Get rid of my Islam crisis trauma with magick

I never understood what a thoughtform is.

Basically its like a spirit but less advanced. If a spirit were a sentient being a thoughtform would be akin to say a single celled organism or a simple animal in terms of complexity though they can be quite smart it is nonetheless lesser even if it has amassed huge amounts of power its abilities are lesser. Basically it is a thought that has taken a life of its own even if still dependent on being fed from other beings. Those that enslave others become parasites and most fall into this category manifesting as adverse behavior, addiction, religion, politics, and the like that interfere with true existence while others are tools or intentionally created for a purpose. Most spells are thoughtforms for example albeit simple and robotic with no independent thought beyond a task. Most rituals create thoughtforms, most invocations summon thoughtforms rather than true spirits, they can in time evolve into true spirits but they tend to lack something that would let that happen and because of that they are like computer programs that can be hacked.

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Can that be the reason for my islam crisis trauma?

Iā€™ve already said it is. Religions are parasites. Massive amalgamations of thoughtforms from collective belief and if they sense weakness they will latch onto that and work to convert more into feeding it. At the same time you can just ignore it and utilize that mass of psychic energy for yourself if desired. They target faults in your own mind and consciousness so the cause is ultimately whatever fault in your own mind that gives it a hold to influence. It is how politicians and cult leaders manipulate people though it is hard to say which is more sentient given they all tend to be braindead.

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I try to figure out also why Islam effects me so much. Last time I destroyed it with debunking the so-called scientific miracles in the quran. When Iā€™m into ritual chamber and meditate on earth element my anxiety is gone but right after ritual is done it comes back a hour later.

I can see there have been people who is said to produce something like that. Even if the quran is inimitability would that even be a proof of itā€™s divine origins?

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Perhaps debunking is not the way as all miracles recorded are possible though for the large part only by trained magicians and it is what the origin of it all was meant to teach. Rejection of its corruption of the truth is more along the lines to follow. It is a book of lies to obscure truth and enslave the lesser human so you have to elevate your mind above such things. This mostly an internal quandary you have to work on and refine such as why any religion holds attraction to you instead of inspiring outright disgust as a collection of lies and parasites. Every religion has two sides the religious side for the cattle and the mystical side for those that know the truth and donā€™t buy into dogma or religion other than as a ruse to hide their nature.


So it is possible that the quran is inimitability but because Muhammed or those who wrote it was trained magicians?

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Gonna go out on a limb here and suggest good old fashioned therapy, specifically someone who does deal with traumas. Trauma is something your brain has adapted to and has learned to deal with and has formed many of your thoughts and opinions.

You need to unlearn these behaviors by first figuring out your beliefs, responses, and triggers. Teaching your brain to relearn patterned behaviors from trauma is very hard and a long process, but its worth it.

Right now Im working with Leviathan to get through my traumas. Best of luck!

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The lord of water that cleans the trauma from your subconsciosness I presume?

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More like brings the trauma to the surface and makes you face them and work through them. Levi and I do weekly meditations by a river (until winter hits) and thats where we talk a lot through whats bothering me. Sometimes I get clear answers and other times I dont. Thats usually a deeper issue that Im not ready to face yet.

Throughout the week, Levi will pop in when Im stressed or emotional and will remind me that there is a healthy response, or that Im doing well in my journey from how I react to something.

Leviathan is more of a hands on teacher and makes you work for the end result, but hes been gentle and kind to me so far. I would like to think theres a level of respect between us.

Water can be a gentle element, but it can also destroy and take life. Respect it as you would respect fire.


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I donā€™t think so.

Perhaps some of the early years with Jibril (archangel Gabriel around here) were divine.

Some parts donā€™t seem divine at all.

What is divine about sleeping with your dead aunt, eating flies, or attacking people and dividing up booty. How many times does the word booty even appear in this book? Too many.

I donā€™t see the word booty in any other book that claims divinity. That one always shocks me.

