Hello World

31 here with Aspergers, so I may come across odd. Here for knowledge and guidance, I have done some sigils in the past but have always been alone in terms of talking about these things. Ancestry is predominantly scot-irish and german, would love to explore the ways of my forefathers…

Welcome to the forum! :smiley:

Please find the forum rules here and posting guidelines in the FAQ.

Here is a getting started with magick guide. You’ll want to get your spiritual hygiene sorted out, and start work on developing your astral senses, then when you can know you have a decent chance at avoiding impostors and parasites then try the evocation guides we have on here. Enjoy and let know have any questions?

You might like t look into Druidry, and/or Norse magick. Both are revivalist as the historical records are not unbroken, but we know more about the Norse than the Druids. The youtube channels Arith Harger and Freyia Norling are ones I like that have great information from historical to magickal. I also love Survive the Jive for the history though he’s not confined to Nordic peoples only.