Hatred Curse - Is there such a thing?

I am really hesitant to even post this here. I don’t want to start with the craziness “I am cursed, I am cursed” as I know how ridiculous and usually appalling this comes off and people simply ignore you.

But I have encountered something rather strange and want to know if anyone ever had a similar feeling or experienced something like it.

People seem to avoid me or treat me poorly. I even noticed how some of them cross the street to avoid me when I’m walking somewhere. Other times, they come very close and seem to almost want to make me aggressive or cross my personal boundaries. Very disrespectful in a way.
Relationships often end up that people despise me or accuse me of something which isn’t accurate, it is seriously ridiculous. This has not always been the case. I sometimes attract so much hate or bad energy from people, it is almost insane. A female friend of mine noticed it while attending a party with me. She is also very sensitive and said she could not believe how much bad energy people had against us (well, she was with me).

Ok, I would say it’s the way I dress or show up if this would only be the case in real life.
But I have been thrown out of several groups just for speaking up against bullies, blocked in forums and get attacked all the time online. Some people/former friends turn aggressive. They tend to say very similar things and even use the same wordings (without knowing each other). One woman called me a satanist- during that time we both were experimenting with Egyptian Magick, but I was not even summoning entities, yet.

I always had a bit of Social Anxiety and was not outstandingly talented in forming close personal bonds. But the last years, this has completely gotten out of hand. I even tend to ask people if something is wrong with me. My close friends say, I am imagining it.
Did anyone ever experience something like this? I heard of Hatred Curses, but they sound ridiculous. Robert Bruce mentions that people who have entities attached can enter a room and be literally hated by everyone. Well, that is what I experience most of the time and you can imagine, socialising has turned into a complete nightmare bc I can sense this hatred and avoidance from others.

I did some curse removal and cleansing baths for 21 days which cleared up other problems, but not this one.

Is there a ritual to attract more positivity from people? This has started about 5 years ago and was never that severe.
It is blocking me on several levels, personally and professionally.

Thanks to you all


Very interesting account. What entity do you most closely associate with?


Have you done an introduction post yet? I cant seem to find one.

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He didn’t, though he was prompted in his first thread.

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I just did one.
I probably associate most with Andras as I had great success with summoning him and he helped me a lot.
I’m a woman by the way.


Yes, there are such curses.

I would not explain now, but sure there are many. These two books, however, would help you a lot

Protection and Reversal Magick: A Witch’s Defense Manual by Jason Miller


Magickal Protection by Damon Brand

You may even get professional help from an MD ( to test if there is a physical reason - hormones or any other health issues - sometimes such things may have psychosomatic effects, to be sure ) and also help from an experienced sorcerer (there are people who may offer services within BALG )

Also, I may recommend another book that may help you to win Social Anxiety The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy and please read that post below too…

Good luck :slight_smile:


Thanks a lot. Yes, I have read Joseph Murphy’s book and many books on how you can attract certain energies and situations by fearing them. This is not the case here as I already turned situations around with positive thinking- expectations and changing your belief system.
I appreciate the advise and help. Thank you again.


My reason for asking who you most associated with led me to think that others may feel his residual energy in some way. Andras is not in the friend making business.


Haha, very good point. However, this has been the case before I associated with Andras. The reason might be that I have almost all me important astrological planets connected to Mars- the a lot of heavy Saturn energy. Saturnian people can repulse, Mars can intimidate because it feels like war to others.
I still feel it has been different years ago and it seems very unreal today.


Then this sounds like the path your supposed to walk. Have you consulted Andras, maybe some light ooops “darkness” LOL can be shed on your situation.


No, I don’t have this feeling demons, entities know it all and want to be bothered with all your personal problems.
Andras is more for revenge in my case - and gave me a lot of psychic power to destroy people in my imagination by literally creating a war zone in my mind with enough hate and destructive energy, while listening to aggressive music.He showed me how to create this trance like state of mind in which your intentions and energies are immediately delivered to the target _often used by voodoo practitioners.
I do not feel Andras is the right one to ask for advise on this topic. Well, I could be wrong.


Well your gonna get a lot of varied advice on here, I unfortunately don’t know all the demons yet, but i will follow the thread to see how you progress.


I mean, it sounds like you’re getting back exactly what you’re putting out there.


I think so too. Maybe try working around the issue with a different entity? Azazel for example? He’s the first that came into my mind after reading your post, and he’s also associated with rage, hatred and so on, but has a lighter side to him as well


This is exactly what happens to me long before i knew about entities. May be from age 8. M 39 now.
I still see ppl turn their heads to someone/thing else the moment i open my mouth about something positive, just as example.

I hope get help to remove this

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I really believe u are not listening at all. That qoute has nothing to do with the original post.
We wud appreciate the counsel of u and anyone with real help

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Paimons your boy here.


It’s not so much a curse as you’re esoterically open, and the spirits in others recognize your openness without respecting your authority.

Put up some wards and shields to keep the baddies out. You may want to create wards with spirits that counterattack hostile types with let’s just say great enthusiasm, such as Andras.

Then, work on putting spirit energies into your aura to draw good people into your life.

This allows you to bring good people to you, but protects you from psychic hostility and exploitation.

And yes, i get the same thing, too. You can even see examples on this very site when i post up from time to time.


Oh man the movie Hereditary has seriously f*** me up and I have watched so many horror movies. I don’t think I can ever work with King Paimon now:grin::grin::grin:

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You could start to work with Godess Sepheranz Arachne. She can drain the energy of anyone who wants to harm you. Call her to protect you. Buy a nice jewel, dedicate it to her, channel her through. Something what people first see on you. The drained energy dedicate it to Sithra Ahra, the wrathful Gods of Azerate…