Girls, Women, whatever

So it’s ok to call girls dumb just because they dont share your train of thoughts

But hells bells don’t give someone adive to step their game up to get "smart girls "


Be European…

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I’m only quoting a small piece of your reply but I agree.

Sarcastically nahhh

…see this why I don’t bother anymore. Just kinda kills the fun when, what’s already a numbers game, is rigged against you in the first place.

Meh, fuck it. got better things to do.

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Heterosexual relationships are largely, if not mostly, about status (on the man’s end). If you don’t want the game to be rigged, and want a partner that badly, move to a poorer country. Suddenly, you’ll find yourself attractive to a lot of women.

…It’s almost as if society has lied about what women truly find attractive in a man.


Meh, fuck the game, if it ain’t fun, it ain’t worth playing.

…and frankly, that only serves to repulse me further.


You’ve been sold a lie that women want one kind of man, in the past people knew better but then along came feminism and the “nice at all costs” mind-virus, which was well dig-in by the time most of us were born, now you’re writing yourself out the gene pool because the reality was diffferent?

No offence intended there but it is what it is…


Actually I’m not going off of what I’ve been told, I’m going off of concrete experience.

…and no offense taken. :slight_smile:


Our sex drive is still running stone age programs, men who realise this succeed, men who think they need to feminise and play Mr Nice the Metrosexual do not.

Sad but true.

Look at all the chicks on here fucking demons, and not just randoms either, usually the most powerful demonic Kings! There is literally no rational explanation for this, in a modern feminist paradigm.

We should be creating obedient egregores who defer us at every turn and are good listeners, if that model is correct.

This is observably NOT what is happening.

Better I shatter some illusions in a post you guys can walk away from, maybe angry and maybe stinging, but then compare it against observable reality, than leave you living a lie and waking up one day lonely and miserable after years of fucked up heartbreak, self-doubt, and resentment, to realise you’ll have no legacy except a handful of ashes.

Women are not your friends, we’re not just like you only in fuckable bodies - our psyche is different, and our desires are not what you’ve been told.

Get used to that and you can have a happy love life, happy marriage, and more. Deny it and end up bitter, broken, and unloved.


Seriously, this is one of the many reasons I respect you. You don’t sugarcoat, you don’t bullshit people about this. And you’re a woman!


Yes, yes, a million times yes!

I don’t judge women (anymore, I used to in my less conscious days, as I’d like to call them) for this, but I do not appreciate perpetuation of lying that set so many men up for failure. Not only that, but by lying, women will unhappy, too, because men will try to be more like the archetype women don’t actually find attractive.

Now, I DON’T condone emulating and copying in this context, but the fact of the matter is, men do this. Men want a woman, or more women, in their lives, so they try to conform to standards women tell them which aren’t even true.

It’s this propaganda that’s hurting both women and men imho. Just say “I want a high status male who is better than most of my options” and you’ll motivate men (who are sadly conformists) to try to become this, even though it’s a rat’s race, but whatever.

On the other hand, perhaps it’s for the better. There are so many possibilities, and I’ve only listed one. Perhaps feminism and this lie that women tell are blessings in disguise (which is what I’m more inclined to believe).

Yeah, it’s just as you said. A game. A rat’s race. There’ll always be someone higher status than you. And people (not just women) are generally as loyal as their options allow them.

Personally, I stay away from relationships because I think they’re a hinderence in one’s ascent. To ascend in this lifetime, you need to dedicate yourself so much. Relationships are hard work, so either your ascent or relationship’s going to suffer. Setting up one’s own priorities is crucial.

in Aza’s defense, I think genepools are overrated. The soul is immortal, and physical immortality is just around the corner (for the masses, but it can be achieved through magick as well). Trust me, sexual reproduction will in the long run be obsolete.

Ps. Yeah, I do realize many women don’t lie on purpose; they just don’t know what they want. Still, my point stands. There are also many women who lie on purpose so that they don’t feel bad about themselves and so that others don’t judge them. Scientists have confirmed that women have a strong tendency to give socially acceptable answers, even if they’re completely untrue.

edit: so many typos lmfaooo cba fixing them all.


One can be alone and unloved without being bitter, you know :stuck_out_tongue: You don’t need to be married to have a fulfilling life. But you probably know that; I suspect you just worded that part badly.


Nope, intentionally, I think for most people having someone to truly love and be loved in return is going to make them happier than not, let’s face it this always comes up ON dating topics, after all, where guys are really just trying to fill that gap of a female companion.

I think we agree on most things, just not this - and I don’t think letting smart people die out is a good idea, we’re nowhere near there yet with gene editing.

