Have you evoked all 72 kings/queen, 72 daemon evoke challenge

Sorry for delay from yesterday and today, been a bit busy. The next 3 will be posted soon.


Sticking with the 72 as they are keybearers to the mind in the lesser keys of Solomon


Oh gods. Perhaps the summoning of multiple entities is for a certain purpose other than just making a relationship with the entity. Also, certain entities truly love each other and even if not, if they were so envious to say “Am I not good enough” when you work with others and not just that specific entity, then such entity wouldn’t want you to work with other entities in the first place - and unless it’s Jehovah, Allah or that type of shit it’s just bullshit (especially in the case of Demonic and Trans-Qliphothic entities).

Also, if you are not able to give attention to multiple entities at the same time - that has more to do with your ability to multitask and focus and also your psychic sense other than anything else. There are many people who are more than capable to work with multiple entities in a single ritual without a single problem.

(Btw, ‘a meta-god’ refers to a group of entities merging into one ‘super-entity’ and behaving as such. A great example would be Azerate/Chavajoth - The 11 Headed Dragon composed of 11 Gods and Goddesses ruling the Qliphoth).


Best thing I’ve heard when comparing self or beings is:

“You is you and me is me. I will never be you and you’ll never be me.”

Same applies when comparing their abilities, agendas, motivations, and relationships.

Now chaining an agenda agreement together might be looked at the same how people arrange their financials and fallback plans to ensure they have security no matter what route they take so long as reward is greater than the risks and loss. Better to live off the interest than the principle. Perhaps similar in gaming when chaining abilities, items, and attacks for taking down the mobs and reaping hawt lewt.

And I see a lot of combinations with just 72. Seems you still have to offer something to get something. I suppose spirits could be like drug lords hooking you, lining their influence with your wants/needs, then locking the deals in as you continually try to climb the ladder as you WANT MORE.

Are people or spirits ever satisfied or content?
Will obsession overtake your goals as you get sidetracked?

Have a goal.
Work towards completing goal.
Complete goal.
Set new goal.
Rinse and repeat.

If you can handle it, then set many goals.

Sounds easy on paper, but when you fall into baited traps, have pity parties, and eventually lose your will then physical, mental, spiritual, financial, and more suffer to the critical. And damn it’s hard when you try to be loyal esp to friends and family. Bitchslapping yourself to regain your senses to see the toxicity of the relationships and pushing away the “safe” and “addictive” situational lifestyle is fucking hard.

I’m constantly besieged by “well… maybe I can hack it back on the dying property… maybe it ain’t soooo bad. Others got it worse…”

But I’m digressing. I believe I should have a goal and reason to do such a challenge rather than bother them.

Glad you have set goals and proceeding. The temptation for self is there but if I failed to discern results I’d be more tempted to drop it in lieu of mundane methods of my capabilities.

But as they say: “you can’t judge it until you try it.”

Once I get my apartment and secure employment and develops my new routine then I’ll reevaluate and research the exact order and patterns I’d use; probably something similar to weight training in that methodology. My rituals have to have a major physical
Element. That’s how I build energy.

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Sorry for the delay, but I needed a break from everything including this and let me tell you, it was much needed I feel great and this evocation was very successful and flowed easily.

I didn’t intend on it, but I really wanted to stay on my target day so I attempted to evoke 3 deamons: Stolas, Phenex, and Halphas.

I wasn’t sure it would work I never tried, but I went on with it anyway. I opened the first sigil calling out over and over.

Stolas, Stolas, Stolas

At last a voice answered,

“I’m here” the voice was almost child like but very intelligent.


“Yes, I am here”

I proceeded to open the next sigil,
Phenex, Phenex, Phenex.
His voice thundered in my head it was quite intense,

“What?! I have come”

Phenex is that you

“YES!” Thundering voice

I moved on to the final sigil.
Halphas, Halphas, Halphas

" Yes?!" More casual voice

Halphas is that you?

“Yes, of course. I have come”

Said my thanks and welcomes to them all. Will you all unlock the aspect of my mind of which you are associated with?

“(Inaudible from all 3 talking at once)”

Okay, okay… Stolas, Will you unlock the aspect of my mind of which you are associated with?

“I will”

What can I expect? “What can I expect?” He said it at the same time, I asked again and the same, a third time I asked it was in his voice. A melding of minds.

Phenex, Will you unlock the aspect of my mind of which you are associated with?

" Yes I will"

What can I expect?

“Power will flow”

Halphas, Will you unlock the aspect of my mind of which you are associated with?

“I will unlock it”

What can I expect?

“The power is your will”

I bid my farewell and did a pretty good banish for negative beings that may have came along, a good 3 day break from everything in life definitely can help.


That synchronicity with stolas for me tho


Yes me too @Kassapu I remember to evoke all of them at once asking them to grant me their powers…

Then I go to sleep…

Well I started to hear their voices… I remember for the first time I heard the voice of Belial…

Also there was a voice of woman too…()…

They continued to talk some show me vision of some things i wanted to achieve one after another but unfortunately someone wake me up(a human friend.)…

But the feeling of refreshment I got after waking up I can never forget …

But the doors they can open after that …you need to be ready to embrace


So everyone this is the best challenge… you should take it once in your life…ALL AT ONCE…


Going to post Malphas and Raum today,

Kind of surprised no one has any cosmic level shit to ask these beings but meh, complicated questions definitely help to build clairvoyance. Sometimes if I have a more in depth question I only hear static in return from their voice which is interesting.

Also, i can’t believe I’m on #40 as well!


I hope you didn’t forgot me! But if you did, I forgive you :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yup I remember


Read through some of the posts here, okay folks… yes very impressive you’ve evoked all of them… at once.

The thing is though that only requires a one time commitment, hardly a learning process. I’m on day 40ish of the journey, other than the magick it teaches this mission teaches patience, commitment, controlling procrastination, discipline in general, knowing, and more. If there was ever a time where you wanted to build yourself up magickally this is it.


And how do you feel after summoning already 40 of the 72? Do you see any change in your life? The way you see things? Has it affected your life at all?


I predict others movements and words unintentionally, evocation is easier, money just keeps showing up for me, more focus, able to manipulate some things like plant growth/traffic, able to affect others’ energy, and that’s the stuff I can Think of off the top of my head.


I envy you! In a good way! Keep up the good work!


12 hours ago or so I got a response from something and what it got spelled it was very similar to that name (I tried to write somewhere on a paper all the letters and all the numbers and used a small coin as “planchette”, I tried to imitate making an “ouija board”)

Can always jump on the train and start

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Sounds kool

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Not yet, I’m not ready! But I will one day!

I had a dream about this challenge, only it told me to start from the opposite end from where you did for some reason :thinking:


I like it, I only started from the front because of the book layout.