Have you evoked all 72 kings/queen, 72 daemon evoke challenge

Pretty much lol


No more personal questions, cosmic or nothing :slight_smile:


I have to wonder if anyone else has been keeping up with this challenge as I have.

I ask only because I have noticed as I progress through it, it feels almost as if my health declines at times. I have yet to experience a full recover. Maybe I am just overworked with everything else I am undertaking, but regardless it does beg the question.


Evoked Furfur,

Welcome and thanks.

I have a couple of requests For you.

"Of course

Will you provide me healing?

"Yes I can do That

Thank you, also will you unlock the aspect of my mind you are associated with?

“I can do That”

What can I expect?

“About the same as the rest have said”

Thank you

Easy one today I guess


When doing too much magic also you must have enough sleep and a lot of non magical activities…

But too much concentration on magic alone with fewer extra jobs …your health won’t be so good…

That is just my views…


Just want to update, been having a buzzing in my one foot and more easily agitated at times… ahhh man I guess it’s time to get health insurance to make sure I’m healthy and that this minor issue is just extreme stress.

Moving on…

I called Marchosias,

Marchosias are you there

“I am here”

Can you tell me your name?

He did.

Marchosias what does the order of domination mean?

“It is the power of which you can impose your will upon others, to dominate”

Is this something I can be taught?


Can you unlock the aspect of my mind you are associated with?

“Yes and the learning process of the art of domination will unfold.”

What can I expect?

“The searing agony of boredom when you learn this skill to secondhand nature.”


Okay, thanks and farewells

Tomorrow is STOLAS!!!


Man this is so cool Def’s gonna do this shit when my senses get better… Have you ever considered evoking the 72 corresponding angels?

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When u gonna evock Andras … ?!

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Andres is in 27 days


Idk, it’s an interesting thought. I would have to mull it over.


Cool man, hope this awakens you more and doesn’t keep wearing you down!


I tried evoking Stolas tonight, but no one is picking up the phone right now lol. I’m feeling pretty fresh all things considering, but the spirits do what they will.

I kept getting imagery of watching someone though, nothing too peculiar.

Will try again tomorrow, maybe ill get a response


I like spam.

But honestly I ugh forgot I ment to like these… awkward


Bullshit. Have you heard of the meta-god composed of 72 Demons of the Goetia?
And if you were an experienced magickian, you would be able to handle the way they would manifest to you simultaneously. Other option is that they would be willing to kill you if you are dumb and disrespectful enough (- even then I think they would be patient enough not to kill you, as they understand that some people still need to evolve).


I have heard of said Meta God and think somebody watched too many Japanese robot movies.

Even if said entity did exist it would not be an intimate relationship with each entity any more than lucking out and riding a bus with the Miss America Pageant and saying you slept with 50 beauty queens at one time.

Original comment stands.

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What in the fucking hell. Do you even know what the word “meta(-)god” refers to? And for how long have you been working with demons that you compare them to girlfriends or “beauty queens”. I bet you would be comparing evoking 3 entities simultaneously to a threesome or what not.

I actually would be because the Entities I have worked with expect attention.

So yes if you have not established a strong one on one first the summoning three becomes the issue of “Am I not good enough.”

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In this journey it is about taking a key from each one to unlock the door. Further development from each one specifically in the future is likely to enhance the experience. I do not take and banish them. For my gratitude I have welcomed them in my home and body to stay. Likely this is the reason for the peculiarities that have been going on as well


I’ve evoked all of them in a sense a few times over.

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I always understood to open up 9 gates the 72 becomes 1 be that a door or key or key in the door.

Often they are the keys and self is the locks on the door. One a day sounds pretty quick but don’t you feel that those not of the 72 are left out?

Maybe I embraced the standard bearers of “sin” (as Christians call though I say ambitions) when approaching the goetia. The carnal seemed the same (lusting for, hungry for, greedy for, envying others wanting more). Sloth was depression or sleeping in meditations as it dulled one into oblivion.

Wrath was failure or perceived failure usually coupled with envy. Pride was believing I was more important demanding attention and disrespecting others in hope to trap them into blanking me out of existence but still thinking they wouldn’t.

I was more attracted to lust in all ways and defaulted to wrath or rage to get away from it.

As much as I try to steer clear events unfold and synchronicities happen. I could relay all sorts of transport ones but they really apply only to me be they broken vehicles, missed flights, or whathave you.

I’m pretty certain I’m being pushed from a toxic environment so I can pursue a path of advancement no matter what that be: physical health ? I love to exercise esp walk & bike), finances (maybe a job at my tribes casino … maybe in cleaning or something since I like hard labor and not sitting on ass) and… maybe finally the solitude to practice more in depth.

I’m getting old… I’ve done enough for abusers and need to just live a life.

I may attempt this someday but the order will be something I’ve designed with meaning and be very intimate. Gotta say the reading reminds me of the few I tried so hard to work with but could not see hear or feel. I dreamt and odd gifts would appear in my journeys. Very odd.

And just so people know… I am overly kind to strangers and people I meet at times. No wonder the elderly speak with me often (1-3 hour chats in parking lots, libraries, store fronts etc).

But alone… damn I’m an angry person.