Ghost Banishings

Hekate can deal with ghosts.


Most definitely.


I know it’s besides the point but just wanted to ask

Michael and Lucifer - both Donot care and am assuming are neutral.

So if I ask them for hel in regard to anything in my life - they won’t help?

And also I was just imagining in my head that Lucifer appeared to me in a human form, drop dead gorgeous and he complimented my hair.

I got a text from a colleague , who hardly ever texts me , said Hey your hair looks really nice - am I paranoid or this is a sign?

Sorry , it ain’t related to the thread topic

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No, they’ll help. They just don’t care if an entity is Sumerian they can destroy it just the same as if they’re Christian.

I’ve worked with Lucifer so much he’s the last entity I would fear. He’s Michael’s brother.

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Try Egon Spengler, Peter Venkman, Ray Stantz or even Wiston Zeddemore. They are pretty good a busting ghosts.

Ok all ghost buster jokes aside. You have been given some solid advice, check out the previous posts on this subject. There are absolutely tons of them.

And as already stated if its just ghost problems petition a psychopomp.


i keep chimes throughout the house that ring out at irregular intervals bc of ceiling fans, air conditioning, opening windows etc, that seems to do the trick of getting rid of stagnant energy quite well.

I came here looking for a way to banish the energy of a soul from the house that it is attached too. This old man won’t leave the house he died in so I want to know how he can be shoved out the doors for good.

Contact a psychopomp entity to help him move on. They can force him, if necessary.

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Thanks Darkestknight! I already learned about that on this thread though but I appreciate your help. If you want to know the story, a discord friend of mine claims his house is haunted by the ghost of the previous inhabitant who is causing negative emotions.