Just that thing from the thread below, but daily and for 13 days :3
Doooo it
Alright I’ll do it.
Sure, why not
o~(=^u^ = )~o Yeah! Another sith-lord is born.
Day one finished
I’ll follow after the end of my actually fascinating audiobook :3
~and will give some feedback on my experience. MEOW.
Day two done. May redo this later today
i’m lucky that i felt the “visual noise” on my skin.
Damn, i forget too often that i talk to living gods and shit.
Now do all of it again, but while eating PEANUT BUTTER BY THE SPOONFUL. #SUPERGODchallenge
I’m in
Btw just did this riding in a truck down the road lol… I love you Ahriman. Forever. Thanks for casting me into the cool darkness if your loving shadow’s embrace. Also, I am glad we share a love for all things meat flavored.
D: …he fucked him, didn’T you?
We share a bond! :x blush
Sure… i will resist to ask you for details on those meat things you seem to like XD
Hey, I awoke to being open with my sexually deviant nature. Meat is meat whether it dangles or is stuffed into a sweet lil compact form.
Naaah, i’m just messing with you :3
I know. Sorry I suck at messing back >D but much love!