Have you evoked all 72 kings/queen, 72 daemon evoke challenge

Which is completely normal. Don’t know why my dream told me to go back to front, like a Japanese Manga comic

Maybe it was a message from the Goetia or it was just my own mind going, this could be interesting :slight_smile:


I’m pretty curious about who in your dream told you to do this lol


Might be so y’all meet at some point?


From what I understand, you are not using the God names and conjurations from the Lesser Key, but you are taking the concept that each demon represents a portion of your mind from it and adapting your approach, correct?

Are you using any banishings? I reread through the thread and in some posts you say you did a banishing before and after, and in another you said you are not using any banishing rituals.

Like I said, I don’t know of it was a spirit or if it was just my own mind, but i am tempted to do this. After my encounter with a scary level of power during a scan yesterday, I’ve realized I have not been very consistent with my practice and i really need to up my level.


Well I am calling to the deamons and opening their sigils but essentially yes to what you said.

I tried not to do any banishings because I wanted to up the experience, but I live right next to a graveyard and I was starting to get parasites and other entities crashing the party. So I have been doing banishing


Are you using the LBRP?


On occasion otherwise it is my own personal brand so to speak, circle of fire stuff.


Excellent. Thanks :+1:

I am using Jason Miller’s Sphere of Hecate banishing and wasn’t sure it would be appropriate but it seems it should be okay.


Yeah definitely should be fine, I didn’t want to banish before either though because I didn’t want to push the deamons out on accident. I know the LBRP doesn’t discriminate.

Especially because I invite them to stay in house and in mind so it’s a bit of a relationship


I just took a look at my pdf of the Lesser Key, and if I work backwards, the first three would be Andromalius, Dantalion, and Seere. Not sure if one of them is responsible for the “work backwards” message :thinking:


Tough to say,

For all you know it’s all of them whispering to you, if you’ve been keeping up with the thread.

Since I started this I hear some strange stuff saying peculiar things, thats for sure. Maybe it can stretch out to others?


Well lemme know if you start it, or post your experiences, I want to compare notes. Sometimes I miss what they say if they are going into detail.


Okay I just evoked President Malphas and it was truly helpful and unique of his personality.

The goetia says he appears as a crow first, as well as Raul who is next, I’ve been seeing crows.

I evoked him after opening his sigil,

“Who calls upon me?!” His voice was mighty.

It is I, said my name.

Mighty lord

“That’s right you will address me as such, what do you want?” He commanded.

I asked my personal request of which he agreed.

Will you open the aspect of my mind of which you are associated with?

“Yes I can do That”

What will I expect?

“A conjuring of deamons”

Wait, what does that mean?

“People of greater knowledge and power (different of mine) will assemble themselves before You”

Said my thanks, welcomes and farewell.

Interestingly, the goetia also says he giveth good familiars. Yet this is the first time I have been told I will be receiving them without asking.

After this challenge I definitely will be working with him more.


I definitely think this is calling to me now. Someone posted about their grandma being scammed and I immediately thought about Andromalius, the first to be called if I do the reversed order.

Synchronicity indeed.


Will never do such a thing. It’s takes and required a lot of insecurities and unsubconscious resistance to pull off such a ritual essentially what you saying “I’m powerless “ the universe don’t like that stuff. It’s ok to worship one deity or entity but this amount of number is ridiculous. Your energy won’t be able to feed them. Seriously wtf is this madness

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That’s too perfect, the spirits definitely call to you


There’s a difference between working with and worshipping. Wait, I have a meme for this too,



I worship none, I call to them for their wisdom and assistance in breaking the veils of my mind.

And you’re right my energy isn’t enough I have to literally keep taking days off to recover and building up other energy sources.


I called upon Raum, for some reason i felt compelled to vibrate his name repeatedly. This annoyed him,
“WHAT DO YOU WANT?!” He yelled pretty thunderously this through me off.



Can you tell me your name?

“I am Raum, the mightiest of all the Earl’s and you are feeble to me right now”

Said my thanks and welcomes

Raum I have some questions for you


Asked my personal question, he didn’t like it and probably won’t help with it.

will you unlock the aspect of my mind of which you are associated?

Lectured me a bit on foolishness, but proceeded to say,

“Are you ready for a ride?” (Referring to unlocking my mind)

I am ready, what can i expect?

(Lost connection here just heard static, had to reopen his sigil again)

“What do you want now?” He spat

What can I expect from you unlocking my mind?

“Others will know and they will come to you”


“The astral”

Is that good?

“Depends on what you decide to do with all of them”

Very offsetting but okay

I asked the final personal question I’ll be doing for @Anassa

There was a lot of annoyance and he says you are refusing to progress and you need to take a leap.

Side note, after evoking these two my tablet is being difficult, I smelled burning (no stove or anything), and lights flickering.


By the analogy worship I mean working not begging. It can be defined by multiple definitions. It depends on how you interrupting this. And this topic is clearly talking about some evocation of 72 different sources which is resistant and confusion . By the term worship I mean: “the feeling or expression of reverence and adoration for a deity.” Which is necessary for connection and work. Simply put there is no any difference between them as it’s connected and coming all together. You’re seeking from your guru master in this case the demon knowledge so… yea. It is connected . According to your logic working with someone and giving him energy so it does count as worshipping sorry to break it to you why it’s called evocation please look this up and google the definition of worshipping once again

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