Ghost Banishings

HI just wanna ask if anyone here has incantations/methods to banish/destroy/etc to get rid of ghosts…

@C.Kendall @DarkestKnight

Please use the :mag_right: at the top right of your screen. You will find the search button there. This question has been answered a couple thousand times probably already. Same protocol for “ghosts” as with any other spirit so just searching the term “banish” should be more then suffiencent.

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tried it already, nothing specifically on my particular problem about having a ghost around with bad energy, tried rituals too

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You’d banish a ghost and bad energy in very similar methods. What do both ghosts and bad energy have in common? Energy. So you banish that.

What methods did you use?

Here is a good thread that should be helpful.


LBRP, KoF Incantations, i might be dealing with something different, not too sure, ive tried investigating it too, doesnt give me a clear answer

im guessing its Sumerian, and idk any Sumerian Banishing rites

What about cleansing? Wards, and other banishing methods? Did you try using Luna?

(Luna is a servitor that one of the forum members so kindly made to provide some extra support in situations just like these)

sage, salt, everthing ive tried, didnt work

Your guessing? Even if it is Sumerian you don’t need a sumarian specific banishing ritual, any will do. It’s your intent and will that’s counts. Technically we wouldn’t even need fancy rituals, we have all we need - ourselves but rituals and the tools can help .


been here for a week, might actually ask lucifer to help. thanks for your input

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Do you know how to evoke? If your having issues with getting rid of something that is unwanted, why would you want to risk attracting more? I would get the basics down (and be confident in them) before evoking spirits. Although maybe writing a petition would be okay, not sure.


yes i can invoke, i have an altar for lucifer too, and yes i have a good habit of banishing before and after rituals

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i also have Micah’s Seal of Manifestation to keep away any impostors or parasites during my invocation

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Hmm okay, well I can’t stop you. I’m just trying to point out that despite all that, you still have unwanted “visitors” that you asked for help with… Having a good habit of doing something doesn’t always equate to being successful doing so?

However if you already have a good relationship with Lucifer, I certainly see no harm.


If you’re sure it’s a ghost, have you tried petitioning a psychopomp?


Michael doesn’t care, neither does Lucifer. They will either destroy or banish.

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These two things.

Are not the same.


Oh, I missed that point! Well, lol thanks! My point I was trying to make to the OP still stands then :sweat_smile:.


Yeah you answered pretty damn good. I just had to add that because they need whoever they evoke to interact with the outside world not within themselves unless they’re causing the activity.