So those parts donā€™t seem divine at all. Even the very few people with low empathy on BALG never talk about anything like that. Even so-called satanists here tend to be protective of vulnerable people. Very protective!

So are those parts of the book even from Shaytan? Iā€™m not so sure.

If you see the amount of love and kindness here on what some call an ā€œevilā€ forum, itā€™s pretty astounding. Iā€™m as shocked at the goodness of this forum as I am shocked to see the word ā€œbootyā€ in supposedly religious texts. Thereā€™s probably more divinity here, honestly, at least at times!

Also ā€” what kind of divine creature, that created EVERYTHING no less, demands 1/5th of all booty?

That is just bizarre. Basic logic tells us this isnā€™t divine.

As you can learn from BALG alone, even demons and dark gods donā€™t even ask you to attack others, collect booty, then divide it up with them.

No Muhammed was basically a cracked out lunatic for all intents and purposes. The quran and the bible are all bastardizations of original Judiac texts which in itself where bastardizations of others that held these occult secrets. In short it is a bad fan fiction of a bad fan fiction. Nothing in inimitable even so called gods can be imitated and created from scratch if you know how. If something canā€™t be imitated it is simply because the original feat was such an accomplishment no one has openly reached that level yet that has bothered to try recreating it.

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Thatā€™s also what I thought. I had in mind to invoke these 3 goddess to teach me to produce something like the quran but my question was if it was really worth the time. Another thing was who could judge whatever it was produced something like that or not. The islamic scholars would probably reject it as a result of their bias and cognitive dissonance.

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I wouldnā€™t bother with gods or spirits. Too many of them are nothing but parasites or thoughtforms. Focus on developing your own power. Miracles are not produced by spirits but by ones own power and ability. Cutting your reliance on outside beings will also let you more freely utilize their powers as tools under your will and utilize thoughtforms and religions for their masses of energy without adverse effect. If you want to produce a religious text just study politicians, cult leaders, hypnosis, nlp, marketing, and combine that into a religious book to start your own cult. That is basically what these religions and their works amount to with a bit of useful stuff inside but you do that and you have successfully recreated the quran for what effects it has on the human mind just lacking the few centuries of built up psychic energy.

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I see youā€™ve read the book. Itā€™s so nice to see someone objective.

Since he lost most of his children, combined with the quality and creativity of his ideas, and the intensity of both his sex drive and how self righteous he was, I suspect syphilis.

Does that seem about right?

Any theories?

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I donā€™t much care why or how he died. I donā€™t assign that much significance to him just like I donā€™t assign much significance to modern politicians, religious leaders, or shit on the sidewalk. Iā€™m sure if you make it seem important enough people would worship a pile of shit on the sidewalk for a few centuries as well.


I have here a personal channeled Sigil and description of Shaitan im pretty sure he will instill in you the anger and actions needed to free yourself from this malsi Bullcrap.

Shaitans sigil the radiant one.
It is my version of shaitan how he imersed himself into my being and ritual, translated into this sigil

He has a very dark like dark that eats light kind of body and surrounding it darkred orange flames.He has no legs it looks often just like a whirlwind or a infinite downloop of a dark tornado ending at a needle top point.

He is quick to appear in your minds eye and temple if you use it.

This specific shaitan is irascible and can muster in the conjourer strong anger so be caucious when interacting with him in this he is also quick to anger and quicker to respond to your respektless bullshit intentionally or not. BUT powerfull in revenge spell or spells that are for abrahamic deprograming or against theire system for a curse. Also good for stronger impulsive life if you want something you will just start go get it in any matterā€¦ Good or bad. So you should have a set of good self control when performing internal alchemy with him. This must be aplicable for a sustainable self growth-transformation.

His element. I just call it extreme fire. You will know what i mean by thatā€¦

His Enn.


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Does it only install anger in me or will he teach me how to free myself from the islamic influence?