thank you
@FraterMagni… erm I don’t think he would like to be referred to as this.
“Hatred Curse - Is there such a thing?” Curses or hexes abound. By what your describing about an unhappy social life and going against the grain have nothing to do with a Hate Curse but your own feelings of rejection and your personality. Many people overlook the obivious, this is one of those aha moments.
I’ll refer to him however I like. I consider him a friend.
I don’t have an unhappy social life. I simply know that something has changed drastically. I am an attractive woman - and I used to be a sensibly nice person. I can tell you that physical attraction plays a huge part on how people treat you - unfortunately - and I always considered it a blessing. My very close friends appreciate me a lot.
You notice it even more when you know the difference. I guess some here understand what I am trying to communicate. I have questioned my personality a lot I can tell you and read so many books on social skills. And I do implement what I learn.
It is not normal if you get attacked on every forum at some point, or dating apps ban you with accusations that are untrue. Dating apps that you have to pay money to subscribe, by the way.
This has really upset me.
At some point this feels unreal and when I tell others about the many incidences, they do not believe it. Or think you are some sort of criminal, doing some weird shh***…so you can’t even tell people or they will doubt your character.
I have heared people say that he doesn’t like it. No need to bite. Im.just saying
Demons are single minded in there attack. Those that are real involve people who are victims of a hex by someone usually in there past who practices Witchcraft or ceremonial magic and wishes to harm.
Have you made an enemy of someone or is there someone who is jealous who is involved with Witchcraft or the black arts?
Besides the strange internet activity with being banned or attacked have any of the following happened:
Items disappeared mystetiously.
Frightening visions.
Hearing voices.
Unexplained illnesses.
Technology being blocked or malfunctioning.
Strange odors or scents.
If you really feel you have been hexed and it has taken control of your internet activity i would perform a powerful shielding ritual. If you can track the other party you might also try a return to sender. From what your saying it sounds like a
jealous rival.
Oh yes, my computers were hacked several times. I mean they downloaded my entire, goddamn files and someone sent over how they had my personal pictures. Just to show me that they got all my files. How crazy is that??? LOL I can only laugh about it today how small some people are. My files completely vanished and I had to pay large amounts to get them back. This happened about 4 times within 18 months. It has stopped now, maybe because I use a VPN as often as possible.
I always remember to secure all my data and files these days. But I don’t want to be bothered by crooks and worry too much.
Wow, very interesting. It sounds like someone has put quite a powerful death hex on you. I would say the demons involved are Leraje and Baal.
Demons who have acceded to the hex will patiently wait until something of importance happens in there life and attack and make there victims as miserable as possible.
Demons are deceptive and malevolent and wish to destroy all that they encounter. Once unleashed on their target they will infest themselves in there lives and destroy any happiness.
The people sent you a ritual warning video omg!! Sounds pretty serious. It is obvious to me that you know who this person is that is harassing you on and off line.
Have you tried to track down the person from your past Witch or Warlock confront them and attempt to have them recind there castings or take some kind of action?
I know what the response would be, complete denial, right?
Wow @ysy, I’m just catching up on your posts. This cannot be the work of one person. My first instinct was an ex, but you didn’t mention one so that cant be it. There has to be something creative you can do. Is there a way to do a global evocation with multiple participants spanning the entire world. Each one calling forth a different demon to work on your behalf to set things right?
Hope that doesn’t sound dumb
You’re right. What I thought a decade ago when I too came under demonic attack was that Witchcraft or sorcery was something from the middle ages, old myths and legends. Summoning demons to effect revenge, I thought was impossible and the work of fiction.
What i have learned to my chagrin and horror is that Witchcraft and ceremonial magic is very real and many people in the 21rst century do practice the black arts and cause harm.
Your right. I have read about these warnings and even created a thread about it. I realized there are a series of attacks perhaps by a coven but the deity will usually reveal who the main culprit behind all the hired or contrived rituals is there a start point with the negative attacks, the accident and unexplained illnesses?
More than half of what makes a good hex especially ones that invoke psychic attacks is all about planting the seeds of fear and doubt in your target.
Making someone believe they are cursed is enough to carrying out some of the best malicious curses you could create.
Why were you denied entry into the USA?
I withdrew a few posts because I do not like my entire life story posted here and, unfortunately,
I realised now more and more people asking for curses to destroy someone’s life, make them unattractive, unpopular, but I can tell you that half of you will f*** themselves up.
The heavy stuff is done by cults and not that easy to perform for a beginner without animal (or even human sacrifice).
I feel obliged to also mention what happened to the people whom I send spells back. Whenever you attack someone, you create an energy cord with them which holds energy. If you take something away from them, you pay an energetic depth. They can use this energy and do with you whatever they want (if they learn about energy and are sending you negative thoughts - thoughts act like rituals, too). Because YOU opened that door.
If the person will find out what you did, you are the one who will receive the energy back in disastrous ways. And people can find out these days.
