Girls, Women, whatever

Let me read this all now

There’s also what happened with me and my ex she was my manager but one night when I was working and I quote “that’s why I love you” after that I guess she was super into me (for awhile atleast sigh)

I quit and she started messaging me and it went from there :man_shrugging:t2:

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But I must ask, what is wrong with an animalistic nature? It is not the nature of a human that is the issue, but how the human chooses to act on that nature. That is one of the things that really set us apart from other animals; we have the choice to act in ways not consistent with our nature. Animalistic urges, in the hands (minds) of human beings can lead to great introspection, which in turn can lead to great things. Technology is no substitute for the long-term development of a species. Also, there is a bold assumption in that path of thinking in that we are just now hitting newer, greater levels of technology than ever before. It is entirely within the realm of possibility that our species has risen and fallen several times; whatever level of technology they had attained did not stop this from happening. Why would our current level of tech make that any different on this go-around? Our technology may be advancing at an amazing rate, but our spirituality is stagnating. How does this lead to great things?

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There’s a conflict between the conscious agent (human-side) and the subconscious (the animal). Namely, it’s a source of unhappiness, war, tribalism, etc.

Our current technology can’t fix the issue, but I’m optimistic when it comes to transhumanism. I’m sure that technology in the future will be able to help us advance further, and separate us from our ape ancestors.

By the way, sex robots and artificial wombs are on their way, which will cause a major shift. By altering the reproduction dynamics, you also pull other strings, and abolish many issues that our society faces today. The next step would be alterations of the genetic code, as well as the brain. If we could modify humans to be truly human, godlike even, then we would see a much superior society than what we see today.

Obviously my views come off as idealistic, but you have to understand that our governments, the society itself, everything related to society is built around the reproductive instinct, and other aspects of our ape-like nature. And dare I say, you can alter reality drastically if you play around with these instincts.

PS. yes, there are good aspects to our nature, and those aspects should be kept. I’m saying that the negative, primitive, and counterproductive strategies for our day and age should be abolished.

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There have been some horrible experiments with baby monkeys, raising them with frames coated in fur in place of mothers - they didn’t turn out so well. I don’t want to google that shit because it upsets me but if you search terms about attachment theory monkey experiment and stuff, and “pit of despair” you should find some of the links.

Wouldn’t it be simpler to find what makes each sex tick, find what compromises we are willing to make, and work from there? :thinking:

Redesigning the species and all our child-bearing facilities just because in the sixties we were told that the smallest transient twinge of lust was the moral arbiter of All Things seems a bit daft IMO…


Nope, because both sexes have unrealistic standards of each other. They’re indoctrinated, and this indoctrination runs very deep. The children end up suffering either way. Look at how many of them end up being criminals because of “single mothers are good!” agenda.

it’s like this:

A. Abolish feminism, and collectively reprogram everyone

B. Make sex robots and artificial womb, and start over with the newer generations

Choose the more plausible option. :wink:

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C. Let whatever’s going on in the social collective take its course lol


C is actually the B I had listed. Because the inventions I mentioned are already in the making. This is the course it’s taking. This is a response to the insanity that is upon the society.

There is an increasing backlash happening against this though, women seeing through the pressure to be a 12% bodyfat/44DD who somehow esoterically walks the line between “frigid” and “slut” while running her own company, and never settling down with no man… the standards have gone beyond “hey, go with your urges no matter how base” to totally absurd.

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People have been saying society is insane probably since the beginning of humanity. There was a time when people thought forks were going to destroy society.

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X. Be living gods. Make ourselves a future we can enjoy, and that we want for our children/the next generation. :wink:

Since when do we EVER have to accept the default offering as a valid limitation? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


The urges are the basis of this madness. They’re just adding more building blocks, y’know?

This will be my last rational moment regarding the whole of humanity. It’s my world now. My rules. I think this discussion is what needed to happen. Feels good.


I like big breasts


What are you doing on that incestpool anyway? :rofl:

I have to be honest the girls of BALG are spot on. These are attractive women, and I don’t even know what they look like. There is a lot that can be said for being with one’s own kind.
Out there in the world or the muggles I’m not much other than that guy who everything seems to strangely work out for. The “lucky guy” who’s enemies suddenly become plagued by streams of coincidences that destroy their lives. But here my power is recognized for what it is. It’s appreciated amongst my own.
I hear a lot of men complaining about women having complete control of the dating scene. You are magicians not victims. Take control, I honestly don’t know why you guys bother with muggle women they’re spoiled rotten brats. Get yourself a black magick woman who has a good head and a good heart and you boys will do just fine.


That’s actually very disrespectful to say. You’re basically shaming him just for looking for casual sex. He never said he wanted to trick them into a relationship and then cheat. Just because a guy is looking for a non-traditional relationship doesn’t mean he doesn’t respect women. In fact, what you’re saying is what is truly disrespectful. Because any woman who reads your comment would think she’s stupid and doesn’t respect herself if she wants something other than a traditional relationship. I may not have the best relationships with women, but I’ve met plenty of them who want a traditional relationship and they can be dumb as fuck, or at least so insecure they believe they need a boyfriend/husband to be happy with themselves. I’ve also met women who are involved with non-monogamous relationships, or just like to hook up, and they’re incredibly intelligent, strong, independent, and individualistic.

If you favor traditional monogamy, that’s fine. But, don’t shame someone else who’s not on the same path.


No I do not feel it was disrespectful at all I was giving adive and I do not appreciate you speaking to me like that all.

I voiced my opinion …

If you want to speak on this privately so be it. But do not call me out publicly again.

If he wants a private hook up for just sex that needs to stated up front. And that was a very old post.

I will not be used and I’m sure most women feel that way.
And after reading my original post I see I said just that if he wants a piece of ass there ya go if he wants a smart girl that doesn’t want to just be used then he needs to step his game up. If you can’t handle someone being told to step their game up then fine.

And this is the milder version of what I had to say.

But I stand behind what I said.

Ive had just for fun relationship and I’ve been married but I want to know up front what’s going before I get involved.



And none of that is disrespectul :thinking: