Get rid of my Islam crisis trauma with magick

But what does it mean to make something similar and who can judge?

Mmhhhhhh :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

Muslims cannot because they will be bias.

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hey, i was from this religion, lol
for the verse, you can use chatGPT and ask it to make another version of quran, just like this
ā€œplease make a sentence with quran language style about the sacrifice of lamb just like al hajj : 34-35, but with more beautiful pronunciationā€
and boom! you got a more beautiful poet than quran does.

I still got blend with them, as long as you donā€™t offend them, youā€™ll be save
yesterday i try to offend them, and guess whatā€¦ their faces turn into rage, lol

The option @Lux_Anguis gave is not a bad one.
Part of the various Blasphemy Rites is taking various holy books and destroying them. In case of the Quran you can also smear pigs blood on it, maybe especialy on certain passages that have special meaning to them.

C. Kendall has such a rite in his Challenge of Darkness:

As for spirits, maybe Iblis or Ahriman as adversaries in the middle eastern currents. Or maybe Belial as he is The One Without Master.

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Belial can break me free from the influence?

Belial can certainly help you break you free of masters or that which has mastery over you.

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So I can request ā€œbreak me free from any islamic influence on meā€?

He will be of help in that regard, since he seems to be big on autonomy and self sufficiency in my experience. Meditate on his energy and essence with the intent to break free of the slavery islam put on you and/ or invoke him to help you loosen the grip islam has on you

You might also involve him in a blasphemy rite.
A typical blashemy rite has at least these 4 parts:

  1. Calling on forces of darkness and adversity (this is where you would involve Belial by, for instance, evoking him and asking him to aid and stand by you as you break the shackles that islam put on you)
  2. Defilement (spitting, smearing with pigs blood or bacon grease, stabbing with knive or athame) of the books and idols of great importance (which would be the quran in your case)
  3. Rejecting the god(s), prophets and philosophies (if any particular priests or imams have power over you, you could involve them as well in this part) and claim your own godhood
  4. An active banishment of the god (Allah), prophets and other influences on you.

I could write out a sort of template of how Iā€™ve done mine, if you like. But Iā€™ve found it pretty powerful to spent a lot of time and energy creating and, sort of, choreographing my personal version of this ritual.

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So I do not need a verbal request to Belial. I invoke him and he watches me destroy the quran with bacon on with my ritual knife. If I cannot burn the quran because my altar is to small can I just send it to the garbage can?

If you dont want it here you can PM me.

Why destroy a holy book!? destroy your belief, you are not in a war of crusade? itā€™s far from ā€œmatureā€

Because the OP apparently connects the book to intrusive and/or traumatizing thought patterns. For a lot of people destroying something symbolical in that context can bring a sense of power and control back into the situation. They are reclaiming their thoughts and their energy while doing so. If it helps the OP to claim back their power its a constructive magical working :bulb:


as you say by destroying the mirror I demolished my face!! be attached to the good or evils block us

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Not really but, why not? This is magick, and as pointed out itā€™s symbolic and highly psychological.

Sounds greatā€¦ what do you suggest then? Itā€™s all very well rejecting the ideas people have put effort in to suggest but what can you give to the OP to actually help him?

Iā€™ve got nothing as Iā€™m Aquarian, and my attitude is if you donā€™t appreciate a thing, walk away, it doesnā€™t need any more attention. You only strengthen what you fight by putting yet more attention on it. Most of the time, if you give it some space and focus on other things your emotional attachment naturally fades away. But thatā€™s very me.

Hey @Kristian

I hope youā€™re doing well. I wanted to reach out and offer my assistance with your spiritual journey and any troubles you may be facing. Iā€™ve actually created something called a servitor, specifically designed to help heal any trauma you may be experiencing.

If youā€™re interested, all you have to do is simply share your traumas with the servitor by speaking them into this special symbol, known as a sigil. You can use it on your computer or cellphone screen, or if you prefer a physical copy, feel free to print it out.

Take a look at the attached sigil:

I genuinely wish you the best of luck, and if thereā€™s anything I can do to support you along the way, please donā€™t hesitate to reach out. Youā€™re not alone in this, my friend.


You can do whatever work you want to do amd what feels would help you. A.petition would work as well, perhaps. Belial is one of the spirits that can help you

Itā€™s just my personal recommendation to do some sort of blasphemy rite. In that you are the operator, the accuser and the artist, you donā€™t ask and wait for a spirit to help you. Like A_Pariah said, it serves as a means to reclaim your thoughts and energy by yourself. Even if you get no magickal result from this ritual, it can still be very cathartic.

The magie is a tool like mirror permet you to correct the light ! we are not the left hand or the right hand we are a already aliving god ! my left hand never destroy my right handā€¦
I suggested in other post to use the autosuggestion for correcting our belives

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Donā€™t worry boy, even if he go and destroy the Kaaba that trauma wonā€™t be healed.

A very good point, but he wonā€™t see it and all these people wonā€™t even see it. To destroy such trauma a person must understand his inner self only that he will have a way to get out.

But I wish him good luckā€‹:blush::blush:

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Sometimes in order to set off that autosuggestion you need a grand gesture like destroying that which was once considered holy to you.

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