It is far easier to cause a life disaster in someone who attacked you first. And their disasters are always worse.
1.Time Send energy back - main person lost business and all friends. She ended up in large depth from bank loans, unable to pay anything back.
When I received an illness, the person received an illness that was ten times worse.
Lost partner, alone and has no friends.
The person was ugly before, but was publicly shamed for appearance even more and she suffers.
Has Fibromalgya and receives thousands of injections every month, cries like a dog and doctors cant find anything. I have seen her cry…I was laughing and enjoying. I almost had an orgasm from her pain…
Other person has severe bipolar disorder now and I heard he is unable to earn any money at all with his ridiculous art.
Last person I know got attacked physically and shunned in public , reputation is destroyed and the person is disliked by everyone. Career is fading away which was built on lies anyway.
None of this people has real money, it is all based on fake loans and large amounts of depth they aren’t able to pay off. All of them struggle with severe depression and talk openly about disliking, mistrusting people. These are not happy individuals in any way. They have no creativity, steal the life source of others and think everyone is out to get them.
None of them is physically attractive or appealing to people, I feel sorry for those characters. I understand why they need to attack people (I am not the only one who is dealing with their ridiculous rituals), but they DO NOT GET ANY BETTER LOL, just worse.
In comparison, I think I am the lucky one and always will be. Those people are crooks. I know whenever I send them negativity back, their life gets more miserable. I would think twice before cursing or sending people dark energy out of hate or jealousy, in the end you will lose. I always see this happening. Revenge is something different, of course.
I am in my mid thirties, still very attractive and youthful (again). The aging curse only lasted until I send it back. You cannot harm someone longterm. They can get back to who they really are.
I am blessed in so many ways and my life is also happy and easy in so many other ways, these slaves who try to destroy others will never have these blessings. And they hate people like me for it.
They did not succeed to take away my basic life energy I will always thrive again and my Rituals get stronger and better. My Magick is thriving.
I still have my businesses, my business mind and didn’t really lose anything. I have my talents and my smile, my positivity and the universe easily provides me with money without me working very hard lol…I will never be a slave or desperate for other’s approval. You might be able to damage someone temporarily , but you are cannot destroy the source of a powerful soul. You will only end up more miserable. So think twice about it. There is a higher power that also supports those people who are unjustly attacked by those who are hateful or negative.
I can feel that every time.
I like reading what you write, it’s very heartfelt and honest.I consider myself The type of person that’s very analytical when it comes to magick. I think it’s very easy to let yourself go, the Seduction of having anything you want anytime you want Is very appealing, however it’s not without consequences in my opinion. Something just doesn’t come from nothing. I work very hard at keeping myself grounded, so that as my power grows I don’t get swept away by wanting more and more and more.
I believe there is this danger in Social Media that people envy other’s achievements, but they do not see how much hard work, suffering and discipline it involves.
There is a problem with people wanting to attack everyone they envy or dislike because they think it all came easily. They do not see how much they had to suffer, work and cross personal boundaries/overcome fears. You can use Magick, but you have to do the extra work and act in the physical Realm. I have read about 50 different books on business within 2 years, attended 3 seminars and studied for 4 years full-time. I was bullied during my studies and had to force myself to show up every day. But I did not give up EVER.
There is nothing wrong with wanting things, but people need to get rid of their fears, build a strong desire and DO WHATEVER IS NECESSARY. Successful people mention how they often failed at 10 businesses until they became extremely wealthy and successful with one.
Very attractive women do not just use Magick, but study how to eat to produce Human Growth Hormone naturally, know how to remain in shape, go to the gym a lot, study make-up tricks and dress styles. Beauty is nothing without being articulate and having excellent manners, or being educated. And yes, they do not hesitate to get Plastic Surgery is necessary. THEY DON’T LISTEN TO OTHERS, they trust their own ideas. Today you can be attractive until your late 50ies, just google Cindy Jackson. But this woman worked for it — she was unattractive and is her most beautiful at 60 (and looks like 30).
Magick cannot give you the Great Success people aim for. It can create the thing called luck which they say you cannot control.
The more you take action and work, overcome your fears in Life, the better Magick will work. This is why many don’t thrive with it. They don’t go out to take high enough risks. They prefer to remain comfortable.
You Magick will only work in the way what you are willing to sacrifice – sacrifice is so important. And I do not mean animal sacrifice (only).
That is why I despise anyone who attacks others simply out of hate or envy because they believe those people received life on a silver plate.
It is most often not true.
I like this statement because Magick is to me a way of life. To master anything takes hard work and dedication, and you are
right, people would tend to give up if results aren’t immediate.
I agree, sometimes time, sometimes energy, offerings or even something greater.
Read again, it is exactly what I said.
My apologies, You are right. i removed that part of my post because I did not want to misquote you.
I think you are onto something here. Very good post and you are most probably right.
It is easier to attack me because of a certain personality type-spiritually very open
Opfaal from EA’s KOF may be able to help.