Has Belial appeared like this…

So I have been doing evocations at least 3-7 days a week haven’t developed being able to see spirits. I loved the description as Belial being as super helpful but extremely tough teacher. I kept asking him to show himself to me. While closing my eyes one night without even think about any occult topic I see a old man in a small black top hat and black suit. His face is around 60 years old have wrinkles but a very power stern look. Has anyone had him appear like this? Am I projecting what I want to see or should I trust it?


Funny you should post this, he came to visit me in a dream tonight


Demons can appear to us in any form, sometimes in a form that we want to see, but this doesn’t necessarily makes it “false” rather then if you saw something you wouldn’t expect.
In your case I would trust your vision, as Belial often appears in more masculine forms.


I was asking Lucifer to do the same but felt that it was Belial just had a feeling. Thanks


Trust your feeling.


Hi, to me it appeared and appears in different ways, often it also depends on what I did during the day. What distinguishes Belial, at least in my opinion, is the energy that fills the room when he arrives: heat, arrogance, masculinity and so on.

To answer your question, yes, he appeared to me as a hooded old man, but he also appeared as a massive pit fiend (if you’ve played D&D you know what I’m talking about, lol), sometimes even as an angel with black wings and super long black hair.

The most important thing as @Onion says is

the impression is atavistic, immediate and, unfortunately, easy to discuss, but it is one that you must trust above all else.


You need o develop the senses to be able to see them. They’re more like building muscles than “opening a door” for most of us… if you search on here for “develop senses”, “learn to see spirits” and the like you’ll see a lot of people have this issue, and there’s a few methods to try to build up the skill.

They will tend to appear in a way that helps communication. There might be a relation in the way they dress to the message, or how they want you to see them. Having a face lets them use expression to communicate. In dreams, it can get mixed up by overlays from your own mind that are additional messages from your inner self. I wouldn’t exactly “trust” it, as much as record the information for analysis. It may be useful later if not now.


A great approach, thanks for sharing, I’ll put it to good use :blush:


A great thread to explore

Images Describing The Appearance Spirits Have Appeared As

I always suggest dictating manifestations. For example I say, “Appear to me & speak with me in a way I understand, and is comforting and familiar to me.”

They do like to make you feel at ease. So just saying “appear before me” or “show yourself” is like so random you’ll never know what you’ll get. So I’d suggest more dictation in your evocations.

I too have seen Belial as a pit fiend as mentioned but also as a beautiful man. They are immortals and have infinite forms, so while we’ll see similarities unless you’re I a ritual space with another magician, it will vary from person to person. And as mentioned the energy never lies so you will get used to each entities personal energy.



Belial visited me in a dream a while ago. He appeared as a man with a long blonde hair and a silver armor. He had a kind of angelic presence mixed with a stern expression on his face. He also had a caring attitude mixed with some stricteness…

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Yea I first started with seer then Lucifer and now Belial. Lucifer was strong but Belials was intense. I am still opening my third eye unfortunately I can’t feel arrogance or any emotion.

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Yea I have looked through that so many times. I can’t wait til my third eye opens and have a full bodied evocation!

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he looked at you with that worried face? after you saw him,did you got a avalanche of imagery in your head? like a accelerated video full of imagery and symbolism?

Don’t worry about that, it’s a predisposition thing.

I, for example, started developing clairsentience first. Then, slowly, clairaudience.And it’s only in these last few months that I’m starting to have some improvement with my clairvoyance. It takes time differently to everyone.

Each path is unique and subjective, so don’t worry about what you develop, slowly you will get there.

I noticed one thing, though: I’ve never had a real “Third Eye Opening”;it seemed to me more like a rehabilitation and strengthening of a muscle that I haven’t used in a long time.

From what I am understanding and reading in the forum, these are skills that are constantly growing, regardless of your level, and of which there is no real “point of arrival” beyond which you can no longer improve.

See? You are feeling it, so it’s a good start, do not focus on clairvoyance only, you’ll notice that the more senses you develop, the better the interaction is going to be :slight_smile:

Sorry just seeing this and no just popped up with a blank but powerful look and that was it.

I really appreciate it and I now completely agree when I posted this I couldn’t hear anything except white noise fluctuations in pitch just a few days ago I evoked Belial and heard the first 5 min of everything he said! Mostly because it was yes no or a 3 word response. After 5 min I got so excited by this I kind of couldn’t make out anything because I couldn’t calm down at all. I did belials third eye ritual on the blood moon eclipse recently hoping it would make it more effective and was bummed when nothing jumped out like ok my third eyes open now but it’s as you say a muscle that slowly gets stronger. The biggest help with clairaudience was the thread on hearing spirits idk how to tag it unfortunately….


It’s hearing spirits/demons/whatever

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Here you go. Thanks for sharing.

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