
I am giving up on magik and everything having to do with it. I no longer wish to be apart of this community nor humanity for that matter. Day in and day out I force myself to help others and work on myself and at what cost?
I never ask for anything spectacular in return only for some sort of help or guidance and Im still were I was when I first joined the forum…
Ive gotten absolutely no where!

And yes I know this is all because of me and my will and intent and what not but… Hey I guess I wasn’t as strong as I thought.

I don’t write this to receive pity because I am far past that. I simply will rot and go on day by day lettin whatever happens happen. Im tired of being trapped, or drained, or surrounded by negativity and hate when I only wanted to better myself and everyone else.
But I will no longer bore you with this post.

I shall bid you all a farewell and I have faith in everyone of you!


I wish you safe travels hun but you can always message me. :cherry_blossom:




I understand hating humanity but you can’t escape magick it’s energy and everything is energy…the only escape is death…


You joined Sept 9th. Magick and change isn’t usually that fast.

This is kind of a circle, letting whatever happen happen is draining and being surrounded by negativity. You’re not escaping it, you’re enabling it.


I understand but still a week isn’t nearly enough to learn shit, and I’m a beginner saying that


Welp I hope you enjoyed your week here, see you next summer.



Sorry, but i completely missed what dragged you down so heavily!

Can we have a talk about this, please?

We actually have some of the most powerful people around here,
and i don’t want to see such bad reputation.
If there is anything we can do, to make up to your needs, just say. Please.




To everyone that… Commented I Thank and appreciate your concerns.
But I am not killing myself nor have I only been here for a couple of week. I had a previous account which was deactivated so ive been here for awhile!
Aslo this is no where near anyones fault except mine!
I am choosing to take a break because I am starting to go into a depressive slump that I’ve worked so hard to get out of in the past.
I will return trust me… This is my life I cannot run away from it.

The previous post I simply was saying whatever was on my mind because I keep a shit load of things bottled up so I must clear my mind every now and then.

Thank you @chi @itsnathanm7 @anon90678694 @Yberion


Any one who thought it was cute to comment on here immaturely I truly hope you find help, because if I really was contemplating suicide it would be a completely different matter.


I’ll be looking forward to when you come bacl.

We’l scan each other :cherry_blossom:


Yes I will look forward to that! @chi


Sometimes a break from these types of forums is good. There are too many armchair magicians and people who get no where. It can be tempting to read and post instead of doing stuff. So, if anyone needs to take a break for however long that is fine.


We’ll be here when you get back. Good luck!


Yup, sorry. I hope to see you soon!

You need to learn when to choose yourself over others. I used to be like you too help everyone and get stabbed in the back on top of it. Learn to help those who want your help and will put the work in. Those who don’t say bye bye too.


Even though I haven’t given up yet, I am pretty much having the same experience and thoughts as you. So, I completely understand and sympathize/empathize.

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Welcome to the forum @Jeffb63! Please click the link below and introduce yourself:


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What would you know? When I started off young I read a suburban library book by Peter Haining and jacked off looking at naked breasted Voodoo Priestesses ripping live chickens apart. Within a few days I was a Master Magician! So speak for yourself. If you aren’t successful in Magick after a whole almost two weeks, then move on to something easier – like a musical instrument or studying medicine. Just remember to only allocate almost two weeks in which to become proficient in your chosen endeavours. That’s only fair.

Obviously Magick works quickly and that explains all the powerful Magicians around. All it takes is maybe almost a whole two weeks (if you’re slow) and Hey Presto! I remember the third day after I started Magick I completed the Abramelin operation between afternoon tea and late dinner. Just as well my wealth Magick worked because I needed to hire security guards to keep the women at bay. I got sick of going to parties and ending up sexually drained, asleep on the coat bed.

So yeah, I’d chuck it in if I were you. There’s always been a high turnover rate on both paths.



guys im pretty sure mi amor aka @wolfinsheepsskin is back :relieved: he’s been posting regularly