
I was invoking her for petition
I was meditating for 10 mins and suddenly I heard weird sounds. I searched it up it sounds like an angry camel…
I opened my eyes and tries to say my petition but I can’t move my body
So I tried moving my body and when I was able to, I said my petition

What is happening? Is it normal? Can anyone talk to Gremory if she accepts my petition?

That sounds pretty good. My thoughts are you were in a deep trance so that your body was asleep and your mind awake, hence a touch of sleep paralysis, and in that state you had clairaudient effects.

I don’t work with Gremory but you’re welcome to ask in our Request thread if you don’t get a good answer here - that thread gets bumped frequently so that your request is more likely to be seen.

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Thank you!

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Gremory is one of my favorite spirits. Feel free to DM me if you have any questions about working with her. :+1:


How do I dm you?

I think you need a certain account age in the forum to DM people.

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do you have idea where to comment? :disappointed_relieved:

To unlock the ability to send messages you have to reach a certain threshold of activity and you’ve only been posting once or twice a month since you joined in January so you haven’t met that threshold yet.

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ooh! i see. thank you!!!


hi! would it be okay if i know that i was able to reach her? because i feel confused that maybe it’s someone else… i badly want to know if she was able to hear my petition

@Valesus Please do not post your contact information to the public forum. You may only post it to your profile.

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