Most magicians are proud of their heritage, be it mixed or not, one ancestor who was powerful or a whole line of ancestral witches etc… wiping that out because dating is hard work seem to me to be a gamble not worth taking. :man_shrugging:

Stupid people breed abundantly because they follow their instincts, smart people are often too short-sighted to see what effect that will have in 50 or 100 years time.

Survival is! :+1:

Homo sapiens are no different in that respect than any other animal, even spirits war over attention, energy the kinds of resources THEY use.

“Let’s all be nice and share” works until you meet someone who doesn’t want to be nice, and doesn’t care if you know it.

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I bolded the crucial part. Most people aren’t aware of the spiritual reality, so they chase pointless material things such as “love” (which is an overrated chemical reaction imo). I use air quotes because True Love is a spiritual thing capable of manipulating energies and reality around you. What most people refer to as love is just an off-shoot of lust, a brain response to specific stimuli.

Once you’ve realized that all of this is a matrix which can be transcended or bent to your desire, and really internalized it, you’ll be far, far less likely to pursue such a primitive biological thing :stuck_out_tongue:

Because they’re caught up in the illusion, in my opinion.

Nah, breeding is ultimately pointless, I tell you. Give it a few decades, and you’ll see what I mean.

I agree with this, but that’s why I would make a case fir having that part of your life sorted out, so that you have that companion in power - I know when I work with my husband on a shared goal, we accomplish so much more than individually. :man_shrugging:

Bit of a gamble if you’re wrong, nothing to lose if you’re right, but if you’re not inclined to want a family that’s your free will choice. :smiley:


Well more power to you, then. I have a method of generating this energy on my own, and you have yours.

I’m 98% certain that my belief about the future on this matter is correct. Just give it time, and see. If I’m wrong, you, and everyone else on BALG, can slap me in the astral or the physical or wherever we may end up when stuff happens.


Thanks Eva, but I’ve heard most of this before, and it feels as disingenuous now, as it did then.

No offense, I’m just done here, I’ll avoid these topics from now on.

Sorry to be a buzzkill.

…speaking of buzzes…


Nope, I am being sincere and honest going by what I believe, I could choose standpoints that have far more mass appeal if I wanted to be truly disingenous.

But you’re welcome to just plain disagree, and if you want to end a topic notifiying you, select Normal or Muted from the button below the last post on it - Muted stops it showing up on Latest for you as well. :+1:

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I’m aware of the definition, I didn’t say you WERE being disingenuous, I said, it FELT that way.

Frankly, I’m not gonna go into the whole story, it’s long, and no one wants to hear it, least of all, me. Suffice to say, I have my reasons.

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@Ashtoreth @Lady_Eva im loving where you guys have taken the conversation… i agree with a lot of what you two are saying, and its something ive thought about myself. I dont think i could ascend and have a typical relationship with a woman at the same time. Part of me just wants to cycle through women through purely friends with benefits relationships…but part of me does kind of want to have kids. It really is all about status though. There’s some really good okcupid data on this which shows how much your response rate improves the richer you are as a guy

notice how the guys making over 100k are having a damn easy time, regardless of age xD. And woe to the man making under 50k… Marriage really is no longer a spiritual union. it has nothing to do with love. its a business transaction which is taken advantage of by women, which explains why women rarely marry men that make less money than they do. This is also why the suggestion to move to a poorer country was a good one, because the standards of what makes one rich in the eyes of women changes from place to place. In a country like ukraine for instance, or poland…making maybe 50k per year is the “rich cutoff” line. Smart guys are realizing what the marriage game is and are checking out…but by checking out, they arent passing that knowledge on to any children, so to lady evas point, the smart people aren’t really creating more smart people, so society dumbs down.

i too am starting to think love is a bit overrated. its really just chemical reactions often mistaken for love, but its really just heightened lust, or heightened need for protection/provision. If extraterrestrials are out there (and i do believe they are) …id be surprised if they still sexually reproduced. i think they probably live very long lives, in part due to what we would call magick.

But yeah, as for me, i think i’ll end up gathering some wealth, moving to a place like china or russia that is poorer and has less feminist influence, and play the field like a pimp. Then when im 40/50, settle down and pop out some kids after ive had a good 10 to 20 years of ascension


Check this study out:

here’s a quote from it, “As predicted, women found sexual imagery distasteful when it was used to promote a cheap product, but this reaction to sexual imagery was mitigated if the product promoted was expensive. This pattern was not observed among men. Furthermore, we predicted and found that sexual ads promoting cheap products heightened feelings of being upset and angry among women.”

Marriage was always a business deal, in my opinion. In traditionalist days this was way more than obvious. As society became more liberal, the lines got blurred so it seemed spiritual. Until it got way too liberal. Then the nature of female sexuality and mating strategies became clear for all to see.