Get rid of my Islam crisis trauma with magick

Instilling the anger youll need to make the personal steps youll must do on your way to break free, but i am sure if you are open for his sugestions hel lead you to actions wich on his perspective will help you to certainly breaking free of it . But work for the begining to it slowly so you get acustomed to the energys of him . Because it can lead you to impulsivenes on both ways the good of you as of bad side of you to achieve your desires in these personal aspects, so a certain level of a good self discipilne is expected from you on the higher stages but best is from the begining till end of your spiritual operations working with him.

Sounds like I must wait with working with him in the first place as I’m not so discipline. This islam crisis have weaken me at the moment. I have general symptoms of anxiety.


Why so scared?Thats why i sugested working slowly with him i am sure if you are sincere in your aproach and do as much as you can on your level, it and he will empower you to peform the initiations he has install for you.

He does not abandon anyone who is sincerely trying to break free from his enemys that are yours the same.

Its just his nature wich have qualitys that we humans do not find desirable just like other qualitys we want to have similare how we are we are perfectly imperfect or flawed .

Nothing can be 100 prozent perfect at we, most of the times in these realms we generaly are living now.

Sometimes, first a Chaos is needed to establish an new order in ones life.

Who was Shaitan in ancient times?

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It seems you are only introducing new problems instead of solutions to fix them. Rather than control you offer new neurosis with that thoughtform which is immersed into the false reality of the existence of that which Islam speaks.

I have looked into solutions. Since I can feel my islam anxiety in the sola plexus I’m about to prepare a ritual supplying with my skills in vampirism to balance the sola plexus. I also study how I can invoke Leviathan and get him to clean my subconsciosness where my trauma may origins in. I also look at Marbas as he is known to be a healer also.

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Well i just sugested what helped me let him make his own decisions. If it does not resonate with him than he should stay away from it if yes,why not.I just dont like pussying around too much every expirience if good or bad makes one only stronger when it is overcome🤷🏻‍♂️ thats my take on it. @Eldred_Darkthorn

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If you want to dissolve your trauma you should definitely look into going to a ayahuasca retreat it’ll help soo much!! Good luck on ur journey

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You do have a point. I should add it and I really appreciate it if you channeled that sigil just for me, so again thank you.

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What is that?

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Kristian can you channel?

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No, I have no experience with working with spirits in general. My practice have been dedicated to sympathetic magick.

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Try to channel the advesraial spirit of shaitan iblis for your personal liberation is the best way for the most personal growth. This above sigil of Shaitan has been allready used in many of my rites where the destruction of such systems inwardly as of outwadly had been peformed so thats why i find it a waste to not taping into it.For Instead creating a new one wich is more raw and the link more weak if the intelligence manifests weaker or maybe even potentially stronger than before but on that i dont give a dime,so i dont do that,except if i am guided too per my instinct or guide.

ayahuasca is a plant based brew that you drink to connect with the spirit of ayahuasca, and the spirit help you work through your inner subconscious problems and dissolve them at a rapid pace, definitely read the reddit about it it has a lot more info about it


Gazing at the sigil and chant the enn. Can Iblis himself see in my system where that must be removed to free me?

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When creating the sigil to further empower it allready vibrate his name and or his enn at the time of drawing.

Than Just look at the symbol for at least ten minutes than chant around 108 to 216 times or how much you wanna and say to shaitan your objective to him what you want to achieve make the whole process as creative as you want and how you is guided to peform.

For the beginig thats more than enough. When you trust the process and you are consistant with it on a daily basis youll see and expirience how it will manifest the initiations of liberation for your circumstances.

Do it a month 2 weeks three days, a year.But the baseline is one month is good to see any significant change.

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Can it be done through psychodramatic acts instead of words?

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You see be creative , salt and pepper it how you need it ,yes make psychodramas yes make poetrys yes make film or burn stuff it doesnt matter.You must realize the process for you should be also exciting and a thrill you keeping your creative floodgates runing otherwhise the energys are stalmate and things hardly change you must make creative chaotic actions to make a deep impression in you on so many levels youll need for your liberation you seek.

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I can also write the request with the color red and burn it in my bowl after chanting the Enn. He would know?

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Yes of course give him also some offerings like blood a candle your love artwork,incenses . But because you are a beginner i suggest working on him for longer periods of time if what you wanna do doesnt suffise the results on one take,and have patience,it will manifest and if really slowly,later down the road if that think happened youll exactly know deep inside of you what it whas,youll feel the signature of energys.