Gods/Demons/Spirits for Physical Fitness?

Hi all, who would be a good god/demon/spirit to work with for physical fitness and building lean muscle srength? I’ve seen Ares mentioned before, but I’m unsure if he would work as well for women.

Thanks in advance.


Artemis. The goddess of hunt is the perfect example of feminine strength.


I second Artemis for women. If you’re going to practice box-martial arts, then Athena could be a good alternative. But if it is lifting, then Artemis.


Thank you! Is there any particular method of evocation/invocation for her? I’m unfamiliar with Greek spirits.

Definitely looking at lifting, not martial arts (yet). Will the orphic hymns be an appropriate way of connecting with her?

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That is the traditional method, yes.

Anyway, I’m researching how to reach the Greek pantheon with visionary magick and I do have a pathworking to Artemis, but it is untested.


That sounds awesome. Please shoot me a message if it’s successful. I’d love to learn.

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Well, I did reach Artemis (and several others), but I always look for third party confirmation. But, I was lead to her by Hermes and the sequence that leads to him has been confirmed by others, so I have no reason to doubt it is her.

Are you familiar with visionary magick?


I’m afraid not. Are there any resources or books I can look at to learn more about visionary magick?

I generally read poems and hymns dedicated to them while on the altar I have things associated with them

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Goetia Pathworking, Lucifer and the Hidden Demons, the Raziel’s paths of power duology and for theory, Dolores Ashcroft’s “Highways of the mind”.


Asmodeus. Demon of martial arts, known for reawakening life lust in people and getting people in shape. Think I read about someone here using him for exactly that actually.


I would add Apollo too. I live working with the twins on stuff like this.

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Sartmulu, a spirit of Mars.

From the book Summoning Spirits by Konstantinos:

“Sartmulu can teach you how to exercise your body physically, and magically, to become strong and healthy.”


Did you search?


A few months ago I asked for the blessing of Ares and Thor in my fitness life and it worked very well. I put on a lot of lean muscle, my kicks became powerful and I was in general good health. Jaguar totem helped immensely too.

I plan on doing this again as your post has inspired me.

Artemis can definitely help you. So can Freya or Aphrodite Areia.

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Asmodeus is my number one pick in any physical strength and muscle-related things.

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Greek/Roman pantheon has some great ones; Hephaestus, Nike, Heracles, etc etc.

You can summon me by zoom app and start a diet this Wednesday. Questions? Just ask me on pm.

This is my choice. S. Connally also mentions Asmodeus for help with physical therapy and fitness. I also think Verrine would do well although I haven’t called Verrine for this purpose. My greatest success has been by way of servitors. I have one associated with my favorite yoga towel and one connected to a small statue that is visible in my workout space.

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