Im thinking of buying Asenath Masons Grimoire of Tiamat, would love to hear from anyone who has read it. What were your experiences with it and would you recommend it?
Following, as I have had my eye on it for a possible future pathworking when the time comes
I would recommend it. I like that grimoire. I connected with it well. The sigil seemed to come to life and more around when I worked with it.
Do you have these energies in your life now and if so how has this manifested. Ive heard theyre very strong and powerful.
Yes the energies are present. Tiamat makes herself known. Generally through dragons or Serpents. I recently ended up working in the draco constellation and I’m sure it’s connection and what got me there was Tiamat.
Really interesting, thankyou.
There is an entire thread on the subject that has been going for some time Grimoire of Tiamat...just putting this out there
Cool i’ll have a look, thankyou
I had some wild experiences with it but really where it shines brightest is with baneful workings. Its definately worth the price but its a painful path working to say the least. Although my favorate part about it was it doesn’t rely on Christian symbolism. You’ll get results but depending on your moral compass you may or may not be satisifed with how it affects your world.
Thanks for your input. Huge plus that it doesnt work with christian constructs as that would put me off. Can you explain a bit of what you mean about painful pathworking, does it stir difficult emotions or is it something else?
All of the above, the grimore focuses mostly on working with the 11 monsters. Working with them is relatively straightforward and a powerful set of spirits to have at your command. Tiamat herself on the other hand even if she really likes you has a sink or swim attitude, myself and another relatively well known sorcerer were working with her at the same time and the both of us experienced getting attacked by her in unpredictable ways. Situations where us and our loved ones were put in very real danger. You can count on being thrown to the wolves constantly with her teachings. What really shocks me to my core even today is when i got truely immersed into her current its a level of darkness that most people are not prepared to even imagine. With all that being said if you can makr it through all that it will springboard your accent.
Thanks for all your feedback. You confirm all the thoughts I have been having of it. The Grimoire has been calling to me for the best part of the year. I have been trying to find out as much as I can before finally purchasing it and I know it is extremely powerful. Could you maybe explain if you dont mind, a bit about the dangers you have encountered? I have a young child at home and honestly this is the only reason I havent just went ahead and got it. Do you have any advice on that front? I really appreciate your help in this. Also in what way has it benefitted you?
Possession of yourself and others around you is one example, also erasing protection spells and allowing malevolent spirits in. Poltergeist activity also happened in and away from the home. Torture both mental and physical has happened although that only happened to me once. That path destroyed my life but it bred creation in the end. Cost me a great job, a relationship, two brand new cars, and a kick ass condo. On the flip side it made me stronger in every way, purged toxic and manipulative from my life. It hasnt been been restored to its former glory by any means but its on track to becoming something better. A good way to know what you’re in for is take a hard look at the tower card in the tarot. Truefully though the scariest part is when you discover how dangerious and malevolent can be in the face of all these challenges. In my opinion that is something truly priceless.
Alot to think about, thankyou.
Tiamat and I have a on/off relationship due to her intensity. I haven’t worked with this grimoire specifically but a very close friend of mine did and he was transformed to a living manifestation of chaos. He developed a hot temper and wouldn’t hesitate to take a man’s life if it really came down to it. However it propelled his ascent.
This is a serious path and you will become the darkness from which you emanated. It’s best to channel some force of order like your higher self to bring order to the chaos
Thats really good advice thankyou. The big concern is that I have a young child and obviously her safety is paramount. Am I able to do this work and keep her separate obviously other than changes within myself which woyld have a knock on effect but other than that would I be able to do this and for her to have no effects from it. This is my main concern and why I havent delved in so far. Also Id be really interested in hearing in what way it has impacted his ascent. Thanks so much.
From my experience, any magickal endeavor will affect those around you. However, Tiamat will protect your daughter but in a more aggressive way than normal. It’s possible that she might get into a fight or two at school depending on how old she is. And you are free to enter this path at your own pace.
With regards to the nature of my friend’s ascent, he is now at a point where he can manifest by force of will alone (even though he still performs rituals). He also proves to be a formidable foe to his enemies as Tiamat’s chaos children are ruthless when it comes to attacks.
You’ve been so helpful, thanks so much and youve put my mind at ease with regards to my daughter. It doesnt seem to be letting me go so I think I need to bite the bullet and get it.
Wow! Great response…When you say the part quoted here…do you mean "when you discover how dangerous and malevolent you can be in these challenges? I’m not correcting you, I’m making sure I understand.
So…literally last night I read this Grimoire about half way through. I HAVE NOT attempted to do any of the invocations or rituals contained inside. But I can say from reading it, that I can totally believe everything the other commenters have said.
I read it until about 2 something in the morning then went to sleep. When I woke up, I had a song in my head that seemed to be spirit communicating to me to say go ahead and delve in. But I’m going to connect with Tiamat, just in a different way. I honestly don’t believe I’m anywhere near ready for the stuff in this book. But it is a VERY good read, very clear, and you get a good sense of the power coming from it.
Tiamat came to me in a dream a few months ago…so I believe that I have to work with her…I just want to find a way to do it that will not send my life into utter chaos…I’m just not ready. lol .