Hello today magicians about me

Hello today and have happy magic weekend !

My name is Marks69 (Markus) I’m 54 years old, male and live in europe now we have smooth warm weather here.
I be like to be an adept, always seekign the truth, but I make myself free from any religious dogma.
Two years ago I began with meditation, I have strong feelings to the Shiva meditations, they helped me alot in my life, yes sometimes I get stranges ideas in my mind, can not say if they are real, typing thes ideas in google I not find any answers, strange.

Like empty my mind one day a week meditate 3-4 hours sometimes my back spine shakes; I hope I can awake my kundalini one day I need to be creative for my new online business 10 years ago I was bankcrupt) it was hard for me to jump over my own shadow, I shame myself that I have waste the last 10 years of my life.

The last days I was lurking a little bit around this forum reading some posts, I feel you people here a serious not like these childisch witchcraft occult sites…

I hope I be welcome here. I like to find a wise spirit, can answer my questions about my past, my next reincarnation, what to do for my online business to gain wealth and maybe find a new wife in my life.

Yes another strange thing too in my life;
I not have problems with women, I can have friendship with them or with some others fun, a funny night and se##x…have stromng feelings to south american latin women can not explain it, but here comes the part; find a women to marry- no chance, I wish I know what the culprit here is.

Ok I be here on walk on a new path in m ylife to find a wise genius spirit.(not abuse them).
So I wish here all a happy weekend and I will be happy when you welcome me.


Welcome to the forum :blush:

So what do you practice? Are you saying you’re taking ideas from Hinduism for your meditations here? How long have you been into that?

We call that UPG (Unverified Personal Gnosis) around these parts. Sometimes it stays personal, sometimes you come across sometime with the same UPG and then that verifies it. It can also be called clairsentience.

It’s a good thing, as this develops into a personal inner learning that you will not easily find in books that evolve into enlightened knowledge.

Aw. Well I would say, use that for the good. It can help remind you why you’re doing what tire doing to stay motivated. :blush:

I could probably lighten up a bit :sweat_smile: but yes, we’re all about personal, practical magick that gets results. :+1::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Happy sunday to you Mulberry !

yesterday night I gone to bed, rolling up a little bit my eyes, visualize the Lucifer sigil (it was a test) then fall asleep. In the morning hours I sleep more flat, then a slight female voice comes to my mind:
"you have beutiful eyes! " (I waering blindfold mask for better sleep) then I ask back (not speaking- through with my mind) “who are you”

Answer; “you called me yesterday”…
I: are you Lucifer?
Answer: Yes…
I: you know I have problems, and some questions can you help me, I invite you come to my little room a my friend.
Answer: Yes I will heklp you, call me later, then the voiuce dissapears.

Is this some sort of mind carousel or is this the way to speak with these spirits, demons, archangels?
They not showing up in front of your face as some loas (in santeria/voodoo ) ?
I hope this is the right way to work with these different spirits here and it’s not a mind-carousel.

Since I meditate I got some strange thoughts in my mind an example from 4 weeks ago:
You know about the Epstein baby villa/ ranch in new mexico? This tought comes up:
“where are the nobel laureates young models (girls) who gave brith to these babies”?
You not hear anything from them or of the rich elite parents who adopt these babies

Or last year I tried shaving with shavette but it stucked on my face (not gliding)
Thought on the night comes up: water is too dry.
I mix my water with little bit of baking soda, and voila ! It glides like snow and ice on my face (now I have a beard…)

But back on topic to these spirits I need someone who makes the money flow come to me (fix it) I build an six figure busienss now with no budget on facebook or Linkedin spends.
And I need a wise guide who show me what I must do or can fix some of my life problems (maybe Lucifer).

Happy sunday to you may the power be with you !

Yes, but it sounds like you put no boundaries on who could contact you, and it’s worth being wary f who you got. As a rule of thumb, don’t ask leading questions, and ask an entity to show you it’s sigil (in your mind’s eye) to prove who it is. Doing magick attracts interest on the astral, which is a very bust and highly populated place, so you want to be very specific and make “phone calls” not open a chat room, as it were. :slight_smile:

Cleanse and banish, then call Lucifer via his sigi, get confirmation via sigil from him, THEN have your conversation, just like this. As you gather experience you’ll start be able to tell from the feel who is who, but energy signatures can also be mimicked, so just be careful.

They don’t do that in voodoo either: they’re showing up in your 2nd sight, also called clairvoyance, not your physical sight. This is why evocation uses a “manifestation base” like fire or incense: you can see physical forms in the base.

It can be, you won’t know until you build experience and learn what you can trust, how to verify and start getting results. Don’t try; won’t get. :smiley:

Hearing randoms talk to you is a gift, but, it sounds like these are quite negative an highly connected to humanity, and that may not serve you so well depending on your goals.

Taking care of your spiritual hygiene to limit having distracting and hungry ghosts and randoms being in your space is the norm… otherwise they can drive you mad, they feed on you and it’s not good for you.

This forum has a rule against discussing politics, and it’s of topic since it’s not about magick, so those specifics are subject for another forum. :slight_smile:

Look into Ant’harratu, from the Book of Azazel. He is the Empire builder. He can bring opportunity, what you do with it is up to you. You will still need to do the hard work to not let him down.


Thank you so much Mulberry !
Is there a good guide to cummunicate better with Lucifer or other dmeoins like Belial/Bune or with Azazel too ?

Ye sI must stop these more general humanity thoughs, the ar enor traget to reaching my six figure business goals.

We have a few tutorials about developing your psychic senses, and in the end they’re all good and it boils down to “practice, practice, practice”: the more you do the more you can.

But you can take a look through and pick some practices that interest you to help We have some here, some people post that they ask entities to help them and that works for them.

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Big thanks to you Mulberry! And for more example spirit Bune, I will use the search function hete to seeking for tutorials.

Have good sunday evening rest!

moment, which spieits are good for healing, giving a lot if body energy etc…?

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