I don’t post often, but I feel this needs to be put out there:
I never post on facebook. Never. This morning I woke up and just had enough. Enough of all the the self righteous RHP rhetoric. I literally tore into every relevant post that came up on my feed, and a few political ones, too. Wow. That felt really good.
OK, now to my point: I have been working with the Grimoire of Tiamat for about two weeks now. I have experienced major shifts in every aspect of my life and attitude. This is the most effective piece of modern work I have seen. Definitely worth the effort and time.
WARNING: NOT for newbies. Please, please become proficient with basic enegy work before attempting to work out of this material.
Hope this reaches the one (s) it was meant to reach.
[quote=“stephdeather, post:1, topic:6950”]I don’t post often, but I feel this needs to be put out there:
I never post on facebook. Never. This morning I woke up and just had enough. Enough of all the the self righteous RHP rhetoric. I literally tore into every relevant post that came up on my feed, and a few political ones, too. Wow. That felt really good.
OK, now to my point: I have been working with the Grimoire of Tiamat for about two weeks now. I have experienced major shifts in every aspect of my life and attitude. This is the most effective piece of modern work I have seen. Definitely worth the effort and time.
WARNING: NOT for newbies. Please, please become proficient with basic enegy work before attempting to work out of this material.
Hope this reaches the one (s) it was meant to reach.[/quote]
Thank you. I keep running into this book on other sites and on amazon. May have to take a look at it. It’s written by the woman who runs Temple of the Ascending Flame if you didn’t know.
I have looked in this grimoire and it seems like a good working system. You should post about your findings
I am sure at some point soon I will be posting more specifics.
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Do you have the ritual tools you need or are you doing the meditations alone at the time? Because I have seen reports with the meditations alone having a great shift in the operaters life
Right now I am doing the meditations and dreamwork. I feel it is the best way to acclimate to these very foreign energies. They can be…overwhelming, physically and psychically.
What changes has it brought in your life…money,friends ect
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Finally just got mine in the mail today. Thanx for the advice, though I will be reading and studying it, I won’t begin acting on it until the rest of my “Foundational PentaPact” workings are done. Should take some months, maybe longer. thanx again!
[quote=“stephdeather, post:1, topic:6950”]I don’t post often, but I feel this needs to be put out there:
I never post on facebook. Never. This morning I woke up and just had enough. Enough of all the the self righteous RHP rhetoric. I literally tore into every relevant post that came up on my feed, and a few political ones, too. Wow. That felt really good.
OK, now to my point: I have been working with the Grimoire of Tiamat for about two weeks now. I have experienced major shifts in every aspect of my life and attitude. This is the most effective piece of modern work I have seen. Definitely worth the effort and time.
WARNING: NOT for newbies. Please, please become proficient with basic enegy work before attempting to work out of this material.
Hope this reaches the one (s) it was meant to reach.[/quote]
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Pretty much whatever my mediate need/desire has been, happens immediately. Need 2000.00? Yep, less than 12 hours. Need to make certain networking connections but don’t know where to start? Poof, random facebook message. Wanna get the kids to tow the line? Wow, house was clean when I got home. The list goes on, daily.
BUT, BUT, BUT… PLEASE has a solid working mastery of energy basics. This stuff … well, it’s different than anytging else. If you aren’t able to recognize energetic manipulation and patterns, things could get interesting.
Wow! congratulations! that,s fantastic, I think you should try the lottery, honestly!!!
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Lol, I really don’t need to. I don’t work a “regular” job, I love what I do and spend most of my time at home with my kids or traveling, I have everything I need, most of what I want. Besides, I have already won the lottery once. 
Really? Please don,t tell me that you won the big pot…
Nah, a little one. It’s just not worth the energy, when I can get what I want with much less effort or energy expenditure.
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That’s outstanding, I take you had background in ritual of course. You seem like you know your stuff, opening of the minds eye I’m sure was the case preworkings of this system
I actually just grew up knowing and doing as a kid. Started learning in my teens.
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She has been going out of her way to get my attention by sticking ( and I mean sticking) the cover of Mason’s book in front of my mind’s eye so that I see it with my eyes either closed or open.
I finally acquiesced and told her I’d call upon her for some instruction and give her a chance to help me, but the actual grimoire seems way too dark for me and I have no interest in using said entities in it at this time.
However, she spoke to me about this and said that I don’t have to use the entities if I don’t want, but she wants to help me/ is interested in working with me just the same for vampiric/magickal empowerment and has instructed me to call upon her for dream/astral work.
Also the visions of the cover stopped as soon as I finally spoke back to her about it.
The entities in that book are dark, but very powerful and quick when called upon. And Tiamat herself is a very powerful insightful goddess and a great teacher of all things void related. She seems very fond of dream working, all the spirits in the grimoire do. One I do recommend working with is Usumgallu. One of the most profound experiences I’ve had was with him.
Very good teacher in the use of dragon fire and vampirism in all it’s aspects, as a protective shield, healing and for hexing if needed. 
though I do admit, some of the beings in that book are a hard to work with. I wish you luck in your work with Tiamat, it’s sure to be interesting 
Thank you for your insight and advice!
It’s actually interesting this topic got bumped. Should be getting my qlippoth star in the mail soon, a good time to rework through the grimoire