Greetings from The Other side

Well, hello there!

It’s actually quite a coincidence that I found this forum. Although we all know there are no coincidences, right?

Where to start?

On the beginning - I am from Czech republic so I’m not a native English speaker, so I apologize in advance for my English and hope you will understand everything.

It’s very nice to see so many people talking openly about things that many others find as nonsense, pseudoscience etc. I am working with paranormal and esoteric things for 15 years. Let’s say that for me it is a part of life and also some kind of obsession, because once you know so many things that I know, you will never be same again and you will always want to find more and more answers… And it’s even deeper, because there are very few people of my kind with this specific “gift” that I have. Because of my “gift” I have access to informations and knowledge that is very difficult for others to understand and I do not fit into the mainstream esoteric and paranormal community. You could say that I am excluded from this community in a way. And I knew only one person of my kind but this person decided to give up their gift because our gift has its price. So it is a lonely journey sometimes… So maybe I will find there another answers (and a lot of new questions), maybe I will find there same individuals like me.

We will see.

But I can now say one thing - when I started 15 years ago with my “research”, there weren’t many people creating ezoteric and magician communities and I am glad, really deeply glad, that theese communities are growing in numbers and there are more and more people seeking for truths, meanings… It gives me a little hope that human kind is not so terribly fucked,… Sorry for this word :grin:

Now, I must admit one thing. I do not belong to the community of magicians and I don’t work with magick itself. I do not need rituals, protections and other things related with magic. I even admit that I am not able to perform magic, it is not my natural part and one of my parts of my soul is in arogant defense position when someone says “magic”. I simply just don’t need it.

I am using different methods. I don’t need to transfer and manipulate with energy during rituals or other things. I don’t need magical protection during my “work” - and that is something because my “work” can be harmful without protection for many of people.

And I also must admit that I respect all of you and your skills and arts… But when there is topic where someone write that he “knows all 72 demons”… Sorry, but that person have absolutely no idea what are those “demons”. Let’s start with basics: There are no things like “demons” and I hate this word. It is product of mankind. Let me explain - the word “demon” is from antic greek word “demos” which means just and also “Entity” or “Spirit”. Demons and other stuff, hah, it is much more complicated. And there is one trouble in magic - when you do not know much about entities and spirits, you have no idea, what can come to you.

I do not mean it bad… I respect your skills and art, but in many cases I see things in more complex way. Many magic stuff and knowledge are for me too simple and too basic, but again, I respect it.

So, you maybe think: “Who is this idiot?” Right? :grin:

Well, this idiot knows that there are very advanced and complicated magic techniques connecting with very interesting informations. I don’t care primary about this type of magic, but about knowledge.
And just as there are very few people of my kind, there will probably be very few who have this higher knowledge… This person also will understand, “what type of being” I am… It is really hard to explain it, so I will take it quickly…

I am from The Other Side. With cracked soul, one from the first ones but not from known Waves. Part of the Beginning. And also some kind of anomaly which wasn’t planned. Marked by Moon and left behind. Some of you maybe will understand those worlds. My gift is based on things written higher. I am working with the Dark side. And I mean with the Dark side itself in its purest form. That’s my gift what let me enter to the deeper knowledge of this side, let me know a lot about entities and even let me permanently live in shadows and with dark energy which has destructive potencial for normal human soul. My gift also let me communicate, work, talk and interact with dark entities (and not only dark ones) without any difficulties. And also, I am one of the few who met “Four of Them”

I mentioned higher than I have critical opinion on some magic things based on my knowledge - I will gladly share my “forbidden” knowledge with any of you if you want to.

I also mentioned I want some help with something… I will specify it later, it is already a lot of text here! :grin:

So let’s begin and let us know each other more…



You’re completely entitled to your opinions, BALG is not an echo chamber and we’re not a bunch of snowflakes that get upset because you see things differently. Hopefully you are not going to get offended that we won’t automatically believe you either. :slight_smile:

What we ask you not do to here is preach a One True Way of approaching magick. That is against the rules. You are not the single source of truth on magick. You have your truth, and your truth is cool too!

What you do have, is what works for you and your experience, and we’d love to hear why you think what you do, but we don’t much care to be told what to think. :+1:

What we also don’t do here is Role Playing and Larping, and we don’t mind if you want to call yourself the “Lord High Poobah of the Moon” or Napoleon or whatever, that’s not important here: you’re human like the rest of us, (only humans get the privilege to post on BALG) so, if you bring good info and experience, then great!

If you hoped to get automatic respect based on your UGP about how special you are, you might be in the wrong place… respect must be earned. :heart:

If we can help you out with your thing, great, we have a Request thread where you can ask for magick work (it’s 100 percent voluntary) and a Scans and Swaps thread for readings.

Welcome and have fun. :smiley:


As @Mulberry said, You are not less intelligent for having your own personal gnosis. As long as it works for you your approach is just as valid as anyone else’s. Remember that it is very important to to beware that your words carry weight and have effects. You are not an idiot you seem to be fairly intelligent, if not a little unorthodox but no one ever made any progress by being orthodox did the?


Hi there @Ermine, nice to have you here. :wave:t5: I look forward to seeing what you can add to the conversations around here. Welcome to the forum.




We are all special and important, and pull up a chair and be respectful is pretty much the ask first thing they asked from everyone here


I’m going to take this and assume it’s hopefully why this post seemed to come off a little haughty… maybe you didn’t mean it in that way :woman_shrugging:t4:

BUT welcome! Hope you can share and learn some things from this forum. It’s a great place with a lot of knowledgeable people as well as hundreds of threads with a lot of useful info!


very interesting… how did the other person give away their gift?

Welcome @dpiddy It is a rule of this forum for all new members to properly introduce themselves, so PLEASE CLICK ON THE IMAGE BELOW and tell us about yourself and any experience you may have in magick, such as what you practice, how long you have practiced, areas of interest, etc:
