feel they have been unfairly criticised, and due to sometimes unrealistic expectations by buyers, that is a strong likelihood if reviews are invited from all and sundry

  2. this is a forum for BALG, a business, and hosting reviews of other businesses in the same area is just a tangle of potential misunderstandings about why they would allow this (especially highly critical reviews), or, conversely, whether they are behind praise given, to the extent of accrediting it (seems unlikely but trust me, people’s comprehension isn’t always where we might hope it would be)

  3. there are already established sites that allow reviews of magickal goods and services, and that means people are able to share their opinions on neutral territory

  4. it opens a temptation to merchants, especially the less honest, to set up shill accounts and fake satisfaction with their own services, increasing moderation workload and risking throwing the forum into disputes over what is or is not advertising.

I tried to leave the gist of your experience in place and remove anything too focused on any named individuals.

If anyone has any questions or concerns about any of that, drop me a line, or if you don’t yet have PM abilities, flag this post and use the Something Else option to send me a message. :+1:


I have just remembered a book I bought that teaches you Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing

The Book is called
“Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing” by Dennis Higgins.
If you subscribe to Audible for one month you get it for free and can unsubscribe before the month ends.
It also teaches how to heal a person from diseases by using Visualisation.
I have used this technique on Baby yesterday and had my laptop open, suddenly I saw you responding at the same time. Beautiful how connected we all are energetically.

It is a long book but absolutely worthwhile reading several times.
I read it 5 times and still working on it. Remote Influencing is a fantastic tool if used wisely.
This is how you can learn to heal and work on Baby whenever she feels bad again.

PLEASE completely remove the word death and illness from your vocabulary from now on and avoid imagining her sick. It is a very important thing to do if you want her to get well.

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Here a description of the book

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Sorry I emailed a reply to you while keeping myself away from the forum temporarily
Update from Hospital: suddenly somehow not doing well they need to know whether or not to give her the IV (which they removed when she started eating and drinking on her own) but worry it could stress her out and kill her. I know she wants to give up being away for so long in the stressful environment and resents me on some level for my mistakes, but I also know she miraculously survived the long transfer to the larger facility, misses home and being surrounded by loved ones. The stress of being there, we were also told today by the vet, has admittedly played a role in her decline.
Vet today (another one) discussed that she is placing the IV back in for administering fluids (though worries doing that alone would stress her out to the point of death). Otherwise not much has significantly changed since yesterday, still breathing difficultly without the oxygenator (though also mentioned her weird moments where she “somehow seems to resolve herself”, sounds like my tough girl). However since removing the IV since she was eating better (now not, going to bring more food from home for her), the resulting less water support resulted in higher potassium in her kidneys that could be life threatening (reminding her also of baby’s history of kidney disease and extra need for water). Ready for whatever happens but I think we’re all, including the unexpected help received from kind and compassionate people responding her @Angelb1083 and anyone else I forget to mention (kinda half asleep TBH) for your ritual work and knowing that we’re doing our best given the circumstances and hold onto that for strength. I’m reminding Baby of home life what we’re preparing for her- oxygenation tank is ready, transport team whenever, all the time all of her loved ones can spare with her (at least me all the time going forward will happily spend all my time with her giving her massages/belly rubs as she pleases) I wrote her another letter last night in the ritual circle and just hope she heard me. I’m so sorry she felt abandoned ever, was never my intention (put her in care with people I really trusted at the time when I felt I couldn’t because I was in NYC on those trips aforementioned and couldn’t bring her on the buses into the city, but looking back I would’ve just driven her with me and figured out parking instead of entrusting her to someone else during the weekend trips (again not to blame any of the people who helped catsit, only my own regret for e er making her feel abandoned at) when I assumed the trip into and out of the city would just stress her out (like me, doesn’t respond well to big stress)
Hoping for best outcome and better news later today and that we could see